Trump-45 Club on the Today Show  Read More →

C.L. Bryant – Prepare to Revolt!

Prepare to Revolt! This was the message from FreedomWorks Senior Fellow C.L. Bryant last evening at Abacoa. If the Democrats are able to deny due process to the President of the United States, just think what they can do to you. We are facing a “New American Order”, and we must fight to keep the White House, take back the House, and win more seats in the Senate in 2020. Bryant, the former Baptist minister, rattled the windows with his... [Read More...]

Congressman Brian Mast on the Impeachment Vote

I’ll be blunt – this impeachment investigation has become an embarrassing circus, completely disconnected from real America, with Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff as ringmasters. After weeks of closed-door meetings and cherry-picked testimonies, the House passed a resolution to formally launch an impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. This resolution gives Chairman Schiff complete control over this investigation including... [Read More...]

C.L. Bryant to Speak in Abacoa, November 4th

There will be no Wellington or Boca meetings in November. Please Join us on Monday, November 4, 2019 at Abacoa for C.L. Bryant C.L. Bryant, a senior fellow at FreedomWorks, is recognized as one of Americas most Dynamic Orators and he is a highly sought after Speaker, Motivator, Activist, Organizer, Gospel Preacher. Current Church affiliation is the Word of God Ministries with Pastor James A. McMenis and located in Shreveport, LA. Monday, November... [Read More...]

Laurie Cardoza-Moore on Textbook Bias

Our October meeting featured Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of PJTN (“Proclaiming Justice to the Nations”). Her organization exposes the corruption of school textbooks that now frequently feature anti-semitic and anti-American messages. “We are the last generation to know the real America” she says, as what we learned is a far cry from what is being taught in today’s public schools. As the insidious bias in modern... [Read More...]

We Stand with the President!

The leaders of Palm Beach County Tea Party, on behalf of our membership, stand with President Trump against the soft coup being attempted by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and any House member of either party who supports what is erroneously being called an “Impeachment Inquiry”. This is just the latest attempt by the deep state, also known as “The Swamp”, to rise up against this man that has the courage to oppose the corruption... [Read More...]

SOC Aaron Vaughn Memorial Ceremony – Jordan River – TUW Israel Trip

Please watch and share this video filmed on The United West 2019 Israel Trip. Aaron Vaughn told his parents that if the USA were to ever abandon the State of Israel in the time of military need, he would fight for Israel. This story resonated with Dr. Ron Wexler, a former IDF Commander setting in motion an arduous on year project. The results from all this hard work are the memorial tree planting along the Jordan River in Israel. Navy Chief Special... [Read More...]

All Bob’s Money

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Laurie Cardoza-Moore at Abacoa 10/7

Please Join us on Monday, October 7, 2019 at Abacoa for Laurie Cardoza-Moore Founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), Laurie Cardoza-Moore is a globally respected “go to” voice on the frontlines of battle for the ideological, social, moral and religious mind of this generation.  As Special Envoy to the United Nations for human rights and anti-Semitism on behalf of 44 million Christians, she has shown leadership in statehouses... [Read More...]

“Democrat Ad”

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