July 4th Mall “Meet-ups”, in Boca, Wellington, and Palm Beach Gardens!

Video from
Memorial Day Rally

This past Memorial Day, Monday, May 28th, nearly 30 patriots from the Boca Chapter met up at Town Center Mall in Boca Raton.  Dressed in full Patriotic regalia, our group met to honor those who served this great country in our armed services.  We met quite early, before there were a lot of people there at the mall, but we definitely left an impression on those who were there.

The purpose of meeting up was to take a stand for our country in a very public way, to simply express our love for our country.  Clearly, we had gathered intentionally—dressed patriotically, holding flags, and enjoying fellowship with one another.  We gathered in a very open and conspicuous area, which was in the foyer area from the main entrance to the mall on the north side.  Loosely organized, there was no official “format” or “program” that we followed.  We recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the National Anthem, and Al Raden read a list of names- the names of every soldier from Florida who was killed in action since the previous Memorial Day.  Ron Gaynor read an excellent short speech from Abraham Lincoln.  We closed by singing God Bless America.

As we disbanded, a number of people inquired about our group, and we were equipped with Palm Beach County Tea Party business cards, as well as flyers for our upcoming meeting with Slade O’Brien that we just had in June.  In all, we were at the mall for just about an hour.

We greatly encourage everyone who can, to JOIN US to do the very same thing on July 4th!  Our respective chapter groups will gather at 10:30 am at Town Center Mall in Boca Raton, The Mall at Wellington Green in Wellington, and Gardens Mall in Palm Beach Gardens.  Pick the one closest to you, and let your voice be heard!  Let us demonstrate solidarity for the future of this country—that there are people who still care—and that the Tea Party is alive and well, and present and accounted for in our communities!!!

Boca Chapter and SF912 Host Florida Senate Candidate Forum with Joyce Kaufman!

The Palm Beach County Tea Party Boca Raton Chapter and the South Florida 912 are joining forces on July 10th for another spectacular evening of like-minded fellowship through the three core principles of the Tea Party.   Joyce Kaufman will moderate this FL Senate Candidate Forum with candidates Melanie Peterson, Mike Lameyer, and Geoff Sommers at Boca Greens Country Club  (19642 Trophy Drive ).  Ellyn Bogdanoff, who will be facing Lameyer for FL Senate District 34 in the GOP Primary on August 14th, was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict.  Peterson and Sommers will square off  for an August 14th GOP primary for District 25.

This forum is being held in lieu of our normal monthly Dinner/Speaker Event (and we pushed it back one week, to July TENTH, instead of the THIRD, to avoid conflicting with holiday plans for July 4th).

We are fortunate to have local veteran conservative talk show host Joyce Kaufman join us as the moderator, and Lou Galterio will sing the National Anthem.  She will be asking the candidates a number of questions put together by our respective leadership teams, and the questions will involve local policy issues, and how the candidates’ positions on those issues might be viewed from the perspective of our three core principles.

As usual, doors will open at 5:30pm and the Cash Bar will be open.  Dinner ($15 includes tea, coffee, dinner, dessert, tax and gratuity) will be from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.  We will make announcements for the Palm Beach County Tea Party and South Florida 912, and the Candidate forum will commence around 7:15.  People are welcome to attend the Forum, at no charge and simply skip the dinner portion.  Either way, we still need a head count, and will ask you to click on the RSVP button below.

This event promises to be an exciting evening of getting to know our local candidates, and to get involved in the political process right here, where we live!

Please RSVP now on the button here, and see you on Tuesday!

County Commission Forum – District 1 Primary Candidates

The Palm Beach County Tea Party, a TAB coalition partner, was a co-sponsor of this event.

Wellington Chapter Features IG and Commissioner on Ethics

The July 2012 meeting of the Wellington Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party was, as always, a very informative gathering and one that remains relevant to our mutual belief in fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets.  Given the latest developments of this highly charged political season and a monumental victory of Governor Scott Walker over special interests, this month’s meeting gave us an opportunity celebrate our members like Pam Wohlschlegel who were able to contribute to the effort and literally walk the streets of Wisconsin in support of what they consider to be morally right.  Thanks to them and others like them, this battle has been won but the war is far from over.  A continuous need for dedicated volunteers was loudly and clearly reiterated.  As the result of a partnership with Americans For Prosperity, Kathy Salerno, a volunteer field coordinator for the State of Florida spoke briefly underscoring that phone banking is still one of the most effective tools in running a grass roots campaign.  Kathy, provided a demonstration of the new phone banking system that has been implemented by her organization and put out a call for volunteers.  This system is surprisingly easy to use and designed such that calls can be made in spare time from any phone.  The evening highlights consisted of presentations by two guest speakers ; Alan Johnson, Executive Director of the Palm Beach County Ethics Commission and  Sheryl G. Steckler, Inspector General for Palm Beach County.  Both speakers delivered fact filled presentations covering the intricacies surrounding the roles played by both offices within PBC Government.

Director Johnson, a long time Wellington resident, a former Assistant State Attorney, and a life long public servant enthusiastically explained the mission of the Commissioner of Ethics (COE) as to “foster integrity in public services, promote the public’s trust and confidence in that service, and to prevent conflicts between private interests and public duties”.  He went on to draw a contrast between the role of the COE and the Inspector General clarifying that  the COE is basically a code enforcement office. The Commission is made up of five non political appointees.  Commissioners are limited from making political donations or supporting partisan causes for the duration of their term of appointment.    Supported by a half dozen regular staff members as well as volunteer advocates  the Office has its hands full.  It’s tasked with enforcement of the PBC Code of Ethics that is aimed at ensuring that governmental decisions are not based on personal gain.  The Office also issues advisory opinions, processes complaints, and provides mandatory ethics training in support of all PBC as well as municipal employees.  The Commission’s jurisdiction also includes all elected individuals except independent constitutional officers such as PBC Sheriff and the Property Appraiser among others.  The Commission’s Website has been one of the most critical tools in meeting their mission.  In 2011 the site has received over 200K visitors in search of services.  Everyone is encouraged to visit the site  for materials or information at palmbeachcountyethics.com

Director Johnson was promptly followed by an equally charismatic and passionate General Steckler.  The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a PBC chartered office with a broad jurisdiction covering all County and municipal entities with oversight responsibilities at the individual contractor as well as sub-contractor levels.  As a contrast to the COE, the OIG is focused making the Government more efficient, accountable, and effective.  It conducts audits and investigations aimed at detection and prevention of fraud, waste, mismanagement, and misconduct.  The key strength of the Office is its independence which intended to promote public trust and confidence in government.  As such the offices’ findings can not be altered.  OIG creates and publishes both annual and semiannual reports which are available to the general public through its web site at pbcgov.com/oig/

As stated before, great meeting, thanks to all the tireless effort by our organizers such as Gina Rascati, one of the founding members of the Wellington Chapter.  It seems that every month a new bar is set for these gatherings.  Please make sure to visit palmbeachcountyteaparty.com to see what’s in store for our next meeting.

Slade O’Brien Educates and Inspires Boca Chapter Crowd

The Palm Beach County Tea Party’s Boca Chapter had their monthly Dinner/Speaker Event on the first Tuesday of the month—as usual—at Boca Greens Country Club on June 5th. This would turn out to be a very special and exhilarating evening- not just because of our meeting, but because just after it, the news reported that Scott Walker had won his battle against those who would attempt a recall. Turnout was about as expected, as we will attract a total of about 80 people at every event, no matter what. Many of our patriotic supporters are “snowbirds”, and are gone for the season, and there were several regulars who were not in attendance on this night. Nevertheless, it was a respectable showing for our speaker Slade O’Brien—the Florida Director of Americans For Prosperity. With November on the almost immediate horizon, Slade’s expertise on the political machinations within our state is truly invaluable.

The main dining room at Boca Greens Country Club was closed for maintenance, but Roger and his gang did a great job setting us up in the private meeting room, with a panoramic view of the beautiful golf course. The food was as good as ever—and all went quite smoothly, despite the minor change in venue. We really appreciate the local restaurants’ involvement in that they provide us with gift certificates to auction off for our silent auction. There were SO MANY great restaurants to choose from! We also had a crystal bowl, as well as two Palm Beach County Tea Party polo shirts up on the block, all for the taking.

In a break from our normal protocol, we elected to ask Tyce Fitzmorris to present his specially created DVD on the peril that our country is really in—from both an ideological standpoint, as well as a DEBT standpoint. He set up his projector in front of the podium, and began at 6:30. You could hear the sound of forks hitting plates slow down, as Tyce delved deeper and deeper into these solemn issues. He was clearly a “hit”, and many people wanted both the DVD he created, as well as asking him to deliver the same presentation to other gatherings. Please contact us if you would like Tyce to do this for your group.

Boca Chapter Coordinator Alex Berry began the proceedings at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. We were fortunate enough to have Lou Galterio, “The Golden Voice”, sing the National Anthem for us, which was met with thunderous applause! After the usual protocol of explaining what the PBCTP is, and what it stands for, Alex presented his usual recent email fare- this time with a takeoff of the “You Know You Might Be A Redneck If…” series by Jeff Foxworthy. This was titled, “You Know You Live In ‘Upside Down Land’ If…”. It pointed out, in a humorous way, how the poison of liberalism has literally turned our world upside down. Local event announcements were made, as well as a “teaser” for our new Plaque Program, more of which will be revealed next month. We had at least 6 different candidates, officeholders, or candidate representatives announce themselves during the announcements, and they were certainly welcomed in kind.

Alex then introduced Slade O’Brien, who emphasized the importance of GETTING INVOLVED—and mobilizing our efforts to create a maximum effect. His speech was quite illuminating, as Slade and his team truly have their fingers on the pulse of what’s happening in Tallahassee, as well as in Washington, DC. It is hard to imagine having a better ally in our cause for Liberty than groups like AFP, and the people like Slade who passionately run their regional chapters. As a conservative grassroots organizer since the mid-90’s, Slade observed that, “Compromise got us $15 Trillion in debt. We don’t need to compromise. We need to win.” He had great information on judges in Florida, and how none have ever lost a reelection based on “merit retention”. His group will be educating Floridians on this process. He further criticized the Florida Legislature as not being proactive enough in helping Gov. Rick Scott in his program to create jobs, and gave several illustrations of how tax credits were being misused amongst a type of “crony” crowd, much like what’s happening in Washington on a much bigger scale. There were even examples of contracts with the state that were so vague, that the only clear stipulation was that an invoice would be rendered once a quarter! Understandably, Slade was for reducing the extreme amount of regulation that currently exists to bolster new business development in Florida, while increasing transparency with existing contracts with the state.

The crowd had several great questions for Slade. There was a clear sense of frustration within our audience in terms of the existing levels of fraud and corruption already rampant in our system, and what we can do to thwart any further growth of this cancer within our governing bodies. How encouraging it was to see our group engaged in the dialogue, and taking part in the process! There really is no substitute for that kind of fellowship and camaraderie, and I am, as always, happy to see our chapter express their patriotism through having their voices heard in our group. Having said that, I encourage everyone to get involved in our Boca Chapter, and join us for future events to take part in having your voice heard with like-minded folk from all over Palm Beach County.


Otherwise, we always have our Boca Chapter Dinner/Speaker event on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month, so mark your calendars! Time is drawing to a close to make a difference for the next election, so please get involved if you aren’t yet, and STAY involved if you already are!


The Need for Action highlighted in the Jupiter/PBG Chapter’s June Meeting

June Clarke did a fantastic job serving as our PBCTP leader for the evening.  She ran a ‘tight ship’ keeping the meeting flowing and espousing the tenets of the Tea Party.  Thanks to June for stepping in for absent Gary Summers and Pam Wohlschlegel.

Prior to the meeting, member Tyce Fitzmorris ran a copy of one of his two Miracle Nation presentations on the issues facing our country and the upcoming election.  Tyce is selling copies of his dvd’s to recover costs and is also willing to present at any group.  He can be contacted at 561 248 2295, or via his Facebook or Twitter accounts.

June kicked off the meeting and led us in the Pledge. Lindsey Tremble, a winner of Palm Beach’s Got Talent, and upcoming eleventh grader at Jupiter High, sang the National Anthem beautifully, and June led us in prayer.  She also pointed out that the agenda on each table had place for people to commit to their own personal action plans to aid in the various efforts.  It isn’t enough to just listen – it’s time to act.  June then let elected officials, candidates for office and their surrogates introduce themselves.

Next, we heard a message from Pam and watched 3 videos from the Tea Party Patriots efforts to battle the recall election.   Tyce added his impressions as he too had volunteered in Wisconsin along with members Mary Adams and Barbara Grossman.

Mel Grossman, Treasurer and co-founder, talked about fund-raising, donating and the need for volunteers to assist in the effort to sell acknowledment placques. 

Ed Wolff gave a legislative update – describing the types of articles he posts and where they can be found on the website.

Fred Scheibl, co-founder, showed members where they could find the Voter’s Guide on the website.  He pointed out the levels of information that can be found in both the guide and the website.  He also announced three opportunities for action – attending the first PBC Budget hearing on Tuesday June 12th, the County Commission District 1 Forum.  He and Iris Scheibl, co-founder, also mentioned an issue/call for action on Ordinance 20, 2012 which would put on the November ballot a referendum replacing the Palm Beach Gardens City Charter.  This item is on the agenda at the PBG City Council meeting on Thursday, June 7th.

Terry Gallagher, co-founder, mentioned an upcoming organizational meeting on Religious Freedom.

June then introduced our keynote speaker, Jim Kuretski – Jupiter Town Council member.  Jim described his engineering background and his goals and reasons for being on the City Council.  He then covered examples of the types of fiscal issues that come before the Town Council and the types of votes and questions that he asks and feels should be asked in approving various budget issues.  He strongly urged participation on the local level – because one can really have an impact.  During the Qs and As, hot topics arose – such as El Sol and Jupiter’s participation in the lawsuit against Palm Beach County for funding of the Inspector General.  Mr. Kuretski answered with his rationale for his positions; the askers were not mollified – but all was civil.

Terry Gallagher concluded the meeting with a drawing for the tickets.

Some pictures from Anna:


County Commission District 1 Candidate Forum

(Print Flyer)
Palm Beach County Commission District 1

Candidate Forum

Join us for an evening of in-depth discussion of county issues with the three Republican candidates competing to replace term-limited commmissioner Karen Marcus.

Moderated by Tom Boyhan, WJTW FM100.3

June 18, 2012
6:00pm Meet and Greet, 7:00 Program
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33458

Food and Drink Available

The candidates are:

This event is jointly sponsored by:

Jupiter/Tequesta Republican Organization
Palm Beach County Taxpayer Action Board
Palm Beach County Tea Party
Palm Beach Republican Club
Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches
Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
Singer Island Civic Association
South Florida 912

This forum has been organized to feature the district one candidates appearing on the August ballot. Gardens Mayor David Levy, also a candidate for the position, is unopposed on the Democrat ticket and will face the eventual winner of this August contest in November.

Jupiter-Palm Beach Gardens Chapter To Hear From Local Councilman – June 4

Jupiter Councilman Jim Kuretski will be our guest speaker at the June 4, 2012 meeting at Abacoa Golf Club. As always, doors open at 5:30 PM, social time until buffet at 6:00 PM and Meeting starts at 7:00 pm with announcements, reports and speaker.

Since many local elected office holders move on to state and national government elected office, the Palm Beach County Tea Party believes that participation in and awareness of local government is very important. Participation in local government is efficient and necessary if we are to affect positive political change and insist on 1) Fiscal Responsibility, 2) Limited Government and 3) Support of Free Markets.

To this end, Jim Kuretski will inform us of his experiences and challenges in serving the people of Jupiter both as Councilman and as a member on various boards and committees. Mr. Kuretski has strong convictions regarding fiscal responsibilities and full disclosure by government entities as to how the taxpayer’s dollars are being obligated. Hopefully, we will learn how we may be more effective in supporting him and others like him in local government. It all starts locally and that is where our voices can have the greatest impact; come join us on June 4 at Abacoa Golf Club !

Jupiter-Palm Beach Gardens Chapter Schooled On Constitution; Book August 18 For More

As only Constitutional scholar KrisAnne Hall can summarize, an excellent and inspiring treatise of the four source documents to our Constitution was set forth on the evening of May 7 at Abacoa Golf Club. The one hundred plus crowd went away with a new-gained perspective on the sequential development and foundation to our United States Constitution and most significantly, the similarities to current times and applicability.

Attorney Hall is blessed with not only an immense knowledge and teaching skill but the heart of a warrior and the humbleness of His servant. In response to membership requests, KrisAnne has committed to a Jupiter-Palm Beach Gardens seminar on August 18, 2012. This seminar will run five hours and provide us with a better understanding of our Constitution, it’s principles and founding fathers’ intentions and inspirations.

More details will be forthcoming on the location, time and meal arrangements. Please set the date on your calendar now. Invitations will be extended to local government and business leaders as well as the general public. Armed with the “whole picture” the words of the Constitution and supporting documents take root in our hearts and minds. This internalization at a personal level is essential to genuine debate and moving this Great Nation forward for positive change.

We the people must more genuinely educate ourselves if we are to be effective at defending our liberties. Knowing of the United States Constitution is much different than knowing the hearts and minds and inspirations of our founding fathers, their sacrifices and aspirations. Come join us for a great day of learning and participation with KrisAnne Hall; I am certain that as always – she will not cease to amaze us with the knowledge and understanding she imparts !

Pictures from the Wolffs

Wellington Chapter Meeting for June 11 – Ethics and oversight of PBC Governments

Palm Beach County Inspector General, Sheryl Steckler, along with Ethics Commission Executive  Director, Alan Johnson, will be our guest speakers.  Come and learn about why these positions were created and why some are opposing them.  Doors open at 5:30, buffet dinner from 6:00 to 7:00, $15 all inclusive, meeting start at 7:00 p.m. sharp. As always at the beautiful Binks Forest Country Club.  Bring a friend, spread the word, be there!

Click here for more information on the Office of the Inspector General and the Commission on Ethics for Palm Beach County.

Bios for our guest speakers:

Sheryl Steckler: 

Sheryl G. Steckler is the Inspector General for the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Palm Beach County (PBC).  The Office opened its doors on June 28, 2010.  The office consists of three services: Investigations, Audit, and Contract Oversight.  Ms. Steckler’s jurisdiction includes all elected and appointed county and municipal officials and employees, county and municipal agencies and instrumentalities, contractors, their subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors, and other parities doing business with the county or a municipality and/or receiving county or municipal funds.  In total, there are 38 municipalities within PBC.  In addition, the Solid Waste Authority, Health Care District, and Children’s Services Council have voluntarily contracted with the OIG for their services. 

Ms. Steckler has worked in law enforcement and criminal justice related positions for 27 years.  Prior to her arrival in Palm Beach in June 2010, she was the Inspector General for the State of Florida, Department of Children & Families for just under 8 years.  She also spent 8 years as the Director for Pinellas County, Florida Consumer Protection which included Mediation, Criminal Investigations, and Regulatory Oversight.  Ms. Steckler was also with the Florida Auditor General’s office in Performance Auditing and Public Assistance Fraud for over 9 years.  Ms. Steckler is currently a Certified Inspector General, Certified Inspector General Investigator and formerly a certified law enforcement officer.

In her role as Inspector General at the Department of Children & Families, Ms. Steckler led the way for her office to become the first accredited Inspector General’s office by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation and her new office in Palm Beach County just received accreditation status February 23, 2012.  Ms. Steckler holds a master’s degree in Public Administration and a bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Florida State University.  She is currently an Executive Board member for the National Association of Inspectors General and former President for the Florida Chapter of the Association of Inspectors General.  Ms. Steckler has held elected positions as President and Vice President of Conferences for the National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators and has also served as a member (appointed by the Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services) of the Florida’s Consumer Council.

Alan Johnson: 

Prior to his selection as Executive Director, Mr. Johnson was a 17 year state prosecutor for the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County. As an Assistant State Attorney Mr. Johnson has tried numerous high profile felony cases and in 2001 became Chief of the Felony Division. In 2005 Mr. Johnson took over the role of Chief Assistant State Attorney until 2009 when he became Senior Counsel for a newly established State Attorney Public Integrity Unit. Mr. Johnson has also served in various capacities as a member and chairman of the Florida Bar Grievance Committee and the Unlicensed Practice of Law Committee as well as regularly serving as a volunteer youth court judge. Since 2000, Mr. Johnson has been a frequent instructor for the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association in areas including ethics for prosecutors, victim rights, homicide prosecution, evidence and jury selection.

Mr. Johnson graduated from Columbia University in 1973 and obtained his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1976.

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