George Via at Boca, 4/4

Please Join us at Boca Raton on Tuesday, April 4 for

George Via
Defeating the Ideology Behind the Islamic State Terror Group
Tuesday, April 4, 2017, 6:30pm
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Please RSVP:

George Via has been a practicing Florida attorney since 1990. For most of that time he has been in Public Service as an Assistant Public Defender, first in Miami-Dade County for close to 4 years, then again in Orlando for 10 years. There was a time interval in Miami where he had his own practice, and then in 1998 after marrying his wife Farideh, they packed up and moved to South Africa for 4 years, and traveled around other countries including Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, and Mozambique. They also traveled to Israel several times, and lived in Turkey for 4 months and traveled across Europe to Switzerland, France and Spain and lastly to England for another 4 months. During their travels George lectured at a number of universities and law schools on Global Ethics, World Unity, and the Role of Science in the New World Order, and while in England he managed to meet Queen Elizabeth on a completely unrelated engagement.

For the last two years he has been looking to get into the speaker circuit and is currently scheduled to speak on the practice of Mindfulness at the Dade County Bar “Thurgood Marshall Distinguished Speakers” event they are hosting in the coming months. While in the Orlando area, he gave talks to the Orlando Police Bomb Squad on why there is so much turmoil in the Middle East. This talk came about after his Baha’i Center received some hate mail that appeared to have anthrax in it, and the bomb squad had to be called in. Fortunately it was a hoax, but it provided a unique opportunity for him to speak with the Police Department. The lead detective then asked him to speak again at the police academy.

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