June Wellington Meeting
The last few weeks have certainly been very interesting. What many of us have long suspected as reality is starting to be proven true. Each day more details emerge regarding the IRS blatant misuse of their powers in targeting Tea Parties and other conservative groups. Originally we had planned to do training on media relations; however, in light of these developments, we believe that it is necessary to address the IRS issue at our June meetings. Our... [Read More...]
Stupid Spy Scandal Subterfuge
The government claims it had to seize the phone records of a multitude of Associated Press (AP) employees to learn the identity of a spy that was leaking secrets. It sounds more like a ‘Keystone Kops’ scenario. How stupid do they think we are? Did they find the spy that way? If you read the books documenting previous spy cases you learn that spies do not call journalists and negotiate prices over the telephone. They usually have a third party... [Read More...]
MYTH vs. FACT: Immigration Reform Will Introduce Over 30 Million New Foreign Workers To America
Please post your response to this article. What do you like and what do you not like about this approach to our illegal immigration problem? What is a practical alternative to solving the problem of millions of illegal immigrants living in the US “under the radar” and given “sanctuary” from existing laws in many parts of the country? MYTH: Passing the immigration bill will result in over 30 million new foreign workers. Senator... [Read More...]
Latest threat to the Independence of the Inspector General
The attached correspondence (from the public record) is evidence that County Administrator Bob Weisman is lobbying to get IG Sheryl Steckler fired. Read More →
It has been a week and the extreme left wing liberal progressives have yet to demand federal registration of all pressure cooker owners. The hypocrites have not even demanded the issuing of licenses to carry one concealed in a backpack. Read More →
The primary duty of our government is to protect us. On April 15, 2013 our government failed us. Read More →
Tea party attempting to remake itself?
Anthony Man, in the Sun-Sentinel, examines the status of the tea party in Palm Beach and Broward in this article: Tea party attempting to remake itself which contains quotes from Michael Riordan, Karin Hoffman, Danita Kilcullen, Ira Sabin and others. The article also includes an amusing yet curiously unattractive video of Debbie Wasserman Schultz explaining that the tea party “has never been relevant” in South Florida. Read More →
United Stand for America – Tea Party Values in Wellington
The Palm Beach County Tea Party hosted their 2013 tax day rally – United Stand for America, at the Wellington Amphitheatre on Sunday, under a bright blue sky and seasonally warm temperature. South Florida 912 and Martin County Tea Party / 912, and Americans for Prosperity were co-sponsors of the event. Moderated by PBCTP President Mike Riordan, the afternoon’s lineup of speakers covered a variety of conservative themes. Keynote Kevin... [Read More...]
Problem Solving
Hello, Fellow Lovers of Liberty! I want to thank all of your who are planning with your friends and your family to come out to the United Stand for America. We appreciate your sharing and promoting of this pivotal event. We all know that America is in dire circumstances on many levels. Our economic problems are glaring and obvious. Yet the cause of that looming catastrophe is not fundamentally economic, it is caused by misguided – or nonexistent... [Read More...]