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on their quest to
Thank you with all our Love,
Barbara & Mel Grossman and the PBC Tea Party Team

Honoring Heroes & Standing with Allies
Congressman Brian Mast talk about the Biden Administration’s takebacks from the veteran community and other topics in his week in review.
Laurie Cardoza Moore on February 5th – Proclaiming Justice to the Nations

Laurie Cardoza Moore
Founder and President
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
As president, Laurie Cardoza Moore is the standard bearer for the Proclaiming Justice to The Nations’ initiatives, battling for truth and fidelity to the biblical message about Israel and the Jewish people and rallying like-minded Christians to do the same, from calls to congressmen to school board meetings, social media, and whatever means is required to ensure the truth is being taught to the next generation of America’s leaders.
11588 U.S. HWY 1
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner – Order off the Open Menu
No Charge for Meeting
7:00PM Meeting.
Please RSVP:
As founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Laurie Cardoza Moore is a voice of conviction in a wilderness of moral uncertainty. She speaks the truth about Israel, Christianity, and America, and is a watchman on the wall, speaking out on falsehood and standing for truth from national media opportunities to her local schools in Williamson County, Tennessee.
Laurie cares deeply for children and fights to make sure our next generation of leaders are learning the truth about American history and Israel rather than the lies perpetrated by left-leaning liberal perspectives. When she was a homeschooling mother of five, she led the charge against falsehood about Israel, the United States, and America’s Judeo-Christian history that she found in her children’s schoolbooks in Williamson County. This led textbook giant Pearson Publishing to make changes to the way U.S. history was presented.
The Taking Back America’s Children initiative is educating grassroots moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and patriots about how to engage their school systems for truth and how to rally like-minded citizens in their communities.
Her Focus On Israel TV series has been featured on the Daystar Television Network. PJTN programming, including a trio of Emmy-winning documentaries, has reached a potential audience of 2 billion over 20 TV affiliates and satellite broadcasters.
Jenny Beth Martin on December 4th

Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots
11588 U.S. HWY 1
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner – Order off the Open Menu
No Charge for Meeting
7:00PM Meeting.
Please RSVP:
Under the leadership of Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots has grown to be the largest and most effective national umbrella group within the Tea Party movement. Jenny Beth Martin and Tea Party Patriots now use their network to reach millions of Americans every week with education and updates about fiscal responsibility, free market principles, and constitutionally limited government. Because of her continual involvement in the major events that set the course of the United States government, Jenny Beth Martin is a frequent guest on almost every major television, radio, print, and online news outlet in America. In 2010 Time Magazine listed Jenny Beth Martin as one of the 100 Most Influential Leaders in the World. Her first book, “Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution”, was published in 2012.
She is a lifelong Georgian and has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Georgia. Jenny Beth is the mother of boy-girl twins.
Congressman Brian Mast at October Meeting
With everything revolving around the speaker’s race in the House, Congressman Mast was not able to return to PBC in time for our meeting at Duffy’s, so he arranged a Zoom call so the meeting could proceed virtually. Brian’s campaign manager Maddox Stirrat came to the meeting and facilitated the video hookup.
Appearing in the uniform of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in which he once served, he gave us a good update on the situation in Israel following the Hamas attack from Gaza. He also went “inside baseball” to explain what is really going on in the Republican caucus as they attempt to elect a new speaker. Jim Jordan, the “speaker elect” will be headed to a floor vote, probably Monday. Since a small group of Republicans left Washington before the process was done, they are not able to continue through the weekend.
At the conclusion of his remarks, Brian took questions on the 2024 Presidential race, the outlook for the budget process and Jim Jordan’s plan for it if elected, and other topics of interest.
To hear Brian’s thoughts on Israel and the speaker’s race, check out his “week in review“.
2024 County Budget Raises $100M in New Property Taxes
Trevor Louden on May 1st

Trevor Louden
Trevor Loudon is an Author, Filmmaker and Public Speaker from New Zealand, now living in the US.
For 30 years, he has researched the radical left and Marxist affiliations of our Government officials with his books revealing names and connections to foreign Governments and subversive organizations.
“Enemies Within” and his latest film “Enemies within the Church” expose the covert movement to destroy our country from within.
11588 U.S. HWY 1
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner – Order off the Open Menu
No Charge for Meeting
7:00PM Meeting.
Please RSVP:
Joyce Kaufman on September 7
Please RSVP:
Joyce Kaufman is South Florida’s leading conservative voice. Kaufman was born in New York City to parents of Jewish and Puerto Rican descent. She now has a show at 850 WFTL, based inSouth Florida. Kaufman studied at CUNY and SUNY, later moving to Hunter and New School. She was a teacher of autistic and disabled children and worked with schizophrenic adults. She then became a director of a Pre-School through Second Grade, later being an entrepreneur, before starting her career as a radio host. The Palm Beach County Tea Party thanks Joyce for being our conservative voice and always putting America first.
Hispanic Grassroots Alliance Event with Freedomworks
EXCITING NEWS: FreedomWorks once again is coordinating an informative event with the Palm Beach County Tea Party and Other Leaders of the Latin Community and Pastor Lydia Maldonado.
Thu, Aug 18, 2022, 6:00 PM EDT
Embassy Suites by Hilton West Palm Beach Central
1601 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
View map
The Hispanic Grassroots Alliance (HGA) exists to help elevate the voices of hardworking patriots that make America great. Together we will build, mobilize, and activate this alliance to promote & support economic freedom; a pro-America education system that delivers for our students; and policies that promote safe communities.
Whilst Democrats are occupied promoting safe spaces, ignoring rising crime rates, inflation and gas prices. Hispanic-Americans are turning to the Republican Party in unprecedented numbers, rejecting policies from the left that have left hard-working Americans in the dust.
HGA will hold a training and presentation focusing on outreach, promoting tabling outside of naturalisation ceremonies to give new citizens a warm welcome, as well as involvement with FreedomTeams.
Director of Communications, Peter Vicenzi will provide Press Training at this event, encouraging activists to submit op-eds and LTEs.
VP Of Legislative Affairs, Cesar Ybarra will give attendees a policy briefing at the event, bridging the gap between “Real America” and DC.
Jim Jordan Endorses Congressman Brian Mast
The Palm Beach County Tea Party, which supports the re-election of Brian Mast to Congressional District 21, is happy to report that Conservative Congressional Leader Jim Jordon of Ohio has endorsed Congressman Mast.