TPP Call – 11/5

1. Constitution Minute- Chris Wright

He highlighted that our Constitution is not compatible with socialism.

2. This week’s TPP action items relative to the current income tax system upgrades- JBM

– Schedule house parties
– Write letters to the letters
– Recruit tax reform coalition; new members

3. D.C. Report- Bill Pascoe

The house has passed a budget resolution bill. This insures that the democrats can not filibuster the final bill proposal.
Four federal judges were confirmed plus nine lower court judges. But there are still large numbers of confirmations in limbo.
Four house members have formally requested that Muller be forced to resign.
The senate vote on a new budget bill may be as early as next week.

4. TPP Current Actions- JBM

Four requests for webinar live member votes were made on the following issues:

– Should TPP include o’care individual mandate repeal in current repeal efforts? The vote was 89% yes.
– Will you sign up for membership or recruit members for the tax reform coalition? No results seen
– Will you write letters to the editors? No results seen
– Will you sign up for house parties? No results seen

JBM met with Sessions relative to IRS political targeting of conservative groups. He agreed to help where possible.

JBM was in two president Trump meetings.

JBM met with Senator Purdue to review his efforts to stop chain illegal migrations.

5. Q & A- Signed off here

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