“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king” – Erasmus of Rotterdam, 16th-century

Hail to the King! All Hail to the King, the One-Eyed King, Barack Hussein Obama (alias Barry Soetoro)!

The One-Eyed king, immersed in his ideology and determination to fundamentally transform the United States of America, does not see the damage he is inflicting on all around him.

1. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakness he has inflicted on the country by an almost 20 trillion dollar debt (greater than the sum of the debt of all previous presidents combined) that has left us economically and militarily weak and vulnerable to our adversaries.

2. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our defense posture by his emaciation of our military and intelligence capability.

3. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our law-enforcement capability by his denigration of our police and interference with the FBI.

4. The One-Eyed king does not see the social unrest he has caused by a tax-and-spend policy that has decreased jobs and increased unemployment by driving businesses offshore and hurting the most vulnerable among us.

5. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage caused to our country by the terror attacks of radical Islamic jihadists and does not seem to have any idea on how to deal with its source nor how to deploy our resources to eliminate it at home.

6. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage caused to our country by his open borders policy that facilitates unlimited immigration of foreign workers that increases unemployment of native born citizens.

7. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage to our constitutional republic by his use of cell phone and pen to institute regulations (on topics often disapproved by Congress) to take away from the people some of the God-given rights not delegated to him by the constitution.

8. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage to our economy caused by his often ideological regulations that hurt business and jobs.

9. The One-Eyed king does not see the popular derision of the suspect economic data he releases to cover up the deleterious effects of his economic policy.

10. The One-Eyed king does not see the damage caused to our country by his open borders policy that facilitates the importation of illegal drugs and the criminal element of foreign populations.

11. The One-Eyed king does not see the potential erosion of our national sovereignty by his support of United Nations programs drafted by the dictatorial governments of the world.

12. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our legal system by the importation of unvetted immigrants who subscribe to a legal system that differs from the one specified by our constitution.

13. The One-Eyed king does not see the weakening of our legal system by his negotiation of treaties with other countries and then calling them agreements to avoid the treaty clause of the constitution that requires Senate approval.

14. The One-Eyed king does not see the diminution of the citizens’ trust in their government (which is essential to the long-term durability of that government) caused by the widespread corruption throughout his administration.

15. The One-Eyed king does not see the risk he imposes on future kidnap victims by paying a ransom to free today’s victims.

16. The One-Eyed king does not see the destruction of our healthcare system brought on by an Obamacare that has steadily raised the cost of health care premiums and the deductibles required of the insured.

17. The One-Eyed king does not see the destruction of our education system by the federally mandated disastrous Common Core program.

18. The One-Eyed king does not see the idiocy and absurd cost of the Climate Change (nee Global Warming) initiative he is pushing.

From the beginning of recorded history until the fourth quarter of the eighteenth century mankind lived mostly in areas (countries) ruled by dictators (often called kings or emperors) who raised armies to protect their kingdoms and empires and the surfs living therein. In return the surfs owed allegiance to the protecting ruler who had the power of life and death over all his subjects.

This world-wide living arrangement changed for the first time in the thirteen colonies of North America in 1776 when the people adopted the Declaration of Independence asserting that their unalienable rights (Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness) came from their creator, not King George III of Great Britain. These People went on to adopt a Constitution to form a more perfect union and secure the Blessings of Liberty to their posterity.

The continuity of this constitutional republic is what the present One-Eyed king threatens.

The One-Eyed King in a deck of cards, the king of diamonds, is sometimes representative of Julius Caesar and sometimes of Odin, a Norse god associated with Warcraft and the dark arts


Odin: The One-Eyed King


Who said, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”?

Edward A. Wolff

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