“You are fortunate to have your misfortunes.”

“You are fortunate to have your misfortunes.” I had a discussion with a co-worker this morning who spoke about his daughter’s friends and how one of them received a BMW 7 series for his 16th birthday. My eldest daughter attended an exclusive private school also, her friends drove Mercedes, Hummers, and BMW’s — all tricked out. Her best friend at the time received a Mercedes 450 SL two seater sports car along with her... [Read More...]

The Inspector General Lawsuit – Myths and Reality

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Has the “Shining City on a Hill” been Fundamentally Changed?

Has the “Shining City on a Hill” been Fundamentally Changed? President Obama declared defiantly Tuesday that his signature health-care law is “here to stay” and urged Republicans to abandon what he called a right-wing “ideological crusade” to derail it, saying they have the ability to “reopen the government” following a shutdown that took effect at midnight. I watched with ambivalence the President of the United States “scapegoat”... [Read More...]

Common Core Math

The emphasis will be upon “increasing the child’s critical thinking skills” by teaching them the “why” of the problems before stressing “how”. “More is expected of the students,” one article declares. “While they still have to memorize or have fluency in key math functions and do the math with speed and accuracy, they will have to demonstrate a deeper understanding of key concepts before moving on.” In other... [Read More...]

Are We Going to Remain Number 1!

Good Sunday Morning! “We’re number 1!” “YEAH” “We’re number 1” On the world stage, yes we as the mighty America have become smaller. Not so small yet, but there is still time. The confusion and lack of direction on the domestic stage is bolstered by legions of special interest actors and “handlers” that make any of the bungles and bad and poorly thought out policy such as the financial boondoggle... [Read More...]

A Note about the West Family

A Personal Note before Retiring for the Evening. It was 6 months ago that I decided to start this page. One of the reasons I started this Page was that I love to write and I am a voracious reader. As a former professor, researcher, and teacher I absolutely LOVE the hunt for interesting as well as provocative material. I read and I ENJOY your comments. It has been and I hope it will continue to be a delightful andragogical learning experience. I learn... [Read More...]

Quotes of Ted Cruz

Good Wednesday Morning….. ” I will fight for America until I can no longer stand” “If standing for liberty and standing for the Constitution makes you a ‘wacko bird,’ then count me a proud wacko bird,” “It is apparently very, very important to be invited to all the right cocktail parties in town. Now, I’ll confess: I don’t go to a whole lot of cocktail parties in town.” “I don’t know if it’s the water, something... [Read More...]

Stop Tryin’ to Mess with Me; I don’t feel no ways tired.

Good Tuesday Evening! Let’s face it, as we call for diversity within the Republican Party, one thing is certain —- that the Black vote is OWNED by the Democrat Party. So why the occasional “racial dog whistles” from members of that party. I will tell you why, because they feel that every once in a while, instead of calling out problems in the Black community and trying to make them better, they have to show how “SOLID... [Read More...]

Rally for the Inspector General – WPB, Pay Your Bills!

Join us as West Palm Beach City Watch rallies to protest the WPB-led lawsuit against the Inspector General funding.  Read More →

Who is the “White Widow” and Why Should I Care?

Good Monday Evening All! It has been a really busy day but I wanted to write before turning in a bit. Masked gunmen stormed into a fancy, crowded mall in Nairobi on Saturday and shot dead at least 39 people and wounded more than 150 in one of the most chilling terrorist attacks in East Africa since Al Qaeda blew up two American embassies in 1998.NYT Several witnesses said the attackers had shouted for Muslims to run away while they picked off other... [Read More...]

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