Reasons for Optimism – The “Defending the American Dream” Summit

Speaker Videos This past weekend in Orlando, Americans for Prosperity Foundation hosted a conference for grassroots activists from around the nation. With informative breakout sessions in the mornings to highlight successes on the state and local levels, and “big tent” events in the afternoon with national conservative leaders, there was something for everyone, including ample free time to “network”. The “malaise”... [Read More...]


OVERSIGHT ARCHIVE, JAN-JUN 2013 NEWS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE GLEANED FROM THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA IF YOU LIKE YOUR TEA PARTY YOU CAN KEEP YOUR TEA PARTY• Compiled by Ed. Wolff – Updated November 17, 2013 As more recent OVERSIGHT posts preempt older posts, those older posts are moved here to serve as a searchable resource. Please send any comments you have to: OVERSIGHT CONTRIBUTORS The people involved... [Read More...]

Citizen Duty

We as Patriots must ALL work together to save our great nation. We have been given a gift, passed down and fought for by our fore fathers,  all the way back to our nations founding. We have no choice but to do the same for our posterity. Rise up and be heard and seen and read this is your time!  Read More →

Obama’s Legacy?

It looks like the major legacy of our decide-nothing, do-nothing President will be the chemical weapons acquired by the jihadists in Syria, carried by them across our unsecure southern border, and released by them in populated areas of the United States. And the liberal media will refuse to call it a scandal.  Read More →

I will no Longer be Taken for Granted

This blog has partisan political overtones and is therefore not to be construed as the opinion of the organization or any of its members other than myself. For the last several presidential election cycles the Republican Party has nominated liberal presidential candidates and assumed they would get the votes of the conservatives who, while they disliked the Republican Candidate, disliked the Democrat candidate more and had no place else to go. I hereby... [Read More...]

Wellington Chapter Meeting on Monday Sept. 9th

PROGRAM: Clips from the Dennis Michael Lynch documentary for those that missed the last meeting The 10 minute video of the Great Boat Lift of 9/11 Speakers on Common Core and 7/50 Words of wisdom from Chapter Leader Marion Frank DATE: Monday, September 9, 2013 TIME: 7:00 PM,  Doors open at 6:30 PM – (note – no charge and no buffet at the meeting) PLACE: Total Wine & More, Shoppes at Isla Verde, 960 S State Road 7, Wellington, FL... [Read More...]

Dennis Michael Lynch Delivers at Jupiter

Author and producer of the films “They Come to America” and “They Come to America 2”, Dennis Michael Lynch drove the issues surrounding illegal immigration and amnesty home to a substantial crowd of several hundred at the Abacoa Golf Club. Co-sponsored by the Palm Beach County Tea Party and the Martin County Tea Party / 912, Mr. Lynch used a series of video clips, anecdotes and personal stories to shed some light on what is... [Read More...]

Defending the American Dream Summit

Americans for Prosperity is hosting this meeting in Orlando next month, featuring Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Many local activists are attending.  Read More →

An Evening with Dennis Michael Lynch

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Presents AN EVENING WITH DENNIS MICHAEL LYNCH Introductory comments by Joyce Kaufman Cosponsored by the Martin County 9-12/Tea Party You can see Dennis’s hour long interview with Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Show Dennis is the producer of the films THEY COME toAMERICA I and THEY COME to AMERICA II. He rode our southern border to create action-packed documentaries on the illegal immigration problem.  You can... [Read More...]

County Budget Workshop – Tuesday July 16

TAB article about the current county budget proposal.  Read More →

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