Understanding the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012 was signed into lady by President Obama on December 31, 2011.  This Act addresses national security programs, DOD health care costs, military modernization, economic sanctions against Iran, counter-terrorism, the strategic goals of NATO and many other US issues and capabilities.  The language and content of this wide reaching bill are still being discussed by many constitutional experts who are concerned with the impact on the rights of American citizens, the serious ambiguity of the verbiage, and the expanded scope of the President’s authority.

We need to impress on our sitting congressmen and senators the need to revisit this bill and to support an amendment as soon as possible!

KrisAnne Hall, a constitutional lawyer and astute legislative analyst, has produced the attached video entitled:  “NDAA — A True Legal Analysis”.  This is an excellent, comprehensive analysis of this law.  She addresses the evolution of the bill up to it’s passing as well as the troublesome wording that essentially waive the rights of Americans.  Please take the few minutes required to watch this video.  You will fully understand the problems with this law and will enable you to better question your congressmen and political candidates on their support of this legislation.   NDAA — A True Legal Analysis

My suggestion is that all who read this send this link to their congressmen and senators and ask them to address the issues.

Their Kingdom Came, Their Will Won’t Be Done!

by Austin Porfiri

Neither on earth nor in heaven shall liberal progressive ideology prevail in our governance because it was conceived on the beds of deceit by a cabal of ideologues driven by an urge to multiply itself by employing any method, position, or tactic that provides the greatest pleasure at enormous expense, both literally and figuratively, to our nation.

Their calculated methodology for dominance leaves no quarter for differing opinions, freedom of thought, or religious beliefs. Let us examine the very clever operating manual progressive liberals religiously follow and how their political shenanigans impact us as Tea Party members.

Standard operating procedures– “Job one is to do whatever we can to shake America to its very foundation by polluting the environment required for job creation. We have many operatives who are under the radar that are beyond scrutiny who, according to our media supporters, have stellar credentials. We have a mouthpiece highly trained at giving false hope and is also specifically adept at blaming the opposition for any perceived misstep we might take. Take heart, you can always count on voter apathy, indifference, ignorance, and party loyalty to work in our favor.”

“Do not ever apologize for anything; shame should never deter you from lying. Remember, we have many operatives in our media cabal who are willing to totally ignore any transgressions committed towards anyone who is our opposition or anyone who may hold decency as a sacred honor. At every occasion you must degrade women hood in whatever manner you can as long as you can effectively blame our opposition. Do not be afraid to trample on anyone’s religious beliefs, passions, or pursuits if it serves our cause. Remember, we will constantly float trial balloons to evaluate our opposition’s response.  There is strength in numbers therefore we have increased the number of operatives in our government and we are passing it off as job creation.”

“Money is no object. There are plenty of fat cats out there that we have counterbalanced with very loyal voters who are on the perpetual take. Some of those fat cats are huge donors who assuage their guilt of possessing vast amounts of ill-gotten wealth. Divisiveness created by differences in race and economic classes are convenient tools which are to be used without discretion. By threatening to shut down the government, we are able to increase the budget, annually, and therefore are able to maintain control. The noose on the rope, created by conservatives Tea Party members in the house of representatives, has been placed on their own necks thanks to our control in the senate.”

“Un-known to the general public we have created an elaborate echo chamber that will enable our mouthpiece to listen to our oppositions complaints ,and, at every open microphone occasion, the chamber simultaneously converts those complaints to solutions which he presents as his very own as he reads the teleprompter. Rest assured, by election time, most voters will be so numbed and confused they won’t know issues from solutions nor who is culpable or who is the problem solver”

Tea Party members know the enemies and defenders of freedom and have affirmed the notion those enemies and defenders can be found in any political party, religion, race, or national origin. Our challenge is to provide the truth as we understand it and, in a neighborly way, enlighten only those who seek it.

March 12, 2012 Legislative Update

It is so important that each of us keep up with the national issues.  To this end, the Palm Beach County Tea Party wants to disseminate as much information as possible.

Here is a link to the Tea Party Patriots Legislative Update Week of March 12, 2012 .  You will find that this is an excellent summary  of all the critical current issues being tackled nationally.

Please review this document and post your comments so we can all learn from your insights and/or questions.


Where are the Jobs? The Inconvenient Truth!

The Republican Study Committee just came out with an update entitled:  “The Stimulus Chart Obama Doesn’t Want You to See”.  This committee has take a more accurate and relevant picture of the employment situation in the United States, essentially viewing it from the “labor force participation rate” rather than using the faulty “unemployment rate.”  We all know that the unemployment rate is becoming even less indicative of the current situation because of the fact that many long-term unemployed have simply stopped looking for employment and, as such, are no longer counted among the “unemployed.”

Please study this update and create your own 30-second “elevator speech” that will enable you to quickly grab the interest of your friends and family and get them to see that our economy is not improving as is being touted many politicians.  In fact, job wise, we are in worse shape than we have been in for 29 years!

2/19/2012 Federal Legislative Update

The Palm Beach County Tea Party wants you to be up to date on what is happening in Washington DC.  We are all asked questions by our friends and family and it is important to have some key talking points at hand. To this end, this post is the first in our series of legislative updates that we will publish each week on this website.

Click here to read the 2/19/2012 TPP Legislative Update that includes key information on the following:

  • update on situation in Wisconsin
  • budget situation and President Obama’s budget
  • the Payroll Tax Deal
  • the Rotten Highway Bill
  • the latest Crony Capitalism
  • an analysis of the current Deficit Spending
  • an analysis of Regulations and Jobs
  • the latest on repealing Obamacare
  • what is happening in Eduction
  • new developments in Sustainable Development and Property Rights
  • nationwide Illegal Immigration updates
  • current Constitutional Issues
  • Weekly Wrap Up on US House of Representatives

Freedom Rally in West Palm Beach on Feb 22nd

Join us for a fun evening with like minded people and help make a difference!

Several concerned citizens including many of our Palm Beach County Tea Party members are sick of government interfering in the practice of religious beliefs and dictating to private companies what they must offer to customers free of charge.  To bring attention to such issues, these concerned citizens are coming together to organize a Freedom Rally on Wednesday, Feb 22 from 4 to 5:30pm.

The rally will be in front of the the Palm Beach County Convention Center on Okeechobee Blvd. in downtown West Palm Beach.  Parking is available in the north lot in Howard Park situated on Parker Ave. To get there, turn south on Parker from Okeechobee (near the railroad tracks) and the lot will be on your immediate left. The central parking meter will accept dollar bills and credit cards. Depending on how many people show up, parking may be in short supply so it’s best to carpool if possible.

Please help make this a huge statement by joining the rally!  Don’t forget to bring signs.  Themes for the signs might include:

  • Government overstepping its bounds
  • Why are they stomping on our Constitution?
  • America’s Strength is our Freedom
  • Let’s not stomp on our free markets
  • Limited government works!  Big government does not!

If you have any questions, please call Laura Henning at (561) 444-8086 or email info@palmbeachcountyteaparty.org.


Rubio: “This is a common sense bill that simply says the government can’t force religious organizations to abandon the fundamental tenets of their faith because the government says so.”

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today introduced the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2012, a bill to repeal a new ObamaCare mandate that violates the religious liberties and conscience rights of faith-based institutions by forcing them to offer employees insurance coverage for contraceptives.

Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services finalized a new mandate that would require most church-affiliated organizations to offer their workers private insurance coverage without out-of-pocket charges for birth control.  The administration ignored efforts by numerous faith-based organizations to be granted an exemption on religious grounds.

“The Obama Administration’s obsession with forcing mandates on the American people has now reached a new low by violating the conscience rights and religious liberties of our people,” said Rubio.  “Under this President, we have a government that has grown too big, too costly and now even more overbearing by forcing religious entities to abandon their beliefs.  This is a common sense bill that simply says the government can’t force religious organizations to abandon the fundamental tenets of their faith because the government says so.”

The text of the legislation is available.  Click here.

Patriots’ Day at the Capitol!!! ROAD TRIP!!! Silent No More!!!

A Rally in Tally, a state-wide Florida grass roots rally in Tallahassee will be held on Feb 15 & 16 and you are invited! This will be the first big statement that the tea party movement in Florida will make in 2012 and we want to make it really big!! And, we want the Palm Beach County Tea Party to be huge among the voices! Please join us for this fun, inexpensive, and momentous two days. Meet and talk with our state senators and Congressmen, listen to exciting speakers, and enjoy the company of like-minded people!

Buses will provided at no charge, compliments of the Americans for Prosperity. Hotel blocks have been assigned based on bus departure cities. Room rates have been negotiated for you at less than $70 per night for this 2 day (one night) trip to our capitol. (Rates may vary.)

The buses are complimentary but filling them with patriots from Palm Beach County is our job . . . so invite your friends and family to join you! Kids are welcome!

As we rally together, on the principles of Constitutional-limited government, free market enterprise and fiscal responsibility, let’s make sure our Palm Beach County Tea Party is well represented!

The following agenda is planned:

Feb 15 – Bus trip with other patriots from Palm Beach County to Tally Rally. 
Rally at noon on capitol steps – one hour tea party rally.

  • Break out sessions with special interest speakers (designated rooms in capitol).
  • Visits with our representatives.
  • Barbeque dinner with speakers – compliments of Americans for Prosperity
  • Bus trip to hotel

Feb 16 – Continue lobbying with legislators

  • Stop by Sen Rubio’s new office to welcome him
  • Bus trip home

To ensure a spot on the bus, all you have to do is click here to register: Patriots’ Day. Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations!

Our Palm Beach County Tea Party coordinators are Terry Gallagher at (561) 747-5119 and Joe Burge (561) 748-1329. Please give them a call if you have any questions.


A Better Way to Fight the Online Theft of American Ideas and Jobs

A letter from Senator Marco Rubio . . .

In recent weeks, we’ve heard from many Floridians about the anti-Internet piracy bills making their way through Congress. On the Senate side, I have been a co-sponsor of the PROTECT IP Act because I believe it’s important to protect American ingenuity, ideas and jobs from being stolen through Internet piracy, much of it occurring overseas through rogue websites in China. As a senator from Florida, a state with a large presence of artists, creators and businesses connected to the creation of intellectual property, I have a strong interest in stopping online piracy that costs Florida jobs.

However, we must do this while simultaneously promoting an open, dynamic Internet environment that is ripe for innovation and promotes new technologies.

Earlier this year, this bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously and without controversy. Since then, we’ve heard legitimate concerns about the impact the bill could have on access to the Internet and about a potentially unreasonable expansion of the federal government’s power to impact the Internet. Congress should listen and avoid rushing through a bill that could have many unintended consequences.

Therefore, I have decided to withdraw my support for the Protect IP Act. Furthermore, I encourage Senator Reid to abandon his plan to rush the bill to the floor. Instead, we should take more time to address the concerns raised by all sides, and come up with new legislation that addresses Internet piracy while protecting free and open access to the Internet.



Feb 11 Conference: Citizens Concerned for Property Rights

(The Treasure Coast, FL) – Several locally affiliated conservative action groups announce a one-day program of distinguished speakers and events focusing the spotlight on the continuing encroachment of rights in the U.S. by groups that promote the United Nations Convention to establish uniform regulations to manage “the Earth’s resources” and its population.

These “central planners” are hostile to private property rights – the legal mainstay of our free-market system. Their denial of your right to keep the fruits of your own labor is a back-door attack on our republican form of government as well as to American sovereignty itself.”  – Leigh Lamson

Featured Speakers:           Dr. Michael Coffman          John Casey

Dr. Tom Cuba                       Dr. Allison Ramsersaad

Krisanne Hall, Esq. Karen Schoen

DATE: February 11, 2012, Saturday

RESERVATION: $25 [cash at door] R.S.V.P

website – http://gulfspeaks.info/Conferences.html

R.S.V.P. will get you a seat at a table. Without reservation, general seating is available.


8:00    Doors open for registration and continental breakfast (included)

8:45    Program begins with Pledge of Allegiance and invocation

11:45 – 12:15 Lunch Break (included in registration)

4:00    expected adjournment

LOCATION: Genesis Community Church auditorium – MAP ( http://g.co/maps/am3ye)

rear of the Crowne Plaza shopping center

8643 U.S. Highway 1

Port St. Lucie, FL 34953     Office phone: 772-873-1075

The St. Lucie 9-12 Group and The Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee are local grassroots public-issues groups associated with the 9-12 Project and Tea Party Patriots, a grassroots coalition with more than 3,500 locally-organized chapters and more than 15 million supporters nationwide. www.stlucie912.org http://the912-project.com/ http://www.m912tc.com

Agenda21Today – http://americanfreedomwatchradio.com/


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