How Democrats Turn their Lies into Truth
The Democrats Hydra
Eric Golub at Boca on December 3
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at Boca Raton

Eric Golub
Eric Golub is a long-time friend of the Tea Party. He is a Brooklyn born, Long Island raised satirist. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Judaism, and his MBA from USC. He has been a stock brokerage professional since 1994. He blogs about politics Monday through Friday and about football and other human interest items on weekends.
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP:
Mark Goldman and Eric Golub at Abacoa on 12/2
Monday, December 2, 2019 at Abacoa

Marc Goldman

Eric Golub
Marc Goldman is a successful businessman who is dedicated to promoting Jewish causes, Marc will be sharing his vast business knowledge and his personal analysis of the Republican Party’s direction under President Trump and the future. Since 1999, Marc has studied with and is on the advisory board of the Jerusalem based Aish HaTorah and is a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition. He was appointed by President Bush to the U.S. Holocaust Museum Council and is a recipient of the First Annual Crains New York Business All Stars, Who’s Who in Sales and Marketing, Who’s Who in the East 1989-90, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and the 2016 King David Award by The Jewish Heritage Commission.
Eric Golub is a long-time friend of the Tea Party. He is a Brooklyn born, Long Island raised satirist. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Judaism, and his MBA from USC. He has been a stock brokerage professional since 1994. He blogs about politics Monday through Friday and about football and other human interest items on weekends.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:
Trump-45 Club on the Today Show
C.L. Bryant – Prepare to Revolt!

Prepare to Revolt!
This was the message from FreedomWorks Senior Fellow C.L. Bryant last evening at Abacoa.
If the Democrats are able to deny due process to the President of the United States, just think what they can do to you. We are facing a “New American Order”, and we must fight to keep the White House, take back the House, and win more seats in the Senate in 2020.
Bryant, the former Baptist minister, rattled the windows with his booming voice as he brought passion for America, the greatest country on earth, and the constitution – inspired by God. Those of us under 85 years of age are likely to live past 100, he said, – God’s way of protecting those of us who remember the principles of the founding.
Even as Barack Obama said he would “fundamentally change this country”, a statement of dislike for what has come before, Bryant said it is up to us to “stand in the gap”, and fight this change, using the tools of social media and political persuasion.
“I am an American Nationalist” he proclaimed, which simply means that he loves this country above all other. Nationalism is not a dirty word. Ilhan Omar, who recently railed against “Western Imperialism” at a Bernie Sanders rally, was a Somali refugee, taken in by this country and given the fruits of liberty. Ingratitude, he said, is the biggest sin. Bryant predicted that Omar, and fellow squad members Tlaib, Ocazio-Cortez and Pressley will be “out of here” come 2020.
He recalled the story of Eldridge Cleaver, originally the Marxist spokesman for the Black Panther Party, who fled prosecution and spent years in Cuba, China and the Soviet Union. “I would rather spend my life in an American jail than live in a Marxist country” he said as he returned to the US to serve his prison term.
Bryant, who at one time was the leader of the NAACP chapter in Garland, Texas until his opposition to abortion ran afoul of the Democrats in charge, stands up for the President. “Trump is no racist” he declared, and sent a message to Democrats that “Black people are leaving you”. “The pixie dust is wearing off”. Bryant will be meeting with the President later this week as he joins a Presidential advisory board.
Bryant’s book “A Race for Freedom“, a treatise on Race in America is available on Amazon .
Congressman Brian Mast on the Impeachment Vote
I’ll be blunt – this impeachment investigation has become an embarrassing circus, completely disconnected from real America, with Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff as ringmasters.
After weeks of closed-door meetings and cherry-picked testimonies, the House passed a resolution to formally launch an impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. This resolution gives Chairman Schiff complete control over this investigation including the schedule, witnesses and hearings, including whether they are open or closed to the public.
This publicity stunt vote is a brazen attempt to stack the deck even more in favor of the narrative Democrats want to be true, instead of trying to find the actual truth—it gives Chairman Schiff unilateral power to decide what facts to tell the American people and which ones to hide from them.
The bottom line is that House Democrats have made it clear time and time again that they’re more interested in putting politics and hatred for the President ahead of our country’s best interest. It’s time to end this sham.
Congressman Brian Mast