Wellington Chapter Meeting February 20

PROGRAM: The Wellington Chamber of Commerce has graciously invited the Wellington Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party to a candidate forum for Wellington Village Council. Two seats are up for election on March 11, 2014. MODERATOR: Jim Sackett CANDIDATES: The 2 incumbents, Anne Gerwig and Howard Coates. The 2 challengers, Matt Kurit and Sharon Lascola, have not yet responded to our invitation. If they do not attend, we will tell you everything... [Read More...]

Billy Vaughn Draws a Crowd in Abacoa

Last evening, “Betrayed” author Billy Vaughn captivated a packed house at Abacoa. Father of a Navy Seal who died in the crash of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan in 2011, Mr. Vaughn described what he found in trying to understand how this happened. In an indictment of the rules of engagement that currently tie the hands of our forces in Afghanistan, he described the gulf that exists between the “war fighters” on the ground... [Read More...]

Action Alert – Defeat Seven/50 at the PBC County Commission

2/4/2014 ACTION ALERT REMINDER FOR PATRIOTS OPPOSED TO UN AGENDA 21 A.K.A. SEVEN/50 Our Challenge! We must have hundreds of Palm Beach County residents to support our speakers in our quest to defeat seven/50. ACTION RECOMMENDED: Join fellow Palm Beach County residents as we support the American Coalition 4 Property Rights in their effort to defeat 7/50 in Palm Beach County. We have been challenged by our friends in Indian River County, Pt. St Lucie... [Read More...]

We are not the masses

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Boca Chapter – Authors of “Betrayed”

PROGRAM: Authors of “Betrayed”. Shocking true story of Extortion as told by a Navy Seal’s father. Political games, criminal Rules of Engagement and Washington’s total, wanton lack of regard for the battles our fearless warriors face on a nightly basis finally culminated in the greatest one-day loss of life in the history of Naval Special Warfare. SPEAKERS: Karen & Billy Vaughn, the parents of Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer... [Read More...]

Five CD18 Candidates Participate in RCPB Forum

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PBC Tea Party Co-Hosts PBG Council Candidate Forum

Join us for an evening of in-depth discussion of city issues with the candidates for the March 11th election in Groups 3 and 5 at the Gardens Branch of the County Library. With two of the three incumbents facing challengers this year, it should be a lively discussion.  Read More →


OVERSIGHT ARCHIVE, JAN-MAR 2014 NEWS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE GLEANED FROM THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA IF YOU LIKE YOUR TEA PARTY YOU CAN KEEP YOUR TEA PARTY• Compiled by Ed. Wolff – Updated April 6, 2014 As more recent OVERSIGHT posts preempt older posts, those older posts are moved here to serve as a searchable resource. The Palm Beach County Tea Party (PBCTP) Oversight Function helps members understand current events. Below is a copy of... [Read More...]

Jupiter Chapter features the Convention of States Initiative

PROGRAM: The Convention of States Initiative SPEAKER: Michael W. Eason, District Captain – FL District 85, Convention of States Project The Convention of States Project is urging state legislators to call a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution. The delegates at such a convention would propose amendments to the Constitution that would curb the abuses of the federal government. DATE: Monday, January 6, 2014 TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner... [Read More...]

Boca Chapter Features Fair Tax Educational Association

PROGRAM: The Fair Tax The Fair Tax would replace federal income and payroll taxes with a national retail sales tax. SPEAKER: Michael W. Eason, Palm Beach County Fair Tax Director, Florida Fair Tax Educational Association DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 TIME: 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM PLACE: Palm Beach County Library, West Boca Branch, 18685 State Rd. 7, Boca Raton, FL 33498. Phone: 561-470-1600 DIRECTIONS: I-95 to Exit 48 (Yamato Rd.). West... [Read More...]

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