ObamaCare Tweets

This week the Supreme Court will be reviewing, arguing, and deciding on the future of the Affordable Health Care Act (known as ObamaCare).   If repealed, our legislature can focus on what is needed, i.e., improving healthcare and decrease the costs versus the inevitable degrading and increased cost with ObamaCare.

How can you help enlighten friends and family?  By tweeting one or more of these sound bites or by posting them on your face book page.  These were developed by the Tea Party Patriots:

#Obamacare Law is a 3.8% sales #tax on the sale of your home starting 2013

Less jobs: Obamacare would reduce the workforce by approx. 800,000 jobs. It’s time for DC to listen – Repeal the Bill.

Less coverage: By 2016, 4 million fewer people will get health coverage from their employers. It’s time for DC to listen – Repeal the Bill.

Keep your plan? Think again. HHS estimates by 2013, up to 80% of small businesses will lose their grandfather status.

More taxes: Obamacare has 18 tax increases totaling approx. $560 billion over 10 years. It’s time for DC to listen – Repeal the Bill.

Thanks to tax subsidies and the expansion of public health programs about two-thirds of all healthcare will be funded by the govt.

Americans can’t afford Obamacare, which will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade. It’s time for DC to listen – Repeal the Bill.

Budget-busting Obamacare. It will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade according to the CBO. It’s time for DC to listen – Repeal the Bill.

72% of Americans think the individual mandate is unconstitutional. It’s time for DC to listen – Repeal the Bill.

No freedom of choice in Obamacare. Starting in 2014, businesses will be forced to provide health insurance or pay a fine.

More government: To enforce Obamacare, the IRS estimated it will need to hire over 1,000 new employees to ensure compliance with the law.

More than 150 new govt boards / agencies created to implement Obamacare. Let shrink government and increase freedom. Repeal the Bill.

HHS issued waiver to over 1,700 health plans. America needs a waiver. It’s time to Repeal the Bill.

Save grandma. Repeal IPAB. http://tinyurl.com/766yojb

Stop the Medicare Czars. Repeal IPAB.

#Obamacare Law is a 3.8% sales #tax on the sale of your home starting 2013