Convention of States

Are you concerned about the abuses of the federal government?  The government regulates things they have no business controlling, there’s a massive imbalance between federal and state power, and the spending and debt is out of control. But there’s hope! For the first time in many years, the people and states have a chance to check the runaway train of the federal government. Article V of the Constitution provides a way for the states to call... [Read More...]

The FairTax Act

The current tax code has been grossly manipulated to reward elite interests. Compliance has become increasingly difficult and expensive. The federal income tax is extremely unfair to wage earning Americans and the average citizen of your district. Your leadership is imperative and is respectfully requested on this important issue. The Fair Tax is fair to all Americans, and simple to understand. The Fair Tax bill represents an idea whose time has come.... [Read More...]

January Wellington Chapter: Seven/50

PROGRAM: An In Depth Discussion on Seven/50 (Agenda 21) and its adverse effects on our property rights and way-of-life. Speaker: Janet Campbell, Seven/50 activist and Tea Party member. DATE: Monday, January 13, 2014 TIME:  7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM PLACE: Total Wine & More, Shoppes at Isla Verde, 960 S State Road 7, Wellington, FL ‎33414, (561) 795-9229 Total Wine & More DIRECTIONS: Take FL-80 W/US-98/Southern Blvd/State Road 80 W... [Read More...]

Vero Beach Mayor Fletcher on Seven50

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Tea Party vs. Regional Planning

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School Board Member Marcia Andrews and Common Core

It was a packed room to hear District 6 School Board Member Marcia Andrews at Wellington’s Total Wine & More on Monday. The Common Core Standards are an attempt to unify K-12 education across the nation around a set of grade-specific core skills, ostensibly aimed at raising the worldwide competitiveness of American students. Unfortunately, the devil is in the details, and much anecdotal evidence has surfaced that when the standards are... [Read More...]

Veteran’s Day Parade on Clematis

The Palm Beach County Tea Party participated in the 2013 annual Veteran’s Day Parade in West Palm Beach. Some pictures from Ed and Julie: {image.index}/{} This jQuery slider was created with the free EasyRotator for WordPress plugin... [Read More...]

Tea Party Leader’s Meeting

LEADERS’ MEETING NOTICE IF YOU LIKE YOUR TEA PARTY YOU CAN KEEP YOUR TEA PARTY.   Dear Fellow Tea Party Members: You are invited to attend the next Tea Party Leaders’ Meeting. PROGRAM: There is no speaker. The “Leaders’ Meeting” provides all interested members an opportunity to participate in the discussion of future Tea Party objectives, long and short range goals and activities (and anything else on their mind). DATE: Tuesday, December... [Read More...]

The Truth on Page 34552

“The Devil is in the Details or Simply Buried on Page 34552 Federal Register/ Vol. 75, No. 116 / Thursday, June 17, 2010 / Rules and Regulations.” Section 1251 of the Affordable Care Act contains what’s called a “grandfather” provision that, in theory, allows people to keep their existing plans if they like them. But subsequent regulations from the Obama administration interpreted that provision so narrowly as to prevent most plans... [Read More...]

America the Peaceful…. for How Long? Not Long.

America the Peaceful…. for How Long? Not Long. While we live in relative peace , much of the world does not. In many places of America, violence abounds, with much of the violence exacerbated by the media. But as we take our morning walk, it is unlikely that we will live in fear of either being assaulted physically, verbally or touched by war of any kind. “Peace lies at the center of being able to manage the transition, simply because... [Read More...]

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