PBCTP Rally for Religious Freedom

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Bill Skinner at Boca Chapter on 10/7

PROGRAM: Voter fraud research and the speaker’s election law handbook. SPEAKER: William J. “Bill” Skinner is the author of South Florida Election Law Handbook: How Voters Can Prevent Election Fraud And Make Elections Fair. Bill Skinner is a retired pharmacist/attorney who has lived in Florida since 2003. In Florida he has been a Precinct Advisor in all elections from 2004 through 2012.  He was the Voter Fraud Chairman of the Palm... [Read More...]

Common Core

I am currently in Michigan my home state and have a discussion going on FB whether or not Florida has adopted CC. It is my understanding that the Gov is continuing to fo fight it and that they changed the standards. Exactly what is the status there? I would really appreciate an answer so I can get this person off my back. Thank you all. Feel free to reply also to my email at frickel3@gmail.com  Read More →

Tom Trento and MaryLynn Magar at Abacoa, October 6

PROGRAM 1:   An analysis of the war in Gaza and the implications for all Americans. SPEAKER 1:  Tom Trento, Director, The United West, Lake Worth, FL.   Co-Author. Shariah: The Threat To America. The United West is dedicated to defending and advancing Western Civilization against the kinetic and cultural onslaught of Shariah Islam, so that America remains a land of freedom, justice and opportunity grounded in the principles of our Constitutional... [Read More...]

John Casey – We’re in for 30 years of Global Cooling

Terry Gallagher (Treasurer) and Mel Grossman (President) kicked off the well attended Jupiter meeting with announcements about future chapter meetings and the ongoing Mission: Awakening Rally  in Tequesta – supporting religious freedom. Beverely Hires, recent candidate for CD 18 thanked the audience for support and encouraged everyone to rally together behind the primary winner (Carl Domino) in order to defeat Patrick Murphy. Jerry Marazas... [Read More...]

Wellington Features IG John Carey in September

PROGRAM: County Inspector General John Carey DATE: Monday, September 8, 2014 TIME: 6:30 – 8:30 PM PLACE: Wellington Public Library, 1951 Royal Fern Blvd, Wellington, FL 561.790.6070 DIRECTIONS: MAP I-95 to Exit 66, Forest Hill Blvd. West on Forest Hill Blvd. 1.5 miles past The Mall at Wellington Green to Royal Fern Dr. Right on Royal Fern Dr. and then turn left into the library parking lot. Or: Florida Turnpike to Exit 97, Southern Blvd. West... [Read More...]

Dennis Michael Lynch Video

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Dennis Michael Lynch Returns to Abacoa

Returning to Jupiter almost exactly a year from his last appearance, author, videographer, frequent guest on the Blaze and Fox News, and possible presidential candidate Dennis Michael Lynch brought an enthusiastic crowd up to date on his last year’s activities. After a brief update on the southern border, accompanied by a video clip and a description of his role (as documented on Fox) in the Clive Bundy affair, Dennis joined PBCTP President... [Read More...]


Candidates who will appear on the upcoming Election ballots in Palm Beach County were asked a series of questions to help the Tea Party members understand the candidates’ positions on some of the important issues. The responses received from the candidates were emailed to the members on July 5th in advance of the July Candidate Forums. The responses are shown at Final Voter Guide . If you did not receive this voter guide and wish to be on our... [Read More...]

Jupiter Chapter – John L. Casey

PROGRAM: Man made Global Warming: The Greatest Scientific Fraud in History – What to do about It! SPEAKER: John L. Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida.  Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida. DATE: Monday, September 1, 2014 TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar) 6:30 PM Meeting COST: Dinner: $13 (tax... [Read More...]

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