Freedomworks at Boca Raton in June

Please Join us on

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at Boca Raton


Alan Page, Southeast Regional Director


Kathy Hartkopf, Grassroots Coordinator


For over a quarter century, FreedomWorks has identified, educated, and actuated citizens who are enthused about showing up to support free enterprise and constitutionally limited government.

They are not primarily a “think-tank,” content to study the issues and publish papers and reports. FreedomWorks breaks down the barriers between the beltway insiders and grassroots America.

FreedomWorks members know that government goes to those who show up. That’s why they give them the tools to break through the media noise and provide the same access to Washington as the big-moneyed lobbyists.

Preserving liberty depends on all Americans having access to their elected officials—not just special interests. FreedomWorks holds Washington accountable to the citizens that put them in office.

FreedomWorks was originally founded as Citizens for a Sound Economy in 1984. Founded to fight for liberty, they brought together some of the best and brightest minds of the liberty movement. Since then, they’ve expanded their ambitions from a free-market think tank to a service center for the grassroots freedom movement across the whole country.

Tuesday, June 4 2019, 6:30PM
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Please RSVP:

Allen Page is the Southeast Director for FreedomWorks. He has been With FreedomWorks for 16 years. Allen works closely with the conservative and liberty minded groups in the southeast. Before joining FreedomWorks, Allen worked in grassroot campaigns for former Rep. Coble, former Senator John East, former Senator Jesse Helms, former Senator Duncan Faircloth and former senator Steve Symms.

Education: B.A,. Elon College

Kathy Hartkopf is a grassroots coordinator for FreedomWorks. She works directly with FreedomWorks activists, educating and empowering them to stand together for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom. Kathy joined FreedomWorks (then Citizens for a Sound Economy), as a grassroots activist in 2000, when CSE formed in her county to help citizens fight an egregious bond referendum.

Education: A.A., Peace College; Graduated Fellow of the Institute of Political Leadership, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and East Carolina University.

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