The germ warfare concept is evolving. Warfare initiation originally meant an army of people from an aggressor nation attacking and killing people from a victim nation to achieve supremacy. After the invention of the airplane, warfare initiation involved the attacker dropping bombs on the victim (i.e. Perl Harbor). After the arrival of nuclear weapons the bombs were envisioned to be nuclear bombs. In those days a germ warfare attack was envisioned to be the attacker dropping bombs containing germs. But today the attacker has no need to develop germ-carrying bombs and methods of delivering those bombs to the victim. Today the attacker can kill people from the victim nations by facilitating air travel to the victim nations and letting the travelers be the delivery mechanism. It is analogous to a pest control company placing bait for ants to take back to their nest to kill the colony.

The latest germ warfare attack occurred on January 23, 2020, the date the communist Chinese government cut off Hubei province, the province that contains the city of Wuhan, from the rest of China by closing the province to domestic air and other forms of travel. But the communist Chinese government did not terminate international air travel to cut the province off from the rest of the world.

Knowing the Virus Was Spreading, China Shut Down Domestic Travel to and From Wuhan, Did NOT Stop International Flights..

Coronavirus: Critics ask why China allowed flights out of Hubei during outbreak.

“China allowed the new coronavirus to spread across the world by allowing international flights to and from Hubei province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, while taking strong measures to ensure the virus didn’t spread within China, according to the latest criticism of the country’s handling of the outbreak.”

The Chinese acted to try to prevent the spread of the virus throughout their country while facilitating the virus spread worldwide. It is this facilitation that constitutes the Wuhan germ world war attack.

The communist Chinese government sought to promote international air travel and put travelers at ease by declaring on December 31, 2019 that there was no “human-to-human transmission and no medical staff infection.”

The Comprehensive Timeline of China’s COVID-19 Lies.

This germ warfare attack successfully created the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.

Three months after the war initiation the world was still struggling with the Wuhan corona virus world attack.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

Worldwide nearly 3 million people had been sickened and over 200 thousand had died. Many countries had amassed unsustainable debt seeking to protect their citizens. In the United States nearly 1 million had been sickened and over 50 thousand had died.

U.S. Deficit To Hit Record $3.8 Trillion Amid Pandemic.

Is the United States’ deficit spending sending us to a fiscal calamity from which we cannot recover?

Will communist China achieve supremacy without ever firing a shot?

Will the world seek retribution from communist China for the damage it has inflicted?

We may never know if the release of the possibly genetically engineered virus from the Wuhan germ warfare facility was intentional or accidental, but does it matter now?


This is an exercise in creating a picture by connecting the dots.

Current media reports of world events raise many questions but provide few answers.

Why is Iran an early and large center of the corona virus outbreak?

The Iran outbreak is so large and threatening
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Traveler’s Health Warning – Level 3 recommending that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Iran.

The disease seems to have originated
in Wuhan, China not Iran.

Iran and its population are struggling to exist under stringent sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies resulting from Iran’s effort to obtain nuclear weapons and intercontinental range missiles for the delivery of those weapons. The Iranian people do not seem to have the wherewithal for many of them to vacation in China. But the Iranian leadership does have the resources to travel, and it appears it is members of that leadership that have contracted the disease and taken it to Iran.

Are the Iranian leaders traveling to China? If so, why?

There is speculation that the corona virus
escaped from a Chinese biological warfare laboratory in Wuhan.

Does Iran have a large concentration of Corona virus victims because Iranian leaders visited Wuhan as part of a program to transfer biological weapons technology from China to Iran?

What else can explain remote Iran being a large victim of the corona virus?

China has long had an ambition
to overtake the U.S. as a world power.

China has long been stealing U.S. technology, armament plans and other intellectual property.
1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their IP within the last year

Is China planning to use Iran as a surrogate to wreak havoc on the West with biological weapons?

Is the U.S. effort to get closer to China a foolish and deadly waste of time?

There are so many dots to connect. There are so many questions. There are so few answers.

Edward A. Wolff


Several conservative organizations score the conservativeness of the members of the United States Congress

You can find the scores of your representative and senators as follows:

American Conservative Union

Americans For Prosperity

Conservative Review

Club for Growth


Heritage Action

In addition to the conservative scorecards, there is other information available for members of Congress.

Information on the legislative activity of members of Congress can be found at:

2017 Report Cards

The roll call votes of members of Congress can be found at:

Congressional Voting Records

A database with information on members of Congress can be downloaded at:

Ideology and Related Data


With the ascendency of terrorists using motor vehicles to run over pedestrians, it is probably only a matter of time before someone adopts the perverted logic of the kooky anti-gun, anti-second amendment, far left freaks and applies that logic to automobiles. The application of the anti-gun logic to automobiles provides some interesting possibilities. Possible details of the analogy follow:

The anti-auto protesters could take to the streets in wild demonstrations to make their views known.
They could insist that to prevent the new mayhem, we will need much more thorough background checks of anyone seeking to buy a car or obtain or renew a driver’s license. People with mental problems, including the above mentioned lefties, must not be allowed to possess an automobile. There can be no loopholes in the background check regulations for purchases at auto shows or from private individuals.

If the Federal Government fails to act promptly and decisively, a state might decide to take the matter into its own hands. A likely state would be California, a trendsetter for the nation with the most stringent automobile regulations and the most car-loving population. California could pass legislation to confiscate all automobiles. Of course, while their population is relegated to bicycles, the Hollywood celebrities, politicians and wealthy Californians would have their own private limousines to take them where they wanted to go.

The citizens who have always thought it their right to drive an automobile could begin to push for a constitutional amendment to codify that right. That amendment might read: “A mobile Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and operate motor vehicles shall not be infringed.”

The anti-auto protesters might direct their wrath at the auto manufacturers and dealers with protests at their facilities and boycotts of them and their products claiming they are responsible for the terrorist carnage. One can imagine a “National Automobile Association” attempting to reverse the sales decline from the protests by adopting a slogan such as “The only thing that can stop a bad guy with an automobile is a good guy with an automobile”

The identification of additional analogies is left as an exercise for the reader.


You can watch the 2018 South Carolina tea party convention starting on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 8:00 AM on the Internet at:

2018 South Carolina Tea Party Convention “


It is sad watching the President of the United States (POTUS) issuing nonsense tweets.

Many of his tweets complain about various criminal activities and ask why the Justice Department is not doing something about them.

It is sad because Article II of the Constitution of the United States grants POTUS the executive power to enforce the laws of the country. He should not merely be tweeting questions about the lack of activity of the Attorney General; he should be ensuring that the Attorney General prosecutes unlawful behavior.

Why is POTUS not ensuring the Attorney General prosecute the criminal activities POTUS complains about? Why is the Attorney General unwilling or unable to fulfill his responsibilities?

It is all most peculiar. It is reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland.

The following are examples of nonsense tweets:

“people … are asking what the “Justice” Department is going to do about … Crooked Hillary, deleted … 33,000 Emails?”

“The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI … Give this information NOW!”

“Charles McCullough, the … fmr Intel Comm Inspector General, … said Hillary … ‘Emails endangered National Security.’ Why aren’t our deep State authorities looking at this?”

“Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept.”

“….People are angry. At some point the Justice Department, and the FBI, must do what is right and proper. The American public deserves it!”

“….This is real collusion and dishonesty. Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – where is our Justice Department?”

“Donna Brazile just stated the DNC RIGGED the system to illegally steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders.”

“…the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia”

“Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?)”

“Officials behind the now discredited “Dossier” plead the Fifth. Justice Department and/or FBI should immediately release who paid for it.”


Why is Attorney General Jeff Sessions so inexplicably reticent about a nonpartisan investigation of the many criminal complaints against Hillary Clinton?

That question is not examined in the media, but ask the citizenry and they provide several possible explanations.

Some say Mr. Sessions is intimidated by the Clintons because he does not want to be added to the list of over a hundred mysteriously deceased people who were associated with the Clintons. They refer you to:The List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously

Others say the Clintons must have derogatory information about Mr. Sessions (possibly obtained when the Clintons were in the White House and improperly accessed several hundred FBI personnel files) that could be embarrassing if released. They refer to: White House FBI files controversy

When I was an engineer working on defense programs, I had a security clearance needed to do my job. If I had mishandled classified information a fraction of the way the FBI said Hillary Clinton did, they would have locked me up and thrown away the key.

So what happened to “equal justice under the law” ?


“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king” – Erasmus of Rotterdam, 16th-century

Hail to the King! All Hail to the King, the One-Eyed King, Barack Hussein Obama (alias Barry Soetoro)!

The One-Eyed king, immersed in his ideology and determination to fundamentally transform the United States of America, does not see the damage he is inflicting on all around him.

1. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakness he has inflicted on the country by an almost 20 trillion dollar debt (greater than the sum of the debt of all previous presidents combined) that has left us economically and militarily weak and vulnerable to our adversaries.

2. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our defense posture by his emaciation of our military and intelligence capability.

3. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our law-enforcement capability by his denigration of our police and interference with the FBI.

4. The One-Eyed king does not see the social unrest he has caused by a tax-and-spend policy that has decreased jobs and increased unemployment by driving businesses offshore and hurting the most vulnerable among us.

5. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage caused to our country by the terror attacks of radical Islamic jihadists and does not seem to have any idea on how to deal with its source nor how to deploy our resources to eliminate it at home.

6. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage caused to our country by his open borders policy that facilitates unlimited immigration of foreign workers that increases unemployment of native born citizens.

7. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage to our constitutional republic by his use of cell phone and pen to institute regulations (on topics often disapproved by Congress) to take away from the people some of the God-given rights not delegated to him by the constitution.

8. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage to our economy caused by his often ideological regulations that hurt business and jobs.

9. The One-Eyed king does not see the popular derision of the suspect economic data he releases to cover up the deleterious effects of his economic policy.

10. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage caused to our country by his open borders policy that facilitates the importation of illegal drugs and the criminal element of foreign populations.

11. The One-Eyed king does not see the potential erosion of our national sovereignty by his support of United Nations programs drafted by the dictatorial governments of the world.

12. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our legal system by the importation of unvetted immigrants who subscribe to a legal system that differs from the one specified by our constitution.

13. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our legal system by his negotiation of treaties with other countries and then calling them agreements to avoid the treaty clause of the constitution that requires Senate approval.

14. The One-Eyed king does not see the diminution of the citizens’ trust in their government (which is essential to the long-term durability of that government) caused by the widespread corruption throughout his administration.

15. The One-Eyed king does not see the risk he imposes on future kidnap victims by paying a ransom to free today’s victims.

16. The One-Eyed king does not see the destruction of our healthcare system brought on by an Obamacare that has steadily raised the cost of health care premiums and the deductibles required of the insured.

17. The One-Eyed king does not see the destruction of our education system by the federally mandated disastrous Common Core program.

18. The One-Eyed king does not see the idiocy and absurd cost of the Climate Change (nee Global Warming) initiative he is pushing.

From the beginning of recorded history until the fourth quarter of the eighteenth century mankind lived mostly in areas (countries) ruled by dictators (often called kings or emperors) who raised armies to protect their kingdoms and empires and the surfs living therein. In return the surfs owed allegiance to the protecting ruler who had the power of life and death over all his subjects.

This world-wide living arrangement changed for the first time in the thirteen colonies of North America in 1776 when the people adopted the Declaration of Independence asserting that their unalienable rights (Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness) came from their creator, not King George III of Great Britain. These People went on to adopt a Constitution to form a more perfect union and secure the Blessings of Liberty to their posterity.

The continuity of this constitutional republic is what the present One-Eyed king threatens.

The One-Eyed King in a deck of cards, the king of diamonds, is sometimes representative of Julius Caesar and sometimes of Odin, a Norse god associated with Warcraft and the dark arts


Odin: The One-Eyed King


Who said, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”?

Edward A. Wolff

The Not So Non-Political FBI

Christopher Sign, morning anchor at ABC15 in Phoenix, reported the following:

How a Local AZ Reporter Broke the Bombshell Clinton-Lynch Story

Former President Bill Clinton waited at the Phoenix airport Monday night (June 27, 2016) for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to arrive.

The FBI there on the tarmac instructed everybody: “no photos, no pictures, no cell phones”.

We also know the FBI protects the Attorney General while the Former President is protected by the Secret Service. So the FBI is responsive to the wishes of the Attorney General.

The FBI no-pictures statement leads to the following conclusions:

1. The meeting was meant to be clandestine.
2. The FBI was instructed in advance to prohibit pictures.
3. The meeting was therefore planned in advance.
4. The FBI was a knowing conspirator in the cover-up.


Those citizens hoping for the return of our glory days of the past were given another taste of the reality of our decline on March 14,2016 when Europe and Russia launched a robotic exploration mission to Mars.

Liftoff! European Mission to Mars Launches to Seek Signs of Life

The mission title “ExoMars” stands for “Exobiology on Mars”
The mission includes two spacecraft, a Mars lander (Schiaparelli ) to develop the technology of landing on Mars and a Mars orbiter to search the Martian atmosphere for trace gasses important for life.

Robotic Exploration of Mars

The only US participation was the contribution of radios used on a Mars mission ten years ago.

NASA’s Participation in ESA’s 2016 ExoMars Orbiter Mission

The radios were used on a Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission launched in 2005.

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

We have heard nothing about this from any of our country’s leaders (political, scientific, economic, media, etc.) Their silence says it all!

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