50-year S. Florida growth plan raises a ruckus
Adrian Wyllie Featured at Jupiter Meeting
“Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, Free Markets – sound familiar“? This is how Libertarian Governor candidate Adrian Wyllie began to describe his governing principles and those of his party. The real wedge issue today is not left versus right but tyranny versus liberty. We are heading toward a cliff and the only difference between the mainstream parties is how fast they are driving. Adrian Wyllie An adherent of the 10th... [Read More...]
Conversation with a Conservative Economist – May 28
PROGRAM: An informal conversation with a conservative economist. SPEAKER: Donald J. Boudreaux, J.D., Ph.D. Professor of Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Author of the books: Globalization, Half-Wits and Hypocrites, and Hayek’s Relevance. Teacher of courses on: microeconomics, macroeconomics, Law & Economics, International economics, Legal Environment of Business and others. You can listen to him talk about Friedrich Hayek... [Read More...]
PBG Candidate Forum Synopsis
On February 25, PBG Watch, along with the South Florida 912 and the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Taxpayer Action Board, the Palm Beach Gardens Residents Coalition, and the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches hosted a candidate forum for the City Council election. Read More →
Jupiter on 4/7: Where is the Roberts Court Heading in 2014?
PROGRAM: Property Rights, Obamacare, And the EPA: Where Is the Roberts Court Heading in 2014? SPEAKER: James Burling, Director of Litigation, Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) and principal attorney in PLF’s Property Rights practice group. DATE: Monday, April 7, 2014 TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches $13, tax and tip inc. Cash Bar) 6:30 PM Meeting (no charge) PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458. DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald... [Read More...]
Boca Chapter Hosts Author of America in Decline on 3/5
PROGRAM: The book America in Decline will be discussed by its author. This book discusses the reasons for the decline of America under Obama. Frank De Varona SPEAKER: Frank de Varona is an educator, historian, journalist, and internationally known expert on politics, economics, foreign affairs, and national security issues. He has written 21 books, including four on President Barack Obama. At the age of 17, he participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion... [Read More...]
Jupiter Chapter Meeting – 3/3/14
PROGRAM: A Libertarian view of our problems and solutions SPEAKER: Adrian Wyllie wyllieforgovernor.com/, Libertarian for Florida Governor. A small business owner, military veteran, radio personality, community leader and a third-generation Floridian. DATE: Monday, March 3, 2014 TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches $13, tax and tip inc. Cash Bar) 6:30 PM Meeting (no charge) PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458. DIRECTIONS:... [Read More...]
The 44th president’s unprecedented authority to unilaterally postpone legislation for three years means the succeeding 45th president will have the authority to postpone the law for twenty years or more. Read More →
Wellington on 3/10: Billy and Karen Vaughn
PROGRAM: The Wellington Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party proudly announces an encore presentation of Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents of slain Navy Seal who was killed, along with 29 other service men in a Chinook Helicopter in Afghanistan in 2011. Billy and Karen, along with the other families of the fallen have been investigating the situation for what is called “Extortion 17”. They have learned first-hand about the nefarious... [Read More...]
Potential Progress for Seven50 Opposition
The American Coalition for Property Rights (ac4pr.org), with some help from members of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, has been able to convince three County Commissions (St. Lucie, Martin and Indian River) to ‘opt out’ of Seven50 – the HUD funded regional plan that sets out a progressive vision for “seven counties, 50 years”. Now their sights are set on Palm Beach County. Predicting significant population growth in... [Read More...]