A Pleasant Afternoon at Celebrate America
A beautiful Sunday afternoon at the Wellington amphitheater brought together a great lineup of speakers, organizations and tea party enthusiasts to celebrate how far we’ve come since the dark days of 2009. The celebration of the good things that makes us Americans, our support for the President, and an admonishment to “hold accountable” those politicians that go to Washington and become part of the swamp, was a theme that was well... [Read More...]
Celebrate America! Video
Paul Spain and Laurel Bennett at Boca on May 1
Please join us on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 as the Boca Chapter hosts Paul Spain candidate for Congressional District 22 (Ted Deutch’s District), who has a primary race against Nicolas Kimaz, and Laurel Bennett candidate for Florida House District 86 who is headed for a rematch with incumbent Matt Willhite Tuesday, May 1, 2018, 6:30PM Boca Community Center 150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432 (561) 393-7807 MAP Please RSVP: Read More →
Us at Wellington on May 2
Please join us on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 as the Wellington Chapter Hosts: All of us. Our guest speakers for May 2nd’s Wellington Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party will be all of us! It has been quite a while since everyone has had a chance to voice their opinion, tell their story or just speak off the cuff. The meeting will start off with our Chapter leader, Marion Frank, followed by Mercedes Garcia and Delia Menocal relaying their... [Read More...]
Colonel Mike McCalister at Abacoa on May 7
Please join us on Monday, May 7, 2018 as the Jupiter Chapter Hosts: Colonel Mike McCalister Candidate for Agriculture Commissioner Mike McCalister holds a B.S. in Agriculture from Southeast Missouri State University, Ph.D. in Management from the Union Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a graduate of The Command & General Staff College, the Army War College Defense Strategy Curriculum, and The Air War College; and he has completed the Harvard... [Read More...]
Charlie Daniels: My Beautiful America
Celebrate America! on Tax Day
Celebrate America on Tax Day at the Wellington Amphitheatre. Joyce Kaufman, Mark Meckler, Brian Mast and Turning Point USA’s Candace Owen and Driena Sixto. Read More →
Vote NO on PBG Questions 1-4 Sign Waving Friday
Vote NO on PBG Ballot Questions !!
On March 13, there will be a Palm Beach Gardens Election with four ballot questions related to the city charter. There are no candidates on the ballot this year. These questions, if passed, will have the effect of seriously weakening the term limits that we so dearly won in 2014. You may have heard there is controversy about misleading wording on some of the questions, and a city resident has filed a lawsuit to challenge the language as dishonest.... [Read More...]
TPP Call – 2/11/18
1. Constitution Minute- Chris Wright Talked about a liberal (Ryan Cooper) proposal to dump the Constitution. In essence, garbage ideas. 2. D.C. Report-Pascoe – Very quickly mentioned recent house/senate activities. Net result; two year funding bill passed and President signed. (See item III). – Two new confirmations by the senate – DACA is not resolved; being debated – McCabe removed from FBI 3.- TPP Update-JBM – TPP... [Read More...]