Get Ready for the Fight

Right off the bat there are two issues we need to be familiar with and take very seriously. The Democrats are moving full steam ahead with their tyrannical game plan. We must be ready to take these issues head on as they have no plans on slowing down any time soon.

Issue number one; On Friday March 8th, the House Democrats passed HR 1, 234-193. It’s named the “For the People Act” and it is anything but “for the people.” Adam Brandon, President of Freedom Works, writes in his blog titled, “Oppose the So-Called “For the People Act” HR 1”, “H.R. 1 is an ambitious effort by the House Democrats to dictate the manner and outcome of elections in the United States.” I encourage you to read Brandon’s blog post, but here are the highlights of a bill that “would steamroll federalism and dictate to the states how their elections should be run.” H.R. 1 would prevent states from determining the qualifications of their voters and lift the ban on voting for convicted felons. The 14th amendment allows states to bar certain citizens from voting for “participation in rebellion, or other crime.”

While we inherently know H.R. 1 is nothing but a hot steamy unconstitutional pile of crap, it is a testament to the depths of depravity at which the Democratic Party will go destroy our republic and gain power and control over the American people. It is in and of itself so evil and so wicked to even suggest it boards on insanity, stupidity and recklessness.

Issue number two; a bi-partisan attempt to infringe on our second amendment right to keep and bear arms in Florida. Two Florida grass root based organizations, The Americans for Gun Safety Now (AFGSN) ( and Ban Assault Weapons Now (BAWN) ( created a bi-partisan alliance that they claim will bring “real gun reform” to Florida and ban assault weapons. The end game for these organizations is to get enough signatures on their petition to get a proposal on the 2020 ballot to amend the Florida constitution to designate any semi-automatic long gun in Florida with a capacity of more than ten rounds an “assault weapon” and ban them for future sale or possession.

It cannot be said in strong enough terms; that we are up against a doctrine of pure evil. The Democratic Party has become the party of infanticide, anti-Semitism, bigotry and Socialism. The above makes it crystal clear, they are coming for our guns and they are coming for our individual liberties.

I am psyched to take on this evil force. Are you with me?