Rubio Protest Rally Monday – the Backlash Begins
This week, a “dirty dozen” of so-called “Republican” Senators, voted to spit in the face of our President. It wasn’t about the Constitution, and it wasn’t about the “separation of powers” or the hallowed “appropriations process”. It was spite, pure and simple. You expect this kind of anti-Trump crap from the usual suspects – Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Toomey, even the flaky and unpredictable... [Read More...]
Get Ready for the Fight
Right off the bat there are two issues we need to be familiar with and take very seriously. The Democrats are moving full steam ahead with their tyrannical game plan. We must be ready to take these issues head on as they have no plans on slowing down any time soon. Issue number one; On Friday March 8th, the House Democrats passed HR 1, 234-193. It’s named the “For the People Act” and it is anything but “for the people.” Adam Brandon, President... [Read More...]
Loren Spivak at all 3 Chapters in April
Join us in April as all three chapters host “Free Market Warrior” Loren Spivack, the popular author, economist, political activist, and highly sought after speaker on economics and small government. Loren Spivack AND, at the Abacoa meeting, please welcome our new Supervisor of elections: Wendy Sartory Link To RSVP, click on the links below: td {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} th {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} Jupiter Monday... [Read More...]
Loren Spivak at Wellington
td {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} th {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} Wellington Wednesday April 3, 6:30pm Wellington Community Center Read More →
Loren Spivak at Boca Raton
td {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} th {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} Boca Tuesday April 2, 6:30pm Boca Community Center Read More →
Loren Spivak and SOE Wendy Link at Abacoa
td {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} th {width:25%;border: 1px solid black;padding:5px;} Jupiter Monday April 1, 6:30pm, buffet at 5:30pm Abacoa Golf Club Read More →
My Rant AOC-Enomics and my New Deal
Am I the only one that is totally fed up with the day-in and day-out praising of the arrogant and brainless tyrant known as AOC? I am the only one that feels like their IQ drops by at 10 points every time AOC opens her mouth and lectures us about morality and how we will all die if we don’t save the planet with the Green New Deal? Half the time I have no idea what she is talking about. “It’s like you know I just feel like we need to have... [Read More...]
Dr. Peter Pry at Abacoa on March 4
Please join us on Monday, March 4, 2019 as the Jupiter Chapter hosts Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and SPECIAL GUEST CONGRESSMAN BRIAN MAST Dr. Pry, a CIA Executive Director and Member of Task Force on National Security and Homeland Security, Director of U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum is the author of Blackout Wars. An expert on protection of crucial infrastructures, such as our power grids, he gives insightful and frightening reality to nuclear, man... [Read More...]
Alan Huber at Boca on 3/5
Please join us on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 as the Boca Chapter Hosts: Alan Huber Alan Huber is a Certified Financial Planner™ with more than 3 decades in insurance and financial services. He believes his most important skill is his history of training salespeople and telemarketers. He will explain why.He has an unusual range of expertise, varying from trade show producer to healthcare facility administrator.During the 2009 Obamacare negotiations,... [Read More...]
Alan Huber at Wellington on 3/6
Please join us on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 as the Wellington Chapter Hosts: Alan Huber Alan Huber is a Certified Financial Planner™ with more than 3 decades in insurance and financial services. He believes his most important skill is his history of training salespeople and telemarketers. He will explain why.He has an unusual range of expertise, varying from trade show producer to healthcare facility administrator.During the 2009 Obamacare negotiations,... [Read More...]