What is Progress, is it a just a Mirage?

There is nothing new under the sun…… What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Some people’s lives are ruled by sex, drugs, alcohol, false religion some are ruled by politics, some by gambling and other “pleasure principles” of the world, I have found out — sometimes the hard way and sometimes vicariously that you can not find “true happiness”... [Read More...]

Hope, Harmony, and Thuggery

Good Sunday Morning! In 2008, at the end of a long primary fight, then-Sen. Barack Obama gave a triumphant speech in St. Paul, Minn., in which he said it could be a pendulum-like moment for America. “If Americans would work for it, he said, acknowledging his own limitations, that June was the moment to which “generations would look back” and say, among other things, “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our... [Read More...]

Jupiter Chapter Meeting – October 7

PROGRAM: An In Depth Discussion on Common Core and 7/50 SPEAKERS: Leigh Lamson and Phyliss Frey – American Coalition for Property Rights Janet Campbell – Florida Stop Common Core Coalition DATE: Monday, October 7, 2013. TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches $13, tax and gratuity included, Cash Bar); 6:30 PM Meeting (no charge). PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458. DIRECTIONS: Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside... [Read More...]

The Common Core of Sex in the Afternoon

Good Friday Morning! Get a load of what your children will be reading in the 10th grade or so…… “Hugo and Felicia stripped in their room, dissolving easily into one another, and made love against the whitewashed walls. Hugo bit Felicia’s breast and left purplish bands of bruises on her upper thighs. He knelt before her in the tub and massaged black Spanish soap between her legs. He entered her repeatedly from behind.” Dreaming in... [Read More...]

Wellington Chapter Meeting October 14

PROGRAM: Marion Frank will speak about Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. Then, there will be a structured, open forum on any topic you would like to bring up that you thing the Palm Beach County Tea Party can take on and make a difference. You will get the chance to speak and give voice to your concern. Come prepared to make a difference.       Let’s get to work. DATE: Monday, October 14, 2013 TIME: 7:00 PM. Doors open... [Read More...]

Gun Free Zones…….

Good Monday Evening. Sad Day…. Today has been a somber day both in mood and weather. This morning’s evens which unfolded with horror before our eyes occurred on a military installation. As of now the casualty numbers stand at upwards of 13 dead, including the shooter. Unfortunately, politics do not stop for this or ANY situation at all as witnessed by the address given by the President today, however, one argument will take over soon.... [Read More...]

Standing Room Only at the September Wellington Meeting

Our Wellington Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party held its meeting on Monday, Sept. 9th in the classroom at Total Wine in Wellington. People started arriving a full hour before the 7 PM meeting in order to get a seat. By the time the meeting started, it was standing room only. The Chapter Coordinator, Marion Frank opened the meeting with a short discussion on Syria. She opined that the whole ordeal was a Wag The Dog scenario and was just meant... [Read More...]

Meet Elizabeth O’Bagy

Meet Elizabeth O’Bagy: The cute college coed who almost led America to war. “A Syrian researcher whose work was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain during congressional hearings regarding the use of military force against the Syrian government has now been fired for lying on her resume about having a PhD.” Elizabeth O’Bagy wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece that formed the basis for the administration’s... [Read More...]

Fort Knox

Hello all I am new to the Tea Party, and so far have attended only one–the last meeting in Wellington, FL. I have many questions, however will see how it goes, and if tea is for me, or not. I received an info-mail the other day concerning our gold in Ft Knox. Does anyone know if this is true or just unsubstantiated innuendo? If our legislators do not know, they must demand a tour through the Ft. Knox facility. If it is true, it is their duty... [Read More...]

Help Fund World War III

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