C.L. Bryant – Prepare to Revolt!

Prepare to Revolt!

This was the message from FreedomWorks Senior Fellow C.L. Bryant last evening at Abacoa.

If the Democrats are able to deny due process to the President of the United States, just think what they can do to you. We are facing a “New American Order”, and we must fight to keep the White House, take back the House, and win more seats in the Senate in 2020.

Bryant, the former Baptist minister, rattled the windows with his booming voice as he brought passion for America, the greatest country on earth, and the constitution – inspired by God. Those of us under 85 years of age are likely to live past 100, he said, – God’s way of protecting those of us who remember the principles of the founding.

Even as Barack Obama said he would “fundamentally change this country”, a statement of dislike for what has come before, Bryant said it is up to us to “stand in the gap”, and fight this change, using the tools of social media and political persuasion.

“I am an American Nationalist” he proclaimed, which simply means that he loves this country above all other. Nationalism is not a dirty word. Ilhan Omar, who recently railed against “Western Imperialism” at a Bernie Sanders rally, was a Somali refugee, taken in by this country and given the fruits of liberty. Ingratitude, he said, is the biggest sin. Bryant predicted that Omar, and fellow squad members Tlaib, Ocazio-Cortez and Pressley will be “out of here” come 2020.

He recalled the story of Eldridge Cleaver, originally the Marxist spokesman for the Black Panther Party, who fled prosecution and spent years in Cuba, China and the Soviet Union. “I would rather spend my life in an American jail than live in a Marxist country” he said as he returned to the US to serve his prison term.

Bryant, who at one time was the leader of the NAACP chapter in Garland, Texas until his opposition to abortion ran afoul of the Democrats in charge, stands up for the President. “Trump is no racist” he declared, and sent a message to Democrats that “Black people are leaving you”. “The pixie dust is wearing off”. Bryant will be meeting with the President later this week as he joins a Presidential advisory board.

Bryant’s book “A Race for Freedom“, a treatise on Race in America is available on Amazon .

Congressman Brian Mast on the Impeachment Vote

I’ll be blunt – this impeachment investigation has become an embarrassing circus, completely disconnected from real America, with Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff as ringmasters.

After weeks of closed-door meetings and cherry-picked testimonies, the House passed a resolution to formally launch an impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. This resolution gives Chairman Schiff complete control over this investigation including the schedule, witnesses and hearings, including whether they are open or closed to the public.

This publicity stunt vote is a brazen attempt to stack the deck even more in favor of the narrative Democrats want to be true, instead of trying to find the actual truth—it gives Chairman Schiff unilateral power to decide what facts to tell the American people and which ones to hide from them.

The bottom line is that House Democrats have made it clear time and time again that they’re more interested in putting politics and hatred for the President ahead of our country’s best interest. It’s time to end this sham.

Congressman Brian Mast

C.L. Bryant to Speak in Abacoa, November 4th

There will be no Wellington or Boca meetings in November.
Please Join us on

Monday, November 4, 2019 at Abacoa

C.L. Bryant

C.L. Bryant, a senior fellow at FreedomWorks, is recognized as one of Americas most Dynamic Orators and he is a highly sought after Speaker, Motivator, Activist, Organizer, Gospel Preacher. Current Church affiliation is the Word of God Ministries with Pastor James A. McMenis and located in Shreveport, LA.

Monday, November 4, 2019, 6:30PM
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

A native of Shreveport, LA. C.L. Bryant’s family roots are in Cane River and Lafeyette, LA. He is the son of World War II Veteran L.C. Bryant and mother Elnola Goode Bryant.

Education: LSU-S, Bishop College,Tampa College, Shreveport Bible, Master of Theology. Ordained by the Rev. Dr. E. Edward Jones, Former President National Baptist Convention of America. 37 years in Pastoral ministry, Missionary to South America including the Amazon.

Business: 25 years in Finance and Mortgage.

Origination: Original Grassroots activist 2009 address to 1.5 million Washington, DC. Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks. Creator & Star of the Crystal Dove award winning movie ‘RUNAWAY SLAVE’.

Founder: One Nation Back to God.

Frequent Guest: Fox News. The Blaze. CNN. MSNBC. Syndicated Radio. Columnist and Author. Former two-term President of NAACP Garland, Texas. On June 4, 2014, C.L. became Host of soon syndicated radio program THE CL BRYANT SHOW. Content of Character College Tour (HBCU). New film project will be called ‘RED WHITE AND BLACK’ which will be coming in 2016.

Family: Married to Jane C. Pruitt Bryant and a father of four; grandfather of 12.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore on Textbook Bias

Our October meeting featured Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of PJTN (“Proclaiming Justice to the Nations”). Her organization exposes the corruption of school textbooks that now frequently feature anti-semitic and anti-American messages.

“We are the last generation to know the real America” she says, as what we learned is a far cry from what is being taught in today’s public schools. As the insidious bias in modern textbooks pushes an Islamic world view, she endeavors to educate Christians and Jews to stand against it.

Her primary target is the Pearson Company, which currently owns 80% of US textbook publishers. A British company, founded in 1844, it has 35,000 employees in 70 countries. Pearson describes its mission as: “To help people make progress in their lives through learning,” but Laurie categorizes it as “Changing the way American’s think.” She points out that the company’s shareholders are concentrated in the Islamic countries of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Turkey.

Laurie finds the Pearson curriculum to be anti-American, anti-Judeo/Christian, anti-Israel, and anti-western civilization, and cites some excerpts such as “international law is the law of the land”, “Judaism is not a world religion”, and holocaust revisionism in general.

Pearson is not alone in trying to push this worldview on America’s students. Since Jimmy Carter instituted the Department of Education in 1980, pride in America has been on the decline. She quotes CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), whose goal of Islamic government in the US is to be achieved not through violence but through education. The Common Core curriculum ties directly into these efforts.

On the question of “what to do about all this”, she recommends educating yourself on the problem and mobilizing resistance. Get to know your school board members (or run for office yourself) and fight it in the local school districts.

For more information about Laurie and PJTN, see: PJTN.org

Also at the meeting was surprise guest Congressman Brian Mast. Brian has been publicly opposed to the House impeachment circus and has called on Speaker Pelosi to be removed. (See newsmax story) At the meeting, he mostly took questions from the audience on the federal red-flag laws that are being proposed in Congress, and tried to gauge the opinion in the room.

We Stand with the President!

The leaders of Palm Beach County Tea Party, on behalf of our membership, stand with President Trump against the soft coup being attempted by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and any House member of either party who supports what is erroneously being called an “Impeachment Inquiry”.

This is just the latest attempt by the deep state, also known as “The Swamp”, to rise up against this man that has the courage to oppose the corruption that is rampant in Washington, DC.

They fought him during the election with fake news, fake polls, and an overwhelming media bias. They tried to overturn the election by questionable recounts in states where the outcome was close. They tried to subvert the electoral college, pressuring electors to vote against their state’s choices. They boycotted his inauguration, and mobilized thousands of protesters in “vagina hats” to “RESIST” the choice of the American people. They created a witch hunt tribunal led by Robert Mueller and “13 angry Democrats” that destroyed many lives, wasted millions of dollars and two years of precious time in a failed attempt to bring him down.

Now, with the stark realization that he will surely be re-elected by a landslide in 2020, the Congressional Democrats and their co-conspirators in the mainstream media have decided to go all-in for a last desperate attempt to remove him from office. With their secret witnesses, secret “star chamber” hearings, made-up evidence, and total exclusion of the Republican minority from participation in the farce, this is not an “Impeachment”. It is a bald-face uprising by a cabal of deep state conspirators to invalidate a national election that has been an existential threat to their power.

The battle lines have been drawn. Those who would subvert the constitution in an attempt to remove a sitting President under false pretenses must be defeated. They must also be held accountable for all they have done to the country in this dangerous threat to our Republic.

SOC Aaron Vaughn Memorial Ceremony – Jordan River – TUW Israel Trip

Please watch and share this video filmed on The United West 2019 Israel Trip.

Aaron Vaughn told his parents that if the USA were to ever abandon the State of Israel in the time of military need, he would fight for Israel. This story resonated with Dr. Ron Wexler, a former IDF Commander setting in motion an arduous on year project.

The results from all this hard work are the memorial tree planting along the Jordan River in Israel.

Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Aaron C. Vaughn, 30, of Stuart, Fla. served during Operation Enduring Freedom.
Assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team, he died Aug. 6, 2011 in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when the CH-47 Chinook helicopter in which he was riding was shot down.

Fallen SEAL remembered as ‘tough warrior, gentle man’
The Associated Press

Elite Navy SEALs member Aaron Carson Vaughn had asked the military to return him to combat and shipped out just six weeks before he was killed.

Vaughn’s grandmother, Geneva Vaughn of Union City, Tenn., told The Associated Press that her grandson, a Tennessee native, had wanted to be a SEAL since he was a child and returned to combat just two weeks after his 2-month-old daughter was born this summer.

“Aaron was a Christian and he’s with Jesus today,” Vaughn said. “He told us when we saw him last November that he wasn’t afraid because he knew where he was going, and he said, ‘Granny, don’t worry about me.’

“He was a tough warrior, but he was a gentle man.”

Vaughn, 30, of Stuart, Fla., leaves behind his wife, Kimberly, and two children, 2-year-old son Reagan and 2-month-old daughter Chamberlyn. Vaughn had been based in Virginia Beach, Va., and had also seen postings in Coronado, Calif., Guam, Germany, Iraq, and Afghanistan, his grandmother said.

Aaron Vaughn enlisted on November 2002, according to the Navy, and he joined the SEALs straight out of boot camp. He completed Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL School, Coronado, Calif., on April 2004. Vaughn served in a West Coast-based special warfare unit from November 2004 to June 2008, then moved to the East Coast-based SEAL team in June 2008.

Vaughn was already a decorated fighter when he was asked by the Navy to return stateside to become an instructor, his grandmother said. But he chafed under the assignment and applied to SEAL Team Six after two years, earning his way onto the squad in 2010. Geneva Vaughn said he was one of the few SEALs who performed well enough to get his name on the “First Time Every Time Wall,” a benchmark of honor for the few SEALs who pass every test on their first try.

“The last time he was in Afghanistan he received a medal because his team was under fire and couldn’t see the enemy. He left the ones he was with and drew fire and killed the enemy to save the men he was with. We couldn’t tell any of this stuff when he was alive because it was a secret,” Geneva Vaughn said.

Vaughn met his wife, Kimberly, while she was on a USO tour entertaining troops in Guam as a Washington Redskins cheerleader. They married about four years ago.

“Aaron’s hard to miss — 6-feet-4, beautiful guy,” Kimberly told WTTG-TV in Washington from her parents’ home in Burke, Va., where she was when she learned her husband was one of the troops killed in the helicopter crash.

“You could sit there and worry yourself to pieces, thinking that they’re constantly going to get hurt,” Kimberly said. Aaron believed that “his time if it were to come early, that it was meant to be. Aaron wouldn’t have wanted to leave this earth any other way than the way he did, and that’s laying down his life serving his country.”

Vaughn’s decorations include the Purple Heart; Defense Meritorious Service Medal Joint Service Commendation Medal with ‘V’ for valor; two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and one with ‘V’ for valor; Presidential Unit Citation; two Navy Good Conduct Medals; National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal; Iraq Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; two Sea Service Deployment Ribbons; Navy Expert Rifleman Medal and Navy Expert Pistol Shot Medal.

Israel honored these Americans by dedicating a tree along the banks of the Jordan River. Dr. Ron Wexler, an IDF combat veteran, US Navy Captain James Fontana (retired), Tom Trento, Director, The United West, and Aaron’s parents Billy and Karen Vaughn spoke at the memorial service.

Reprinted from this source:https://thefallen.militarytimes.com/n…

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All Bob’s Money

Laurie Cardoza-Moore at Abacoa 10/7

Please Join us on

Monday, October 7, 2019 at Abacoa

Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), Laurie Cardoza-Moore is a globally respected “go to” voice on the frontlines of battle for the ideological, social, moral and religious mind of this generation.  As Special Envoy to the United Nations for human rights and anti-Semitism on behalf of 44 million Christians, she has shown leadership in statehouses through PJTN’s Anti-Semitism Awareness Resolution.

Monday, October 7, 2019, 6:30PM
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

A home schooling mother of five, Laurie Cardoza-Moore’s original “wake-up call” was the discovery of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-American content in her children’s textbooks.  The revelation of the early seeds of indoctrination of America’s children began her quest in the early 2000’s to bring awareness and change through every avenue she could reach:  Legislative, media, advocacy, and ultimately the development of PJTN programs and documentaries that are shared and educate on a mass level are her vehicles of choice since PJTN was founded by her in 2005—literally born on her kitchen table.   PJTN programming in support of Israel—principally the 30 minute television series Focus On Israel for which she serves as both host and executive producer –today reaches over 2.6 billion potential viewers on a regular basis through a network of close to two dozen TV affiliates and satellite carriers–the latest being globally telecast Daystar TV. PJTN has produced three Emmy Award winning long form documentaries to date: The Forgotten People, Israel Indivisible, and Boycott This!

Laurie has been appointed, awarded and recognized by her peers for her leadership, including:
• The President’s Council of The National Religious Broadcasters, (NRB)
• The “Top 100 People Positively Impacting Israel” by the Algemeiner
• An Honorary Doctorate Degree in Theology from the Latin University of Theology
• The “Friend of Israel Award” by The Center For Jewish Awareness
• The “Goodwill Ambassador to Israel Award” given by Israel Consul General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

“Democrat Ad”

Sheriff Candidate Alex Freeman at Wellington

Please Join us on

Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at Wellington


Alex Freeman

Alex Freeman recently retired from the Riviera Beach Police, and is making another attempt at unseating the county’s long-serving Sheriff Ric Bradshaw who is running for another term next year. Join us to hear Major Freeman’s plans for PBSO if elected.

Wednesday, September 4 2019, 6:30PM
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484


Wellington Chapter RSVP:

Alexander D. Freeman’s law enforcement career spans over 20 years, including Major of Police for the Riviera Beach Police Department since 1993 before retiring earlier this year. Those who know Major Freeman understand why police work is such a natural life calling for him. He is passionate about helping others and believes that because he has been richly blessed, he should give back to the community. His community involvement includes work with local, regional and national organizations.

Major Freeman’s leadership style and commitment to serve the citizens of Riviera Beach led him to serving in every major section there is in the police department, just to name a few:

· Lieutenant of Professional Standards
· Lieutenant of the Investigation Section
· Staff Inspection Commander
· Public Information Officer (PIO)
· Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police
· Commander of Police
· Major of Police

Major Freeman is currently a member of the Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police, Florida Chiefs of Police and National Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Organization of Black Law enforcement Executive (NOBLE), Member of the Democratic Party, Member of the North side Kiwanis Club and Youth Recreation Association.

In 2002, Major Freeman was named Officer of the Year by Victim Services of Palm Beach County for his dedicated service to the Citizens of Palm Beach County.

Major Freeman is a graduate of Barry University where he earned a B.S. degree in Public Administration; Mr. Freeman is a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Mr. Freeman took his career ambitions to yet another level in 2008, when he graduated from the University of Louisville, College of Art and Science, Department of Justice Administration with a certification in upper level Command Officer Development Course SPI.

Alex and his lovely wife, Tocia, have been married for more than 20 years, and together they have two beautiful children.

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