Congressman Brian Mast at October Meeting

With everything revolving around the speaker’s race in the House, Congressman Mast was not able to return to PBC in time for our meeting at Duffy’s, so he arranged a Zoom call so the meeting could proceed virtually. Brian’s campaign manager Maddox Stirrat came to the meeting and facilitated the video hookup.

Appearing in the uniform of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in which he once served, he gave us a good update on the situation in Israel following the Hamas attack from Gaza. He also went “inside baseball” to explain what is really going on in the Republican caucus as they attempt to elect a new speaker. Jim Jordan, the “speaker elect” will be headed to a floor vote, probably Monday. Since a small group of Republicans left Washington before the process was done, they are not able to continue through the weekend.

At the conclusion of his remarks, Brian took questions on the 2024 Presidential race, the outlook for the budget process and Jim Jordan’s plan for it if elected, and other topics of interest.

To hear Brian’s thoughts on Israel and the speaker’s race, check out his “week in review“.