Rubio Protest Rally Monday – the Backlash Begins

This week, a “dirty dozen” of so-called “Republican” Senators, voted to spit in the face of our President.

It wasn’t about the Constitution, and it wasn’t about the “separation of powers” or the hallowed “appropriations process”. It was spite, pure and simple.

You expect this kind of anti-Trump crap from the usual suspects – Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Toomey, even the flaky and unpredictable Rand Paul. But to see a Florida Senator with an “R” next to his name show this level of vindictiveness is cause for outrage and disdain.

Marco Rubio would rather open our borders to the world, hamstring the border patrol and ICE, let the flood of opioids, gang bangers, terrorists, human traffickers and phony asylum seekers accelerate unabated until our system falls of its own stupidity.

The current Congress is a joke. The paralysis, corruption and outright evil that passes for Representative Government in this country may be too far gone to save short of throwing all the bums out and starting anew. We now have a President who has laid out a plan and is trying desperately to solve the defining problem of our time. Rubio and his ilk have chosen the wrong side of this battle and deserve to be hounded mercilessly until they either do the job they were sent to do or resign from office.

The backlash begins now. Please join us for a rally in front of the Senator’s office on PGA Boulevard on Monday, 3/18 at 4PM. Bring signs that say what you think of our so-called “Senator”. The office is at 4580 PGA Blvd. Suite 201.

And sending him an email or calling the office wouldn’t hurt either. Let him know that he has really stepped in it this time!


3 Responses to “Rubio Protest Rally Monday – the Backlash Begins”
  1. Al Raden Al Raden says:

    He’s been in D.C. too long. Let’s fix that in the next election.

  2. Greg Black says:

    We as American’s are extremely disappointed in your decision to not support the President and his legal right to secure the border. Your personal feelings about President Trump should not drive your decisions as to how you vote for the people you represent. Drain the Swamp…

  3. Majortomf says:

    This guy sucks. I gave him money 2010. Lots. 2016 little.
    He was a tea party guy for the day of his 2010 election then. Boom #rino.

    I’m out of town tomorrow but I wish I could come.
    Rally HO.

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