June Jupiter Meeting
The last few weeks have certainly been very interesting. What many of us have long suspected as reality is starting to be proven true. Each day more details emerge regarding the IRS blatant misuse of their powers in targeting Tea Parties and other conservative groups.
Originally we had planned to do training on media relations; however, in light of these developments, we believe that it is necessary to address the IRS issue at our June meetings.
Our meetings will follow our new format of having a presentation, followed by our messaging and a training on what we all need to do with the information.
We will be discussing the most up-to-date information on the IRS abuses, our current filing status and the actions we will all need to take.
Let me make this very clear: This is a very, very serious situation that impacts all Americans of all faiths and political persuasions. We are talking about the most powerful arm of the United States government targeting specific Americans and organizations for increased scrutiny and intimidation.
This must not stand and we must be the ones to stop it.
Monday, June 3, 2013 5:30pm
Soup, Sandwiches and Pastries ($13)
6:30 Program Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33458
Please join us! Doors open at 5:00pm, with a cash bar. Dinner begins promptly at 5:30pm, and our meeting begins at 6:30pm. You can attend our meeting at 6:30pm at no cost, but we encourage you to come for the dinner. This will be a great evening of like-minded fellowship, and a true sense of deep patriotism permeates the experience– please RSVP on the button below!
Boca Raton June Meeting
The last few weeks have certainly been very interesting. What many of us have long suspected as reality is starting to be proven true. Each day more details emerge regarding the IRS blatant misuse of their powers in targeting Tea Parties and other conservative groups.
Originally we had planned to do training on media relations; however, in light of these developments, we believe that it is necessary to address the IRS issue at our June meetings.
Our meetings will follow our new format of having a presentation, followed by our messaging and a training on what we all need to do with the information.
We will be discussing the most up-to-date information on the IRS abuses, our current filing status and the actions we will all need to take.
Let me make this very clear: This is a very, very serious situation that impacts all Americans of all faiths and political persuasions. We are talking about the most powerful arm of the United States government targeting specific Americans and organizations for increased scrutiny and intimidation.
This must not stand and we must be the ones to stop it.
Please note the new location!
Location: Palm Beach County Library on Glades Road. 20701 95th Avenue, South Boca Raton, FL 22424
Time and Dinner: Meeting starts at 6:30pm. NO DINNER WILL BE SERVED THIS MONTH.
Please RSVP by clicking the button below.
June Wellington Meeting
The last few weeks have certainly been very interesting. What many of us have long suspected as reality is starting to be proven true. Each day more details emerge regarding the IRS blatant misuse of their powers in targeting Tea Parties and other conservative groups.
Originally we had planned to do training on media relations; however, in light of these developments, we believe that it is necessary to address the IRS issue at our June meetings.
Our meetings will follow our new format of having a presentation, followed by our messaging and a training on what we all need to do with the information.
We will be discussing the most up-to-date information on the IRS abuses, our current filing status and the actions we will all need to take.
Let me make this very clear: This is a very, very serious situation that impacts all Americans of all faiths and political persuasions. We are talking about the most powerful arm of the United States government targeting specific Americans and organizations for increased scrutiny and intimidation.
This must not stand and we must be the ones to stop it.
TIME: Monday, June 10th, 2013. Service of Sandwiches, Soup, Salad and Pastries begins at 6:00pm for $13 and the meeting begins promptly at 7 PM
LOCATION: Binks Forest Golf Club 400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington, Florida 33414
DIRECTIONS: to the Binks Forest Golf Club: Take FL Turnpike to Exit 97 or I-95 to Exit 69 or Military Trail or US-1 onto westbound Southern Blvd (FL-80) past Forest Hill Blvd. to Binks Forest Dr. Left on Binks Forest Dr.0.5 miles to golf club on left.
To RSVP for the event and the buffet, please click on the button below.
United Stand for America – Tea Party Values in Wellington
The Palm Beach County Tea Party hosted their 2013 tax day rally – United Stand for America, at the Wellington Amphitheatre on Sunday, under a bright blue sky and seasonally warm temperature. South Florida 912 and Martin County Tea Party / 912, and Americans for Prosperity were co-sponsors of the event. Moderated by PBCTP President Mike Riordan, the afternoon’s lineup of speakers covered a variety of conservative themes.
Keynote Kevin Jackson, a conservative blogger and creator of the “Black Sphere”, gave the audience some good advice. “The Republican Party” he said, “is about civil rights, but may have lost its way.”. We need to strengthen it though, not abandon it. For this two things are necessary: infuse the party with warriors, and understand that “liberalism is a disease, AND YOU CAN CATCH IT!”. He cited Colin Powell as an example of one of those who “caught it”.
Local radio personality Joyce Kaufman, heading to Washington on Tuesday to fight against the “gang of eight” immigration bill championed by Marco Rubio, told of politicians settling into office and abandoning the principles that got them elected.
Former NY radio personality Imre Beke likened the taxpayer to a pig with a wooden leg, and the politicians view that “You don’t eat a special pig like that all at one time.”.
Larry Kawa, of American Courage PAC gave us home economics analogies to the federal budget and pointed out the absurdity of the Washington stewardship of the national wealth.
Former Washington DC prosecutor Jeff Shapiro gave us insights into the current discussion of gun rights from his perspective of enforcing the DC gun ban in the pre-Heller days.
We also heard from Angela West about her new blog “Republican Coffee Corner with Angela“, PBC GOP Chair Ira Sabin, South Florida 912 Founder Shannon Armstrong, Martin County 912 leader Cindy Lucas, Republican Black Caucus leader Sean Jackson, and Leigh Lamson, the leader of the Port St. Lucie Tea Party/912.
Some pictures from the event:
April 14th United Stand for America Event!
On April 14, 2013 the Palm Beach County Tea Party, in conjunction with The Martin County 912-Tea Party, Florida Americans for Prosperity and South Florida 912, presents The United Stand for America Event!
This year, on the day before taxes are due, Americans from all over South Florida will join us in celebrating and honoring the United States and all of the values and beliefs that have made it the greatest nation on Earth for over two centuries.
Speakers will include Doctor Larry Kawa, Attorney Jeff Shapiro, Radio Personality Joyce Kaufman and our keynote speaker Kevin Jackson (author of The Black Sphere).
The event will take place from 1:00pm – 5:00pm at the Wellington Amphitheater on April 14th, 2013. The day’s program will start promptly at 1:30pm. This is an open and free event. Bring your family and friends. Onsite festival foods will be available for purchase.
Wellington Amphitheater
12100 Forest Hill Blvd.
Wellington, Fl
We can’t wait to see you there!
Jupiter Meeting April 1, 2013
Join us on Monday, April 1st for our Jupiter Chapter Meeting. Instead of having outside speakers, the board and leadership of the PBCTP will be updating the membership on current activities, recap of the leadership meeting and we will be providing all of you the opportunity for an open forum where we will answer all your questions about the current state, and future of, the PBCTP.
Monday, April 1, 2013
5:30pm Soup, Sandwiches and Pastries ($13), 6:30 Program
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33458
Please join us! Doors open at 5:00pm, with a cash bar. Dinner begins promptly at 5:30pm, and our meeting begins at 6:30pm. You can attend our meeting at 6:30pm at no cost, but we encourage you to come for the dinner. This will be a great evening of like-minded fellowship, and a true sense of deep patriotism permeates the experience– please RSVP on the button below!
Slade O’Brien Educates Boca Crowd On Realities Of Florida Politics!
With a crystal-clear night on the back end of a Florida “cold-snap” (getting into the 40’s the day before), there was another exciting night of patriotism from the Palm Beach County Tea Party. Though the turnout was lighter than this past month, it was an unquestionably exciting evening of brisk dialogue amongst Patriots in Boca Raton. Slade O’Brien was the guest speaker, and his perspective as a leader of grassroots movements, and dealing with politics on the LOCAL level, was quite illuminating. As the Florida Director of Americans For Prosperity, Slade has an extraordinary inside perspective on Florida politics, with access to all the “movers and shakers” within the political sphere in our state.
What he revealed about statewide graft and corruption in state contracts from legislators “thanking” their lobbyists and supporters who got them elected was both sickening and motivating at the same time. Slade also updated us on the “Five For Florida” initiative that AFP began last year, and updated us on their progress. While much has been accomplished, we have a “long road ahead”, as Slade said.
This also marked the return to Boca Greens Country Club, and exceptional venue for our group in terms of space, facilities, location, and food. Salad, Rolls, Chicken, and Salmon was served with a Vodka Penne dish, and a yummy-looking Apple-Cobbler type of dessert (I did not partake). It was a great crowd, populated by both familiar faces, as well as many new people. PBCTP Co-Founders Mel and Barbara Grossman made the trip from Jupiter to be with us, as did Terry Brady.
Boca Chapter Coordinator Alex Berry began the proceedings at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Carlos Manuel Santana then regaled us with his impassioned version of the National Anthem. After the usual protocol of explaining what the PBCTP is, and what it stands for, Alex made general announcements, and then asked former Board member Francisco Rodriguez to come to the podium. Francisco explained how he has recently published a book that addresses the critical issue of WINNING ELECTIONS, and how that starts on the local level, something we can all participate in. And this dovetailed well with Slade O’Brien’s discussion of the “pragmatics” of politics….
Alex then introduced Slade, who held the crowd captive with a personal account of his observations on how Florida has foolishly discouraged entrepreneurial activity with miles of red tape. He was actually very encouraging, however, because he drew parallels between what Scott Walker has done in Wisconsin, and what is possible here in Florida.
Slade followed his presentation with a boisterous “Q&A” session with the audience, moderated by Alex Berry. Tea Party members donated the raffle prizes, and the winners were announced at the drawing, concluding the evening.
We look forward to more great meetings in 2013 for our Boca Chapter—please INVITE YOUR FRIENDS to our next event, which will be on April 2nd, 2013!!! Remember—we always have our Boca Chapter Dinner/Speaker event on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month, so mark your calendars! Please get involved if you aren’t yet, and STAY involved if you already are! Remember, we are LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL BOCA TEAM LEADERS, including a Boca Chapter Coordinator (leader in Boca). Please help out if you can!
PBCTP co-hosts PBG Council Candidate Forum
On February 28, PBG Watch, along with the South Florida 912 and the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Taxpayer Action Board and the Palm Beach Gardens Residents Coalition hosted a candidate forum for City Council election, featuring former Mayor David Levy and challenger attorney James D’Loughy..
March Wellington Chapter Meeting Featuring Slade O’Brien and Attorney Jeffrey Shapiro
DATE: March 11, 2013
PROGRAM: Our keynote speaker will be featuring Slade O’Brien, the Florida State Director for Americans For Prosperity. Slade has spoken to our group before, and is always a great hit with our crowd, and his message is destined to become MORE popular, as he is a rising star both as an activist, and as an expert in how to WIN elections. If more people listened to Slade last year, many of the election results could have come out quite differently.
The meeting will also feature Attorney Jeffrey Scott Shapiro. Attorney Jeffrey Scott Shapiro is a former Washington, DC Prosecutor. He served on the Presidential election legal teams for Senator John F. Kerry, Senator John McCain and recently, Governor Mitt Romney. In addition to his private legal practice in Boynton Beach, Jeffrey is an investigative journalist who has been published in The Globe, Time Magazine, Washington Times, Wall Street Journal and Breitbart. He has also appeared on numerous TV news networks, including Fox News. On January 15th, he had an editorial published in the Wall Street Journal titled, “A Gun Ban That Misfired”. Jeffrey was also a pro bono attorney for Allen West’s reelection campaign.
Mr. Shapiro will speak to the Tea Party about the ineffectiveness of gun control and the inordinate volume of executive orders.
TIME: The buffet dinner begins at 6:00 for $20 and the meeting begins promptly at 7 PM
Binks Forest Golf Club
400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington, Florida 33414
DIRECTIONS: to the Binks Forest Golf Club:
Take FL Turnpike to Exit 97 or I-95 to Exit 69 or Military Trail or US-1 onto westbound Southern Blvd (FL-80) past Forest Hill Blvd. to Binks Forest Dr. Left on Binks Forest Dr.0.5 miles to golf club on left.
To RSVP for the event and the buffet, please click on the button below.
Jupiter Chapter March Meeting Featuring Slade O’Brien
Join us on Monday, March 4th for another banner Chapter Meeting, featuring Slade O’Brien, the Florida State Director for Americans For Prosperity. Slade has spoken to our group before, and is always a great hit with our crowd, and his message is destined to become MORE popular, as he is a rising star both as an activist, and as an expert in how to WIN elections. If more people listened to Slade last year, many of the election results could have come out quite differently.
Monday, March 4, 2013
5:30pm buffet ($20), 6:30 Program
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter, Florida 33458
Please join us! Doors open at 5:30pm, with a cash bar. Dinner begins promptly at 6:00pm, and our meeting begins at 7:00pm. Slade is always great with our crowd, and will be happy to answer questions after his presentation. You can attend our meeting at 7:00pm at no cost, but we encourage you to come for the dinner. For $20, you will enjoy salad, main course, dessert, coffee, and tea, with tax and tip included! This will be a great evening of like-minded fellowship, and a true sense of deep patriotism permeates the experience– please RSVP on the button below!