Congressman Brian Mast on the Impeachment Vote

I’ll be blunt – this impeachment investigation has become an embarrassing circus, completely disconnected from real America, with Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff as ringmasters.

After weeks of closed-door meetings and cherry-picked testimonies, the House passed a resolution to formally launch an impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. This resolution gives Chairman Schiff complete control over this investigation including the schedule, witnesses and hearings, including whether they are open or closed to the public.

This publicity stunt vote is a brazen attempt to stack the deck even more in favor of the narrative Democrats want to be true, instead of trying to find the actual truth—it gives Chairman Schiff unilateral power to decide what facts to tell the American people and which ones to hide from them.

The bottom line is that House Democrats have made it clear time and time again that they’re more interested in putting politics and hatred for the President ahead of our country’s best interest. It’s time to end this sham.

Congressman Brian Mast


One Response to “Congressman Brian Mast on the Impeachment Vote”
  1. jeanne eschmann says:


    So yesterday, FOX news was apparently the only media who covered an impromptu “transparency” press conference given by our republican representatives.. I had an opportunity to listen to it in its entirety. I would recommend that all republicans find it and watch it. It is the first bit of hope I’ve heard. I heard a brief blurb, on the 6 p.m. news on a couple of major news networks about how disruptive they were when they pushed their way into this closed door, secret room that Pelosi and Schiff and their minions have commandeered in order to carry out their illegal impeachment process.

    Ironically, each one of the many republican representatives stood at the microphone and asked the same questions I raised in my share yesterday. What is concerning to me is that they are just asking these questions now. Why has it taken this long for them to do what they did today – gather en masse and open the damn doors?

    One of the republicans that spoke actually said – “I hope the American public realizes what is going on.” Seriously ??!!?? “We the people” have “realized” long before you did. We don’t need you to point out that if this can happen to the President .. if these are the new rules being established then any one who is accused of anything has no right to meet the accuser, defend ourselves or even know what is being said/decided behind closed doors as our fate is being decided.

    “We the people” apparently have no voice. We have to sit around and wait for the people who CAN do something to stand up for us. Do what you are paid to do. This is what is so frustrating ! WHO is allowing Pelosi ands her minions to run ramshod over us? We are outraged.

    “We the people” aren’t the ones who can gather together and push those closed doors open. I will admit that today is the first time I have seen any effort on your part to take a stand for us. We are expecting you to keep pushing – open more doors – let the light of transparency shine brightly.

    “We the people are expecting you to fix/stop this. DO SOMETHING! We have your backs – we need you to have ours.

    Just sayin’.


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