Lauren Cooley at Wellington
The Palm Beach County Tea Party Wellington Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Wednesday February 4 featuring: Lauren Cooley Florida Field Coordinator for Turning Point, USA Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Program 6:30pm, Doors open at 6:00pm ***** NEW LOCATION ***** Bethesda West Hospital 9775 Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33472 MAP Refreshments, No Charge for Meeting There is plenty of free parking. Enter in the main... [Read More...]
Lauren Cooley at Boca Raton
The Palm Beach County Tea Party Boca Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Tuesday February 3 featuring: Lauren Cooley Florida Field Coordinator for Turning Point, USA Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Program 6:30pm, Doors open at 6:00pm Boca Raton Community Center 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807 MAP Refreshments, No Charge for Meeting I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford... [Read More...]
Colonel Arthur DeRuve and PBCGOP Chair Michael Barnett at Abacoa
The Palm Beach County Tea Party Jupiter Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Monday February 2 featuring: Colonel Arthur DeRuve and PBCGOP Chairman Michael Barnett Monday, February 2, 2015 Program 6:30pm, Buffet Starts at 5:30pm Abacoa Golf Club MAP Buffet $17, No Charge for Meeting Take Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left Please click... [Read More...]
K. Carl Smith Brings Outreach Method to the PBCTP Chapters
“I am a Frederick Douglass Republican” – thus begins K. Carl Smith’s method for penetrating the walls that separate conservatives from minority voters. On the premise that many minority families hold conservative values (eg. school choice, life, self reliance) and have much in common with us, yet are conditioned by upbringing and / or liberal propaganda to reject conservative thought, Mr. Smith explained how for many, “Republican”,... [Read More...]
My thoughts on diplomatic relations with Cuba
My dreams of a free Cuba collapsed on December 17, 2014 when the president of the United States decided to open diplomatic relations with Cuba, my country of birth. Human rights were not a part of the negotiations. The thousands killed and tortured by the leaders of the Cuban dictatorship since January 1, 1959 when they took over by force, the Castro brothers, were forgotten. Among them were members of my family including my Uncle Ramón, who suffered... [Read More...]
USA / Cuba 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014 My name is Mercedes Garcia, I am an American who was born and raised in Cuba, and lived there until 1961 when my family and I had to leave the island due to Castro’s communist regime persecution. Ever since that time I have been denouncing that terrible system that is a social cancer that destroys everything that it touches. The Castro brothers as well as the late Che Guevara and their followers have controlled the... [Read More...]
People are saying they will remember in 2016 those that voted for the $1.1T spending bill Speaker Boehner negotiated with Democratic President Obama. There are other memories that will remain until 2016 and beyond. There is the memory of voting in 2008 for liberal John McCain, the Senator who recently enthusiastically supported the report of Democratic Sen. Feinstein falsely accusing the CIA of torture. There is the memory of voting in 2012 for liberal... [Read More...]
K. Carl Smith at Wellington on January 7
PROGRAM: Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans. See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details. DATE: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 TIME: 6:30 PM Meeting. PLACE: Wellington Branch, County Library – Directions Please so we are prepared to accommodate you. Read More →
K. Carl Smith at Boca on January 6
PROGRAM:Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans. See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details. DATE: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM Refreshments will be served. No Charge. PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807. DIRECTIONS:... [Read More...]
K. Carl Smith at Jupiter on January 5
PROGRAM:Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans. See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details. DATE: Monday, January 5, 2015 Read More →