Mast and Roth at Stadium Grill
At the June meeting of the PBCTP, District 18 Congressman Brian Mast and District 85 Florida Representative Rick Roth updated a large and boisterous crowd of tea party enthusiasts on their work in their respective chambers.

Being in the minority party when Nancy Pelosi is speaker must be a frustrating experience, as most of what happens goes on with little or no Republican input. If the Republicans stick together though (not a usual occurrence), sometimes it is possible to slow things down. Lately, we are seeing more of a spine from the Congressional GOP, evidenced by Brian Mast’s pushback on the mask mandates on the floor of Congress.
Brian is in his third term, and running for re-election next year. His support of the Trump agenda is well known and gets him high marks from the various scorekeeping groups like Heritage Acton (98%).
His message to us on Monday was “there is hope”, as cracks are appearing in the Democrat caucus.
For example, as the Biden administration gives money to the Palestinian Authority that will likely be buying Hamas Rockets from Iran, the far left in Congress is trying to withhold arms sales to Israel – something that at least some Democrats reject.
As China, North Korea and Russia are behind hacking attacks on our infrastructure, there is bipartisan support for beefing up cybersecurity and going on the attack.
The democrats for the most part stick to their agenda though, and the chairman of every committee that he sits on has the same basic approach to legislation – put it in a framework of organized labor, climate change and social justice – nothing else matters.
On HR1 and the subversion of elections (which passed with zero Republican votes), the only thing holding it back is the preservation of the filibuster – something only a couple of Democrats in the Senate are supporting. Our best defense, in Brian’s view, is state and local action, such as the Florida election bill (SB90) that will protect elections. That and prayer are necessary to make sure 2022 does not result in another stolen election. We all need to back President Trump and Ron DeSantis, and the other leaders who are fighting for us.
Other areas of concern are the proposed budget with $6 trillion for “infrastructure” but zero of border security, and the fact that the Biden pentagon would prefer soldiers that are “woke” rather than aggressive and competent.

This year’s legislative session in Tallahassee should make us all proud. As the Biden Administration and their Progressive minions in Congress go about their business of compromising election integrity, mismanaging the pandemic, socializing the economy, promoting Marxist ideology in the schools and encouraging the muzzling of Conservative expression in Social Media, the state of Florida has said “Stop! Enough!” Many of the bills that were passed and signed into law directly counter the Progressive agenda in DC.
District 85 Representative Rick Roth was in the thick of it this year, and came to the PBCTP this week to highlight what a Republican Legislature and great Governor can do when the times demand it.
Rick ran through a list of the bills that he thinks will have the most impact, and reminded us that (if re-elected next year), he has three years to get a lot more done.
His “top bills” list included:
- The “anti-riot” act (HB1) – which allows citizens to sue local officials if they defund the police or fail to control rioting in their communities
- Police reform (HB7051) – that addresses “choke holds” and other practices
- Election integrity (SB90) – which eliminates ballot harvesting and sets ground rules for Vote-by-Mail
- Social Media Censorship (HB7013) – protecting candidates and citizens in Florida from arbitrary “canceling” by social media companies
- School Choice (HB7045) – expanding vouchers to 375% of the poverty line ($100K for a family of 4)
- Fairness in Women’s Sports (HB51) – limiting women’s sports competition to biological women
He also walked through some of the aspects of the Seminole Compact emerging from the recent special session, such as online sports betting and participation by thrid party venues like the PBC Kennel Club.
“There is Always Hope” – Nigel Farage Rallies the PBCTP
On a sunny Saturday afternoon, the Tea Party grassroots gathered upstairs at the Stadium Grill in Abacoa to hear from Brexit mastermind Nigel Farage.
Introduced by CL Bryant, who reminded us that “When the government fears the people that is Liberty, when the people fear the government that is Tyranny”, this event was part of a FreedomWorks sponsored multi-city tour that is bringing the lessons of Brexit to the USA.
Brexit is now a done deal. After a clear victory at the ballot box, it took years to actually make it happen as Britain’s equivalent of our “deep staters” dragged their feet and placed obstacle after obstacle in its way. For Nigel Farage, it was a 30 year journey. From his position as a member of the European Parliament, he argued, cajoled and organized his way to a stunning victory in June of 2016, when British voters chose to “Leave” the European Union by a 4% margin. In October of that year, then Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50, formally giving notice of Britain’s intent to leave the EU. It was not a done deal though until the end of 2020.
The globalist institutional powers, including governments and the media were overwhelmingly opposed to the idea and heaped ridicule on the concept and on its proponents. Nigel though, proved that grassroots can have the final say if they are organized and the cause is just. In our country, the same sorts of elite, globalist opposition derided the candidacy of Donald Trump, and used every tool in their extensive toolbox to thwart his election. Just like with Brexit, the unlikely outcome was achieved, narrowly yet decisively.
In Nigel’s view, the comparison goes farther. Because of our History (revolution and war of 1812 notwithstanding), we have a closer affinity with Britain than any other country. We have similar organizing principles and value liberty. The history of the European Union is one of usurping the power and sovereignty of its member states in favor of a central bureaucracy, much like the power of the individual and of the states has been eroded in the US by our enormous bloated federal government.
With the results of the flawed 2020 election, we are now saddled with an “Empire Strikes Back” situation, yet as Nigel said several times, there is always hope to sustain us. The most important rallying issue in Brexit was uncontrolled immigration into the EU and by extension, into the UK itself. Leaving the EU was seen by some as the only answer. As our own border is being swamped by unheard of numbers of undocumented migrants, truckloads of illegal drugs, and cartel controlled human trafficking, the Biden Administration will be held to account if we all work together.
Nigel became the face of Brexit and made it happen through will and determination. We can do the same with Donald Trump and the MAGA agenda.
There is always hope.
House Passes Gun Control HR-8 with help from Florida Republicans
The far left which currently controls our federal government, is coming after your guns. See: “A look at Democrats HR-8 Universal Background Checks Bill“.
The first step on this road is House bill HR-8, which mandates “universal background checks” and much more that is troubling. Passed 227-203, eight “Republicans” joined all but 1 Democrat in passage. Three of these eight were from Florida, and have been placed on our “RINO WATCH”:
- Vern Buchanan – CD16 (Sarasota and Manatee counties)
- Carlos Gimenez – CD26 (Monroe County)
- Maria Salazar – CD27 (Miami Dade)
It should be noted that Gimenez, as well as Mario Diaz Balart (CD25 Miami-Dade, Collier) already had the “RINO Watch” distinction for their vote to strip Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments.
Our own Congressman Brian Mast (CD18) voted against this infringement on the second amendment, (see: “Mast Reverses Position on Background Checks” ) and so far has a perfect score on our 9 bill “RINO Watch” list.
For Brian’s explanation of his vote on HR-8, see: Rep. Mast on HR-8
For our current watchlist, see: RINO-WATCH
Regular Monthly Meetings to be Suspended
Dear Palm Beach County Tea Party Patriots:
Palm Beach County Tea Party has been a leading conservative force in the area since 2011, and prior to that so was the South Florida Tea Party formed in 2009. Leadership has changed over time, but original members remain active in many ways in the community. I have been President since 2011.
Barbara and I have contemplated slowing down for some time, and trying to get our younger members to increase their visibility, but with very few exceptions this effort has not been successful. Much of our focus in 2020 was on the November election, hindered a great deal by Covid.
We will continue to have meetings as needed, but not regularly scheduled monthly meetings. We have contacted many of our current officials and invited them to join us in person or where possible by Zoom.
We will always continue to support our conservative candidates.
We will always support Donald Trump and the Constitution.
We will always honor G-D and our Flag.
Palm Beach County Tea Party has had many successful years and hopefully with your continued support, activism and Patriotism we will have better years to come.
Thanks to all of you Palm Beach County Tea Party Patriots!
Mel and Barbara Grossman
New Feature – News Aggregation
Trump Sign Waving Resumes on US1
It was great to be back again!
We were 25 strong… social distancing and conducting a peaceful, safe re-elect President Trump Sign & Flag Waving rally along US1 @ Northlake Blvd on Friday May 29.
Thank you,
PBCTP Launching Youtube Channel
The Palm Beach County Tea Party is launching a youtube channel. With it, we expect to provide live streaming of meetings, archival footage of past meetings, rallys and other events. Watch the above video for Mel and Barbara’s introduction.
Then please CLICK HERE to go to the channel and click the SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right corner now!
A Message to our Members
To our members:
As you know, the Palm Beach County Tea Party has not had a meeting since Dennis Michael Lynch in March. The impact of the Corona Virus was being felt in Palm Beach County in mid March, and even though there were no official shutdowns at that time, we thought it best to postpone our April 6th Gene Ho meeting until later in the year, and the May meeting with K. Carl Smith. As it looks now, we will not have meetings in June or July, but hope to start back up in August with John DiLemme, followed by Gene Ho in September.
There is reason for some optimism however. Our county, along with most of the state is now in the “Phase 1” recovery category as set by the Federal Government and instituted by Governor DeSantis. Restaurants have reopened for inside dining with reduced capacity, as have retail stores and salons, and most of the county and state parks. Today the beaches are opening and restaurants can operate at 50% capacity.
The practice of “social distancing” by most residents, restrictions on access to assisted living centers and nursing homes, and the practice of common sense mitigation methods has made Florida an example of what a well run state can accomplish. While the virus continues to claim victims, rates of both hospitalization and death in PBC have been declining for some time and it now stands at 4524 cases and 275 deaths. For the state as a whole, the virus is only claiming about 10% of the available hospital beds and it is clear that we have “flattened the curve”.
During this difficult time, we hope you and yours are staying safe, keeping your distance, and managing to live life as near normal as is possible. It is not likely that we will be free of these challenges for some time to come, but with proper precautions and common sense, life goes on.
If there is anything we can do to assist you in any way during this period, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Stay safe!
The Palm Beach County Tea Party.
The Best is Yet to Come!
Dennis Michael Lynch at Abacoa on March 2

Dennis Michael Lynch
This will be the fourth appearance of the producer, entrepreneur, commentator and film maker at the Palm Beach County Tea Party, the last over 4 years ago! At that time he was a activist on the southern border and had just released his movie “Coming to America III”.
His latest project is “TEAM DML”, an ad-free social platform for Independents and Conservatives. In other words, an alternative to Facebook. with nearly 3,000 members and growing, TeamDML is the place where free speech is celebrated, real news is shared, and opinions are welcomed.
Last October, Dennis brought his Team-DML roadshow to the Kravitz Center in West Palm Beach to a sold out crowd of over 300.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet – $20.00
No Charge for Meeting
6:30 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.