Wellington Chapter Hosts Dr. Jim DeGerome on 11/10

Please join us as the Wellington Chapter hosts Dr. Jim DeGerome. The retired gastroenterologist and author of “The Cure for the American Healthcare Malady” will give his unique perspective on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. DeGerome exposes the fatal flaws of such socialized healthcare and dispels the myth that socialized systems provide an improved level of healthcare at lower cost for all people. SPEAKER Dr. Jim DeGerome DATE:... [Read More...]

Jupiter Chapter Feature Dr. Jim DeGerome on 11/3

Please join us as the Jupiter Chapter hosts Dr. Jim DeGerome. The retired gastroenterologist and author of “The Cure for the American Healthcare Malady” will give his unique perspective on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. DeGerome exposes the fatal flaws of such socialized healthcare and dispels the myth that socialized systems provide an improved level of healthcare at lower cost for all people. SPEAKER Dr. Jim DeGerome DATE:... [Read More...]


1. I will only vote for conservative candidates. I will vote for and support conservative candidates and do what I can to get them elected. 2. I will not vote for a “less liberal” candidate. Sometimes it seems a political party runs a candidate that is less liberal than the candidates of the opposition parties in the belief the conservative voter has nowhere else to go and will have to vote for their candidate. That logic might have worked... [Read More...]

Tom Trento on the War in Gaza

The United West founder Tom Trento, began his talk by asking Mel to walk to the western door of the meeting room, “you know what to do” he said. Holding the microphone near a speaker playing an air raid siren, 15 seconds went by before he declared “you’re dead”. Thus he began an exposition of life in Israel under the constant threat of Hamas rockets coming from Gaza. Fifteen seconds is all the time you have to seek... [Read More...]


OVERSIGHT ARCHIVE, OCT-DEC 2014 NEWS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE GLEANED FROM THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA Compiled by Ed. Wolff As more recent OVERSIGHT posts preempt older posts, those older posts are moved here to serve as a searchable resource. The Palm Beach County Tea Party (PBCTP) Oversight Function helps members understand current events. Below is a copy of what was sent out in the weekly email. The text beneath each link is a synopsis of the material.... [Read More...]

Poll Watchers Needed – A Letter from the Rick Scott Campaign

Governor Scott’s re-election campaign is in the process of recruiting poll watchers for Early Voting and Election Day for the November 4, 2014 General Election. We appreciate your time and effort as a poll watcher for the Republican Party of Palm Beach County in past elections and now we need your help again for the 2014 General Election. We need tons of volunteers to fill all the polling locations on Election Day as well as the early voting... [Read More...]


The Washington Redskins football team is under increasing pressure from the far left progressive liberals who demand the team change its name because the name is “racist” The team name is a valuable asset. Here is a simple, cost-effective way for the team to counter the loony leftists while retaining their name recognition. The team could remove the picture of the indian from their helmets and any other items having that picture and replace it... [Read More...]


An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A head for a head.  Read More →

2014 Ballot Questions

Medical marijuana, land use, judicial appointments, school taxes and the Children’s Services Council – these are all topics about which you will be asked to decide on the November ballot. Use the chart below to guide you through the ballot amendments and what they mean. Click on the question title for more information.  Read More →

Bill Skinner at Wellington, 10/13

PROGRAM: Voter fraud research and his election law handbook. SPEAKER: William J. “Bill” Skinner is the author of South Florida Election Law Handbook: How Voters Can Prevent Election Fraud And Make Elections Fair Bill Skinner is a retired pharmacist/attorney who has lived in Florida since 2003. In Florida he has been a Precinct Advisor in all elections from 2004 through 2012.  He was the Voter Fraud Chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican... [Read More...]

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