Boca Chapter – John L. Casey

PROGRAM: Man made Global Warming: The Greatest Scientific Fraud in History – What to do about It! SPEAKER: John L. Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida.  Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida.     DATE: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 TIME:  6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM No Charge                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PLACE:... [Read More...]

CORRUPTION is not just “over there”

Many people in The Unites States think that a corrupt government is something found “over there” in the third world in banana republics. Those people should take their blinders off and look at what is happening “over here”. We have what seems like a pathological liar-in-chief (“You can keep your doctor if you like your doctor”) who followed a leader who was impeached for lying under oath. We have had a number of members of the executive... [Read More...]

Wellington Forum Brings a Mix of Candidates

Forums are never predictable. You issue invitations to the candidates that will be on the ballot in the local area (in this case for both the August and November elections), and see who responds and/or turns up. In Wellington, the candidates for School Board district 6 were in attendance (incumbent Marsha Andrews and challengers Joseph Moore and Carla Donaldson), joined by one candidate from district 3 (John Hartman, who also attended the Boca event).... [Read More...]

John Carey: Open Letter to the Citizens of Palm Beach County

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Boca Candidate Forum Features Congressional, State Senate, County Commission and School Board

At a table that spanned the width of the West Boca branch library meeting room, a good mix of candidates showed up to answer questions posed by moderator David DiCrescenzo. The candidates were sent a questionaire in advance of the event, and those and additional questions were posed appropriate to the type of seat sought. (See Candidate’s Position on Issues for the written responsess that were returned). Congressional candidates participating... [Read More...]

North County Candidate Forum Draws Crowd at Abacoa

Seated at a long table, 10 candidates for 3 north county races (Congress 18, Senate 32, and House 82) answered questions from moderator Michael Williams, Emmy winning anchor of WPTV’s “To the Point“. Williams’ show, which airs on Sunday mornings, is a “must-watch” for county residents who follow local politics and issues. Over the last few months, he did on-air interviews with 5 of the 6 CD-18 candidates (Nick Wukoson... [Read More...]


OVERSIGHT ARCHIVE, JUL-SEP 2014 NEWS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE GLEANED FROM THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA Compiled by Ed. Wolff As more recent OVERSIGHT posts preempt older posts, those older posts are moved here to serve as a searchable resource. The Palm Beach County Tea Party (PBCTP) Oversight Function helps members understand current events. Below is a copy of what was sent out in the weekly email. The text beneath each link is a synopsis of the material.... [Read More...]

PBCTP Candidate Forums in July

Join us starting in July for our 2014 primary season candidate forums. On August 26, there will be primary elections for some districts (see below) as well as the general election for School Board. Candidates running in these races have been invited to the forums being held in their districts to make their case for their election. Since the PBCTP is non-partisan, we have invited candidates of both parties to participate. Some of the candidates responded... [Read More...]

Dennis Michael Lynch on August 15

8/15/2014 SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE GOVERNMENT PERPETRATED CHAOS ON THE BORDER Welcoming the Return of Dennis Michael Lynch BOCA, JUPITER & WELLINGTON CHAPTERS COMBINED PROGRAM: Dennis Michael Lynch will present excerpts from his new video “Coming to America” and discuss current border problems. You can see Dennis on a recent MEGYN KELLY SHOW and see a video trailer of the films at THEY COME to AMERICA DATE: Friday, August 15, 2014 TIME:... [Read More...]

Are referendums the way to get our agenda moving forward ?

See: Initiative & Referendum Institute I think this would be a great way to get some really good things passed. We could bypass the logjam in the capital. I think a good start would be mandating e-verify and enforcing immigration laws similar to the way they did in Alabama and Arizona. Is anyone interested in having a meet up or online chat about this ?  Read More →

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