My Rant AOC-Enomics and my New Deal

Am I the only one that is totally fed up with the day-in and day-out praising of the arrogant and brainless tyrant known as AOC? I am the only one that feels like their IQ drops by at 10 points every time AOC opens her mouth and lectures us about morality and how we will all die if we don’t save the planet with the Green New Deal? Half the time I have no idea what she is talking about. “It’s like you know I just feel like we need to have a conversation about climate change because like if we don’t do something right away we’re all going to die in like ten years.” What the hell is she talking about? Are you kidding me? According to Al Core, New York was supposed to be underwater 10 years ago.

Not only is AOC a flaming Marxist, she’s an economic illiterate and her Green New Deal proves it. Somehow I’m supposed to believe that the federal government can spend more than the country’s gross domestic product and everyone is going to thrive economically and emotionally. AOC-Enomics is pure stupidity and absurdity. It’s absolutely preposterous to think that it is somehow immoral to care about how American’s are going to pay for the Green New Deal. What’s immoral AOC is your proposed tyrannical destruction of the American economy through your Green New Deal that is estimated to cost Americans somewhere in ball park of ninety-three million dollars. There is not enough money on the planet earth to pay for this absurdity!

AOC, you are a 29-year-old tyrannical pisher (that’s Yiddish for an inexperienced person with little to no importance) with an ego the size of the price tag of your Green New Deal. You have no credibility and wouldn’t know what was moral if it hit you over the head. You need to stop lying to the American people because this socialist nightmare masquerading as some humanitarian social justice program will catapult millions of Americans into poverty and despair as you bloviate and lecture hard working Americans about equality and social justice from your luxury apartment building in Washington D.C.

Here’s my new deal AOC. It’s called the “Individual Liberty New Deal”. My new deal, unlike yours embraces individual freedom and liberty. My new deal unlike yours embraces private property rights and not collectivism. My new deal embraces free market capitalism and the rule of law. Your new deal embraces tyranny. That’s my new deal. How bout that!!