Slade O’Brien Educates Boca Crowd On Realities Of Florida Politics!
With a crystal-clear night on the back end of a Florida “cold-snap” (getting into the 40’s the day before), there was another exciting night of patriotism from the Palm Beach County Tea Party. Though the turnout was lighter than this past month, it was an unquestionably exciting evening of brisk dialogue amongst Patriots in Boca Raton. Slade O’Brien was the guest speaker, and his perspective as a leader of grassroots movements, and dealing... [Read More...]
PBCTP co-hosts PBG Council Candidate Forum
On February 28, PBG Watch, along with the South Florida 912 and the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Taxpayer Action Board and the Palm Beach Gardens Residents Coalition hosted a candidate forum for City Council election, featuring former Mayor David Levy and challenger attorney James D’Loughy.. Read More →
Mark Meckler’s Take on Medicaid Expansion
Hello all, The following was a letter from Mark Meckler. Please review and comment .. . and most importantly, pick out the key points that mean the most to you and immediately send emails and make phone calls to your state legislators! To Tea Partiers across Florida: From my perspective it’s very simple. 1. Tea Partiers put principle before politics. One of the core principles of tea partiers is fiscal responsibility. As tea partiers,... [Read More...]
Entitlement Reform in Florida — What is Gov. Scott thinking?
Hello all, I received this copy of a presentation that Governor Walker gave in Wisconsin on Feb 13, 2013. 2013 Gov Walker Entitlement Reform in Wisconsin This is an excellent analysis of the entitlement situation in Wisconsin. As you probably already know, Governor Walker has turned down the Medicaid expansion with ObamaCare based on his concern that the federal government will not meet its commitments and the additional and significant expense... [Read More...]
Wake up Americans!
How amazingly crazy is this picture! When are we the uninformed American people going to say enough is enough and hold this sorry excuse for the leader of the free world accountable? The insane reporting this morning through various media outlets should have headlines, “Obama blaming Republicans for his own sequestration idea”—but I don’t believe that I have seen this yet. Obama after his boondogles three day golf extravaganza in... [Read More...]
March Wellington Chapter Meeting Featuring Slade O’Brien and Attorney Jeffrey Shapiro
DATE: March 11, 2013 PROGRAM: Our keynote speaker will be featuring Slade O’Brien, the Florida State Director for Americans For Prosperity. Slade has spoken to our group before, and is always a great hit with our crowd, and his message is destined to become MORE popular, as he is a rising star both as an activist, and as an expert in how to WIN elections. If more people listened to Slade last year, many of the election results could have... [Read More...]
Jupiter Chapter March Meeting Featuring Slade O’Brien
Join us on Monday, March 4th for another banner Chapter Meeting, featuring Slade O’Brien, the Florida State Director for Americans For Prosperity. Slade has spoken to our group before, and is always a great hit with our crowd, and his message is destined to become MORE popular, as he is a rising star both as an activist, and as an expert in how to WIN elections. If more people listened to Slade last year, many of the election results could... [Read More...]
Boca Raton Chapter Dinner/Speaker Meeting, Tuesday, March 5th!!!
Join us on Tuesday, March 5th for another banner Chapter Meeting, featuring Slade O’Brien, the Florida State Director for Americans For Prosperity. Slade has spoken to our group before, and is always a great hit with our crowd, and his message is destined to become MORE popular, as he is a rising star both as an activist, and as an expert in how to WIN elections. If more people listened to Slade last year, many of the election results could... [Read More...]
Get out and VOTE on March 12th Municipal Elections! Make an Impact!
Patriots! You may have been disappointed about the 2012 elections, but get over it! You have a chance to make an impact on the municipal elections in your city – if you live in an incorporated area, on March 12. Generally only 7-12% of the voters turn out for a city election and the very few decide for everyone. Your municipality has a huge impact on your taxes, zoning, police, fire, licensing, etc. In turn, you can have a huge impact on the... [Read More...]
A testimonial from a young American on Gun control!
This young lady hits the nail on the head, telling a side of the gun control issue that most have never thought about. Take a couple minutes to listen to what a very bright young black woman has learned… Forward on because everyone needs to hear this. Read More →