Boca Chapter and SF 912 Present: The Pre-Primary Candidate Forum Roundup!

The Boca Raton Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, in conjunction with the SF912, present the “Pre-Primary Candidate Forum“,  for Tuesday, August 7th at 7:00pm.  NOTE:  Due to the high number of candidates who wish to speak to our audience, we will likely begin EARLIER than 7:00!!!  It will be held at the Boca Greens Country Club (Map HERE), and the doors will be open at 5:30pm for a cash bar, and dinner will follow from 6pm to 7pm (as usual, the cost is $15, which includes tax and gratuity). We will have this event in lieu of our normal “Dinner/Speaker” meeting, which we normally have on first Tuesday of the month.  Our leadership has concluded that we would like to provide this type of event as a service to both the candidates, as well as the citizens in our county who wish to be better prepared when it comes time to vote- whatever their party of political “stripe”.  This is a great opportunity for everyone involved to get to understand more of what the candidates stand for before their big Primary Election vote on August 14th.

The format will be simple:  Each candidate will be allowed 5 minutes at the podium and microphone after he/she is introduced.  We want each candidate to address the top two or three issues that they want to meet head-on if elected, an how they would be accountable to one or more of the Tea Party’s 3 tenets: Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, or Limited Government, and how they will be manifested in your approach towards the office.  We ask that each candidate be very specific towards that, so that it’s not just some generic “stump speech”.    We will have a volunteer timer, who will hold up cards letting each candidate know when they have 1:00 and :30 seconds remaining.  A bell will ring to stop anyone who goes over time allotted.

As of August 6th, the officially confirmed candidate speakers will be: Joe Talley, Cleamond Walker, Susan Bucher, Fran Hancock, Jody Lane, Mike Lameyer, Cindy Tindell, Margherita Downey, Melanie Peterson, Gary Nikolits, Lisa Epstein, Timothy McCarthy, Sharon Bock, James Martz, Tom Thayer, Peter Evans, Peter Feaman, and Robert Weinroth.

This event  will be provided in a safe and fair environment which our leadership ensure will be the model of civility.  It is not a “Debate”– it is a “Forum”.  There will be no mud-slinging, and the candidates are asked to confine their time at the podium to address what their platform is, NOT to attack their opponents.

Due to the number of candidates who wish to address our group, it is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that there will be time left for a Q&A with the candidates.  Assuming there is, the microphone will be tightly  controlled by our leadership to avoid any questions designed with nothing more than malicious intent towards any of the candidates, determined at the sole discretion of SF 912/PBCTP personnel.

Come on out and get involved in how the government process works in YOUR neighborhood and community!  Please RSVP on the button provided: