Brian Mast at Boca Chapter

  WANT TO MEET A “HERO”?   JOIN US as Palm Beach County Tea Party Presents:   Brian Mast May 6,  Wednesday 7pm   Brian Mast served the United States of America from 2000-2012 as a soldier in the U.S. Army. He has held the Military Occupational Specialties of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Airborne Infantry, and Combat Engineer. In 2012 Brian retired from the U.S. Army’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)... [Read More...]

John Casey on Global Warming – Boca

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Boca Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Wednesday April 8 (Note new day) featuring: John Casey President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida. Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Program 6:30pm Faith & Family Center Spanish River Plaza 500 NE Spanish... [Read More...]

John Casey on Global Warming – Wellington

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Wellington Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Tuesday April 7 (Note New Day) featuring: John Casey President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida. Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Program 6:30pm Wellington Branch County Library 1951 Royal Fern Dr. 33414 Please... [Read More...]

John Casey on Global Warming – Jupiter

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Jupiter Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Monday April 6 featuring: John Casey President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida. Monday, April 6, 2015 Program 6:30pm, Buffet Starts at 5:30pm Abacoa Golf Club MAP Buffet $17, No Charge for Meeting Take... [Read More...]

Common Core and Saul Alinsky Topics for Jupiter on March 2

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Jupiter Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Monday March 2 featuring: “A Night with Saul” presented by Americans for Prosperity Foundation Grassroots Leadership Academy Come watch and discuss the documentary, “Saul Alinsky Went to War” and discuss his story and its impact on community organizing. and: Rebecca Negron Martin County School Board Member Rebecca will discuss some recent... [Read More...]

“A Night with Saul” at Wellington Chapter on March 4

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Wellington Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Wednesday March 4 featuring: “A Night with Saul” presented by Americans for Prosperity Foundation Grassroots Leadership Academy Come watch and discuss the documentary, “Saul Alinsky Went to War” and discuss his story and its impact on community organizing. Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Program 6:30pm, Doors open at 6:00pm NOTE NEW LOCATION,... [Read More...]

“A Night with Saul” at the Boca Chapter on March 3

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Boca Chapter Invites you to attend its monthly meeting on Tuesday March 3 featuring: “A Night with Saul” presented by Americans for Prosperity Foundation Grassroots Leadership Academy Come watch and discuss the documentary, “Saul Alinsky Went to War” and discuss his story and its impact on community organizing. Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Program 6:30pm, Doors open at 6:00pm Boca Raton Community Center 150... [Read More...]

Lauren Cooley – an alternative to liberal indoctrination on campus

Colleges and Universities today are overwhelmingly liberal. They indoctrinate their students and punish conservative thought. They have been like this for many years and we all know it. The old saying that “everyone is a liberal until they start working and paying taxes” is partly because of this academic conditioning, and refusing to be suppressed by it takes courage and determination. Our speaker at the Boca and Wellington chapter meetings... [Read More...]

Barnett and DeRuve Highlight Abacoa Meeting

The January meeting of the Jupiter chapter featured Colonel Arthur DeRuve and PBCGOP Chairman Michael Barnett. Colonel DeRuve, a regular participant at tea party events and other civic groups in the county, gave us an appreciation for veterans and the large role they have played in our history. From those who sacrificed at Valley Forge during the revolution, the early sailors and marines under President Jefferson who triumphed over the Barbary Pirates... [Read More...]

PBCTP Marches in Martin Luther King Parade

A beautiful day,a wonderful turnout to honor a true American Hero. Martin Luther King Jr. brought our country together with grace and peaceful fortitude in the face of a very divided country, we, the Palm Beach County Tea Party are proud to honor him. Joe Burge and Mel Grossman in Riviera Beach  Read More →

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