Slade O’Brien, Florida Director for AFP, To Address Boca Chapter June 5th!

Slade O’Brien is an accomplished grassroots organizer and public affairs professional with more than 15 years of demonstrated success in public policy communications, project, campaign & issue management, media relations, community outreach, coalition building, fundraising, event staging & management, grassroots advocacy and third party recruitment.

A third generation Floridian; Slade double majored in college receiving both a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

After spending 7 years in advertising and marketing, Slade began his political career working for the Republican Party of Florida where he served as Special Assistant to the Chairman for Victory ‘94.

An early leader within the conservative grassroots movement, Mr. O’Brien was tapped to be the first ever Florida Director of Citizens for a Sound Economy in 1998. Long before there ever was a Tea Party Slade built the grassroots organization from scratch and turned it into a 45,000 member grassroots powerhouse, with clubs in 11 local markets which played a key role in passing such issues as tort reform, educational choice, and reducing the intangibles tax in Florida.

Mr. O’Brien also served as the Executive Director of Florida Stop Lawsuit Abuse, a grassroots organization dedicated to challenging those who abuse our legal system and educating the public about the costs and consequences of lawsuit abuse.

Most recently, Slade worked in the private sector as the President of the Florida Strategies Group where he specialized in public opinion strategies, campaign and coalition management, strategic consulting and grassroots organizing.

DATE: Tuesday, June 5th, 2012
TIME: Doors open 5:30pm. Buffet at 6pm. Meeting starts at 7pm, $15 per person (tax and gratuity included)
PLACE: Boca Greens Country Club, 19642 Trophy Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33498, Click HERE for Map

Memorial Day Meet-ups at Three Malls

This is a difficult time politically for all of us.  Many of us are discouraged. . . but we do have two very patriotic days coming up, Memorial Day and Independence Day.  On Memorial Day, meet up with like-minded people between 9am and 10:30 for java and fellowship at the mall nearest you. We will be meeting in the food courts at these three malls:

* Gardens Mall just east of I95 on PGA Blvd. in Palm Beach Gardens.  Click here for directions.
* The Mall at Wellington Green at Forest Hill Blvd and State Rd 7.  Click here for directions
* Boca Town Center just west of I95 on Glades Rd in Boca Raton.   Click here for directions.

Wear red, white, and blue, your tea party shirt, and/or carry a small flag so that we can recognize each other. Who knows, we might even break into song (flash mob style) like we did last year. This is truly a fun experience. Don’t miss it if you are in town for the holiday!

There is no better way to start your Memorial Day!

Blaise Ingoglia Fires Up the Boca Raton Chapter!

Despite another rainy and windy evening another night of good food, fellowship, and patriotism from the Palm Beach County Tea Party, we had a very respectable turnout at Boca Greens Country Club on May 1st, for the Boca Chapter’s Monthly Dinner/Speaker event.  Our speaker was Blaise Ingoglia, Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida.  Better known as the creator of the highly popular video series, Government Gone Wild, which has been extremely successful (read: “viral”) on YouTube, Blaise has a definite knack for articulating complex issues, such as the National Debt, into east-to-understand vignettes, using examples lay people can relate to.  His message was powerful, and he came right out and said, “this is going to scare you…” on more than one occasion.  It definitely had the desired effect, but the message was inspiring, not depressing—it’s important to know what the stakes are when November rolls around in a few short months!

Boca Greens Country Club definitely continued in their efforts to provide a comfortable venue with terrific food.  We had several local restaurants provide us with gift certificates to auction off for our silent auction, and there were many other items for the taking, too.  People came from all over the area, and we had several members make the trip from Jupiter—too many to name here.  We also had Marion Frank in the audience, who will be stepping in to help run the Wellington Chapter.

Boca Chapter Coordinator Alex Berry began the proceedings at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Carlos Manuel Santana then regaled us with his impassioned version of the National Anthem- truly exhilarating!  After the usual protocol of explaining what the PBCTP is, and what it stands for, Alex had a little fun with the audience by examining the new campaign slogan of our opposition, “Forward”, and illuminating how that word has been used prolifically throughout the history of socialism.  Alex introduced Pam Wohlschlegel, PBCTP Founder and County Coordinator.  Pam announced several items of interest to our group, including the effort to prevent recall in Wisconsin, and Get Out The Vote efforts.

Local candidates Joe Talley (County Sheriff) and Geoff Summers (FL Senate district 25) made appearances, and introduced themselves before the main speaker was introduced.

Alex then introduced Blaise Ingoglia, who spent the next 40 minutes examining how dire our circumstances are with the debt addiction our country currently finds itself in, as well as the seeming blatant disregard for that debt—and the potentially disastrous outcome of these policies—from our elected officials in Washington.   Without doubt, Ingoglia has done a LOT of research and homework on all of this.  As a Florida entrepreneur, he witnessed gross mismanagement of political affairs on the local level, and then in government corridors on the federal level– and was so genuinely alarmed by what he found, that he created the GGW video series.  His presentation combined elements of topics covered in his videos, coupled with a “call to action” for people to get involved in the process locally—the best way to affect change!

Blaise then took questions from the crowd.  The reaction from our audience was truly passionate—we had a lot more questions than we had time to address!  There is no question that our audience was engaged deeply in the dialogue, and many were happy to express their patriotism through having their voices heard in our group.

It was a great night that was well attended and received.  For those who missed this event, I can emphatically say that if you ever get the opportunity to hear Blaise Ingoglia speak live, you should jump at the opportunity.  I encourage everyone to get involved in the political process, and join us for future events to enjoy irreplaceable fellowship with like-minded folk from all over the county, and reshape this country to it’s true essence!!!

We look forward to more great meetings in 2012 for our Boca Chapter—please INVITE YOUR FRIENDS to our next event, which will be June 4th, 2012.  Remember—we always have our Boca Chapter Dinner/Speaker event on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month, so mark your calendars!  Time is drawing to a close to make a difference for the next election, so please get involved if you aren’t yet, and STAY involved if you already are!

Here are some pictures of our event:

Wellington Chapter: Affordable Care Act-Fact v. Fiction

Marion Frank

Join us for a riveting discussion led by our own member Marion Frank,  the National Alliance Coordinator for a non-political grass roots organization of doctors who are seeking to preserve the doctor-patient relationship in health care,

Marion has a wealth of knowledge honed by her own research on how we will be paying for this act.  The purpose of her presentation is to arm us with the facts as they relate to the future of health care come June when the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling will be revealed.  Knowledge is Power and WE MEAN TO BE A POWERFUL FORCE IN THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY!  Be there.

DATE Monday, May 14th, 2012
TIME Doors open 5:30pm. Buffet at 6pm. Meeting starts at 7pm, $15 per person (tax and gratuity included)
PLACE Binks Forest Country Club
CLICK HERE for directions.
RSVP Call 561-302-1479 or click on the “RSVP” button below.

Jupiter/PBG Chapter Meeting Welcomes Author and Former Prosecutor KrisAnne Hall

Constitutional expert, KrisAnne Hall, will address the Jupiter/Palm Beach Gardens Chapter on May 7th. KrisAnne is an attorney and former prosecutor.  Fired after teaching the Constitution to Tea Party groups, she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents.

The title of KrisAnne’s talk is “Roots of Liberty”, speaking to the roots and genealogy of the Constitution.

KrisAnne does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today. She will connect the dots for you like no one else can! Bring your family and friends for the most compelling and easily understood summary of our Constitution and what is happening in our country today.

KrisAnne is the author of Not a Living Breathing Document: Reclaiming Our Constitution, and the DVD series The Roots of Liberty: The Historic Foundations of The Bill of Rights and Bedtime Stories for Budding Patriots and Essential Stories for Junior Patriots. Two books that inspired KrisAnne’s love for our history were Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis and 1776 by David McCollough.

Awarded the Freedom Fighter award by Americans for Prosperity, the Certificate of Achievement from the Sons of the Revolution for her defense of Liberty, and Congressman James Blair Award for Defending the Constitution.

KrisAnne is an incredibly passionate speaker – a true Patrick Henry of our time. She speaks to audiences all across the country on Constitutional History, American Exceptionalism, and the Fight for Liberty. Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious and she is able to inspire any group. A steadfast warrior in the Tea Party battle.

DATE: Monday, May 7th 2012
TIME: Doors open 5:30pm. Buffet at 6pm. Meeting starts at 7pm, $15 per person (tax and gratuity included)
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Dr, Jupiter, FL 33458. Click here for Map

Tim Pawlenty Opens Adam Hasner’s Boca Campaign Office

Adam Hasner Opening with Tim Pawlenty

Tax Day Tea Party Rocks Wellington

On a bright sunny afternoon in the beautiful Wellington Amphitheatre, an exuberant crowd sat on the astroturf and took in the sounds of LEVEL, and the stirring words of Allen West, Dick Morris, Anita MonCrief and many others.

The Tea Party is alive and well and ready to engage in – as some would say, “.. the most important election of our lifetime…”

The event drew a good size crowd, from tea party and 912 “regulars” to members of the “other side” who lined the back of the field with posters critical of some of the speakers and themes. The protest was peaceful though and even these folks seemed to enjoy themselves.

A lot of local candidates, from Congress down to School Board were in the audience, their teams fanning out to collect hundreds of signed nominating petitions, and most with whom we spoke thought the event was very productive for them.

The speakers covered the bases, some with some new food for thought. MC Brian Mudd from WJNO gave one of the most unusual but highly positive introductions of Congressman Colonel Allen West I have heard, alluding to his national appeal. The Congressman laid out the dangers of another four years of Barack Obama, and assured him (are you listening Mr. President?) that he would most assuredly be voting against the “Buffet Rule” this week.

Anita Montcrief told her tale of finding corruption at the highest levels of ACORN, and then laid out the more current conspiracy between that organization in its new form and the Justice Department to overturn voter ID laws across the country.

Dick Morris, a recent passenger on the Romney train, speculated that Mitt Romney would be one of the best Presidents in history. He asked for a show of hands for “who is more conservative now after 3 years of Obama?” and after seeing an overwhelming yes, tried to convince us that Mitt is too. He also told of the dangers of another Obama term, but suggested that his re-election was definitely not assured.

All in all, a pleasant and stirring day and a good kickoff to the 2012 electoral season.

Some pictures of the event: CLICK HERE to see all the photos at once.


May 1st Boca Raton Chapter Meeting with Blaise Ingoglia!

Republican Party of Florida Vice Chairman Blaise Ingoglia will address the Boca Chapter on May 1st.  Ingoglia is a  Hernando County entrepreneur and rising star in local and state Republican Party politics.   He is behind Government Gone Wild, a series of Web videos, seminars and blogs. The approach, says Ingoglia, shows people how bad the issue really is.  A recent video Ingoglia produced through Government Gone Wild — “Brother, Can You Spare a Trillion?” — is a YouTube hit. The video has now surpassed 5.14 million views. “The reason why this resonates with people is it melds satire and motivational speaking in a political atmosphere,” says Ingoglia. “The problem when politicians start talking about budgets and finance is people’s eyes start to roll to the back of their heads in boredom.”  He emphasizes the debt problem is bipartisan. He also weaves satire into the presentations. “The government,” Ingoglia told the Sarasota crowd last year, “has turned into that person who is always asking you for money.”

Blaise Ingoglia aims to break down the federal government’s massive debt problems into easily understandable chunks in his videos and seminars.

Ingoglia says he researches and verifies all of his data from online sources, mostly government data websites. Here are some of Ingoglia’s eye-popping nuggets when it comes to debt and spending abuse:

• The federal government will pay $1.9 million per minute of debt for the next 10 years.

• At the current pace, by 2046 every dime collected by the government in taxes will go to pay off debt.

• The federal government has spent $8 trillion in interest payments on its debt since 1988. “A lot of that is going to other countries,” says Ingoglia, “making them prosperous, not us.”

• The government spent $1.5 million of federal stimulus money to spruce up apartments. Problem is, those apartments were scheduled for demolition.

• The U.S. Department of Energy could save $2.2 million if it turned off lights and used more efficient energy sources, says Ingoglia, citing a U.S. Government Accountability Office study.

• The government spent $712,000 of federal stimulus money on joke-telling software. “Why do we need joke-telling software,” asks Ingoglia on a Government Gone Wild video, “when we already have Congress?”

DATE: Tuesday, May 1st, 2012
TIME: Doors open 5:30pm. Buffet at 6pm. Meeting starts at 7pm, $15 per person (tax and gratuity included)
PLACE: Boca Greens Country Club, 19642 Trophy Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33498, Click HERE for Map

Don’t Miss the Great Music at our Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th

You can’t miss our 2012 Tax Day Tea Party on Sunday, April 15th at the Wellington Amphitheater starting at 1:30pm.  Our keynote speakers will be Congressman Allen West, Dick Morris from Fox News, Anita MonCrief from ACORN fame, Dan Mangru from Fox Business, and local talk radio hosts Joyce Kaufman and Craig Henne.  Our MC will be Brian Mudd from WJNO AM1290.  We have a host of other speakers listed here.

In addition, we will have activities for children, excellent food concession from the Tuxedo Gourmet, drawings with great prizes, and much more!

If that weren’t enough, we will have opera-trained Lou Galterio sing the National Anthem, and a young up & coming singer, Brie Goldsobel singing patriotic songs.

An extra special treat will be the music of LeVeL, a West Palm Beach-based band (area code 561) best known for edgy, acoustic rock.  Their unique and predominantly original music is a direct reflection of the band members’ extensive and varied experiences, and contains elements of classic rock, punk, funk, jazz, acoustic rock, dance music and heavy metal.  Their music is uplifting, inspiring and will touch the hearts of people of all ages.

To hear them now click here

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