This is an exercise in creating a picture by connecting the dots.

Current media reports of world events raise many questions but provide few answers.

Why is Iran an early and large center of the corona virus outbreak?

The Iran outbreak is so large and threatening
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Traveler’s Health Warning – Level 3 recommending that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Iran.

The disease seems to have originated
in Wuhan, China not Iran.

Iran and its population are struggling to exist under stringent sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies resulting from Iran’s effort to obtain nuclear weapons and intercontinental range missiles for the delivery of those weapons. The Iranian people do not seem to have the wherewithal for many of them to vacation in China. But the Iranian leadership does have the resources to travel, and it appears it is members of that leadership that have contracted the disease and taken it to Iran.

Are the Iranian leaders traveling to China? If so, why?

There is speculation that the corona virus
escaped from a Chinese biological warfare laboratory in Wuhan.

Does Iran have a large concentration of Corona virus victims because Iranian leaders visited Wuhan as part of a program to transfer biological weapons technology from China to Iran?

What else can explain remote Iran being a large victim of the corona virus?

China has long had an ambition
to overtake the U.S. as a world power.

China has long been stealing U.S. technology, armament plans and other intellectual property.
1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their IP within the last year

Is China planning to use Iran as a surrogate to wreak havoc on the West with biological weapons?

Is the U.S. effort to get closer to China a foolish and deadly waste of time?

There are so many dots to connect. There are so many questions. There are so few answers.

Edward A. Wolff

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