HONOR FLIGHT – OPERATION WELCOME HOME – OCTOBER 19TH PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT US AIRWAYS TERMINAL Welcome home our Greatest Generation from a day visiting the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Bring your smiles, wear your patriotic colors, bring signs, balloons. To see the smiles on our heroes faces when we greet them is simply priceless. Flight lands approximately 8:20pm but please be at the airport no later than 8:00pm. WEST PALM... [Read More...]

Common Core Discussion Coming to Jupiter

JUPITER/PBG CHAPTER11/4/2013 MEETING NOTICE PROGRAM: An In Depth Discussion on Common Core and its adverse effects on our children and grandchildren SPEAKER: Janet Campbell – Florida Stop Common Core Coalition DATE: Monday, November 4, 2013 TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches $13, tax and gratuity included, Cash Bar) 6:30 PM Meeting (no charge) PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458 DIRECTIONS: Donald... [Read More...]

Boca Chapter to Discuss Affordable Care Act

BOCA RATON CHAPTER 11/6/2013 MEETING UPDATE PROGRAM Come join us in a lively debate about ObamaCare. DEBATERS: Pro: Rabbi Barry M.Silver, public interest and personal injury attorney. Con: Marion Frank, Practice Manager for private anesthesia group and National Co-Chair for the Docs 4 Patient Care Alliance DATE: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 TIME: 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM PLACE: Palm Beach County Library, West Boca Branch, 18685 State Rd. 7,... [Read More...]

The Republican Party, Embracing the “extremists” or heading towards Manor Care…… Take your pick…

Yesterday I posted a poem entitled “The Bad Old Days” , for those people NOT enamoured with poetry it represented a puzzle of sorts —- and then the illustration included was a bit puzzling. The woman depicted is wearing the “female body armor” for the 1950’s. The tight “hourglass girdle”, garters (often made of steel) that no doubt dug into the tender flesh and the pointy brassiere. I remember that I... [Read More...]

Debt Limit 101

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Talk of a Constitutional Convention at Wellington

We had another packed house for the Wellington Chapter meeting on Oct. 14th. We welcomed several first timers to our Tea Party, as well as about a dozen veterans. As you are aware, the Tea Party has a special place in our hearts for veterans of all wars. The concern for the future of our country is at a fever pitch, so we gave all our participants a chance to voice their opinions. Our Chapter Leader, Marion Frank, began the meeting with a Cliff... [Read More...]

The Sequester, the Budget Process, and OMNIBUS Legislation

It is a shock to see both the SENATE and the PRESIDENT recommend Bill of Attainder to do away with the HOUSE of Representatives constitutionally mandated process. The US constitutional Budget Process MUST originate in and by the will of the people, as represented in the House of Representatives. The Budget Process was never an all or none process until the lazy SENATE imposed its will over the HOUSE back in the 1960’s for the entire Government... [Read More...]

In Jupiter, Seven50 Presentation Becomes Town Hall

Last evening, the Jupiter chapter hosted a presentation by Phyliss Frey of the American Coalition 4 Property Rights, on the regional planning protocol known as “Seven50”. Background: The title stands for “Seven Counties, 50 Years”, and is a work product in the area of “Regional Plans for Sustainable Development”, funded by a $4.6M HUD grant in 2010. A consortium, the developers of Seven50 formed the “South... [Read More...]

What not to give out a Republican Convention

Good Monday Evening! 5; 32; 23.5; 44. Numbers to Remind the Republican Party to “Keep it Classy”…… I occasionally stop at at the local establishment called Joseph’s Market on the way home. There are so many aromas, so many sumptuous foods. Actually, when I see so many types of good looking foods, I really get confused and end up buying a couple of tomatoes and some cheese. Or one slice of pizza, or both. But one thing I notice... [Read More...]


A Thought Before Turning In: This morning we woke up to the fact that the shut-down is still going on. It will end when it is supposed to. A man immolates himself in the near the capital as pictures show joggers frantically trying to put out the flames. The man lighted himself on fire just a few blocks from where federal agents killed Miriam Carey after a car chase from the White House to the Capitol. And Washington Navy Yard, where Aaron Alexis shot... [Read More...]

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