Remarks made to the PBC School Board on Tax Increase Proposal
OPENING: Good evening. My name is Teri Hughes. I am a PBC tax payer and my 16-year-old daughter attends a PBC high school. At the last PBC School Board meeting we heard from the Board members discuss placing the proposed tax hike on the ballet in November to cover the cost of the mandatory hiring of Resource Officers, as well as mental health resources in order to fulfill the mandates set forth in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety... [Read More...]
2018 GOP Political Jamboree
Every two years, during the summer of an election year, the county GOP hosts a “Jamboree” – an old fashioned political picnic for candidates on the upcoming ballot to introduce themselves to the party activists. With a barbecue lunch under the pavilion roof at the South County Civic Center, surrounded by covered booths hosted by candidates and political clubs, it is gathering place for the GOP faithful and those who seek to represent them at... [Read More...]
DeSantis rocks at Trump National
On Saturday, Republican candidate for Governor Ron DeSantis appeared at Trump National in Jupiter with “The Great One” Mark Levin, Fox pundit Dan Bongino, and CD1 Congressman Matt Gaetz. The large crowd was welcoming and enthusiastic, and possibly indicative of a surge in popularity for his candidacy. With some polls showing that the double digit lead held by Adam Putnam has waned, Ron appears to be making the most of his endorsement... [Read More...]
TPP Call – 7/15/18
Welcome to the Tea Party Patriots Weekly National Leadership Call Report. Glad you stopped by. Chris Wright’s Constitution minute featured the Department of Homeland Security’s changes to its sign-on-procedure process that will reduce the # of asylum seekers. Bill Pascoe reported from Washington that Last week the House took up and passed several bills under suspension of the rules. The Senate floor invoked cloture and confirmed Mark J. Bennett... [Read More...]
FreedomWorks Fly-In
On June 22, 2018, Mel and a few of us traveled to Washington DC for the annual Freedom Works Fly-in. We spent an amazing weekend with dozens of like-minded patriots as we shared ideas on moving congress toward less government and less regulations. Read More →
John Michael Chambers at Boca
Join us on Tuesday, August 7 at Boca Raton for John Michael Chambers John will discuss: TRUMP- THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT JOHN MICHAEL CHAMBERS will be delivering a powerful and riveting speech to all Trump supporters and activists. He is currently on tour awakening and motivating a POSITIVE action across America. Join us to become involved in this movement: become empowered with pertinent information,tools and resources. Tuesday, August 7, 2018 Boca... [Read More...]
John Michael Chambers at Abacoa
Join us on Monday, August 6 at Abacoa for John Michael Chambers John will discuss: TRUMP- THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT JOHN MICHAEL CHAMBERS will be delivering a powerful and riveting speech to all Trump supporters and activists. He is currently on tour awakening and motivating a POSITIVE action across America. Join us to become involved in this movement: become empowered with pertinent information,tools and resources. Monday, August 6, 2018 Abacoa... [Read More...]
Trump Birthday Rally and Flag Day
Military and PGA Boulevard, 6/14/18. Good turnout for a rousing salute to the President. This... [Read More...]
TPP Call – 6/10/18
Welcome back patriots. Here’s what’s going on in Washington. Guest Speaker Brent Bozell Chairman of Media Research Center (MRC) discussed the coalition of bias on social media. Facebook, Twitter and You Tube are a threat to free speech through their censoring of conservative speech. Visit for more information. Read More →
The Elephant in the Room
Congressman Brian Mast, speaking at the Abacoa chapter meeting on Monday, confronted his critics and doubled down on his call for age limits and the ban on the sale of “gas operated, semi automatic” rifles, such as the AR-15 and AK-47. (Actually that definition probably applies to many of rifles sold that are not single shot bolt action devices.) In an attempt to guide the audience down the path of his thinking, he asked a series of... [Read More...]