County Commission votes to penalize West Palm Beach and Riviera Beach over Inspector General Lawsuit

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In Defense of “My Peeps” …… They ain’t who you might think they are..

Good Tuesday Morning! . Ok, I have officially “had it” with the sanctimonious, self righteous, unable to speak proper English without “like” and “um” crowd. It occurs on both the “right” and the “left”. Who can forget the condescending “Bitter Clingers” statement: “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced... [Read More...]

Where Have all the “Pretty People” Gone?

Where Have all the “Pretty People” Gone? They all opposed war every one…. The war is on, then it is off. We go one direction and then another. There is a “red line” and then the red line disappears or someone else drew it. I have not thought about it today, much…… What I have thought about are the “missing voices”. The fervent celebrity “peace-niks” who pounced, parodied and preached their “kumbaya”, evoking... [Read More...]

Jason Shields, 1967-2013 – Rest in Peace, Friend

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What is good for thee, ain’t right for me!

Good Sunday Morning! News Flash! These people have NO moral compass…..DON’T LISTEN TO THEM….. In a era of the “Forward” movement which seeks to reject and denigrate anything traditional, we are finding that people increasingly looking to the media to dictate their “new” actions and the “coolest” way to do everything …. whether it is what they wear, how they speak, who they vote for, who they scorn, where and how they... [Read More...]

The Journey from Left to Right….

Good Saturday Morning! The Journey from Left to Right…. When Allen and I go out to parties, galas, and the like, people speak to him about conservative thinking. That is a given. He is deeply patriotic, deeply involved with the history of the country and very knowledgeable. But….. after they speak with him, the conversation invariably turns to me. And…. it starts like this….”WHEN DID you BECOME conservative….”... [Read More...]

County Tax Trends – Some Perspective

The public hearings on the county budget are Monday 9/9/13 and 9/23/13 at 6:00 PM.  Read More →

Takeaways from breakout sessions at Defending the American Dream Summit

I attended several sessions and found most invaluable, especially when panelists made points that provoked new insights or paradigms.  Listed are brief descriptions of the panels and my ‘takeaways’.   If you attended the same sessions, please add your comments.  If you attended different sessions and would like to have your ‘take-aways’ posted – email us at  and we’ll post it for you. Medicaid... [Read More...]

Palm Beach County Tea Party Announces New President

Press Release September 3, 2013 The Palm Beach County Tea Party Board of Directors has elected Mel Grossman as its new President. Mel Grossman Mr. Grossman is a co-founder of the group, founded in 2011 as a spin off of the now defunct South Florida Tea Party, and has served as its Treasurer. Mr. Grossman moved to Florida in October 2001 after selling his successful small business of 35 years and lives in northern Palm Beach County. He has been involved... [Read More...]

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

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