Bill Skinner at Boca Chapter on 10/7
PROGRAM: Voter fraud research and the speaker’s election law handbook.
SPEAKER: William J. “Bill” Skinner is the author of South Florida Election Law Handbook: How Voters Can Prevent Election Fraud And Make Elections Fair. Bill Skinner is a retired pharmacist/attorney who has lived in Florida since 2003. In Florida he has been a Precinct Advisor in all elections from 2004 through 2012. He was the Voter Fraud Chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee from 2007 through 2010 after filing 66 complaints of Election Fraud with the Florida Secretary of State.
DATE: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM
Refreshments will be served. No Charge.
PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807.
I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right.
Florida Turnpike to Exit 75, Glades Rd.. East on Glades Rd. to I-95. South on I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Tom Trento and MaryLynn Magar at Abacoa, October 6
PROGRAM 1: An analysis of the war in Gaza and the implications for all Americans.
SPEAKER 1: Tom Trento, Director, The United West, Lake Worth, FL. Co-Author. Shariah: The Threat To America.

The United West is dedicated to defending and advancing Western Civilization against the kinetic and cultural onslaught of Shariah Islam, so that America remains a land of freedom, justice and opportunity grounded in the principles of our Constitutional Republic.
SPEAKER 2: MaryLynn Magar representing Florida House District 82 in the Florida Legislature.
DATE: Monday, October 6, 2014
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar), 6:30 PM Meeting.
COST: Dinner: $13 (tax & tip included).
Meeting only: No charge
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
John Casey – We’re in for 30 years of Global Cooling
Terry Gallagher (Treasurer) and Mel Grossman (President) kicked off the well attended Jupiter meeting with announcements about future chapter meetings and the ongoing Mission: Awakening Rally in Tequesta – supporting religious freedom. Beverely Hires, recent candidate for CD 18 thanked the audience for support and encouraged everyone to rally together behind the primary winner (Carl Domino) in order to defeat Patrick Murphy. Jerry Marazas spoke about the upcoming PBC Budget Hearings on September 8th and 22nd at 6pm at 301 N Olive and suggested that interested citizens should attend the hearings and support taking $20 million of the $44+ million in tax increases from the PBSO (Sheriff’s) budget and return it to the tax-payer.
Our keynote speaker, John Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center, Orlando, Florida, he has a new book entitled Dark Winter. In 2007 he had a scientific epiphany while researching climate change models and realized that the sun’s cycles, especially its 206 year cycle, more closely represented the climate change actually observed than do any of the so called ‘global warming’ models. Based on his observations of the correlation between the 206 year cycle and actual climatic changes, he predicts that we have already begun a 30 year period of cooling, with the temperatures bottoming out in around 2030. Our governments are not preparing us for this period where such cooling could have devastating effects on crops and lead to mass starvation and upheaval.
Mr. Casey, and other ‘man-made global warming deniers’ have met with strong opposition from governmental and scientific organizations (as well as political ones) who stand to lose a lot of credibility, funding and policy changes should Casey and his fellow-researchers be proven right. Casey has had complete strangers slander him and make claims against him. Closer to home, he outlined the fallacies in sea-level predictions and climate change predictions used in the Seven50 proposals. He also showed charts highlighting actual measurements (temperature, sea-level) versus predictions made over the last 20+ years, demonstrating that none of the models used by the UN’s IPCC and related groups have had any level of accuracy. He also cited several of the key researchers’ works in sea-level, solar impacts on climate and earthquake analysis to show that the sun and solar sun-spot activity, and not man-made carbon use, are key to the earth’s climate. Russian climate researchers have come to the same conclusion and have also predicted a period of global cooling.
(Note: As someone who has read a lot about climate change and a man-made climate change skeptic, I personally would have liked to have seen correlations with thousands of years, rather than 400 year charts and short term (30 year) predictions but Mr. Casey was covering a lot of material in his hour-long presentation and it would have been difficult for everyone in the audience to see that level of details in charts.) All in all – it was an informative talk, generating a lot of questions and discussion afterwards.
A call to action was made by the speaker: use legal means, as do the organizations pushing the ‘global warming fraud’, generating lawsuits against those who have perpetrated such fraud and the governmental entities who have imposed policy changes as a result – knowing full-well that what they are predicting is untrue.
Mr. Casey’s research efforts rely totally on private funding via sales of his books and reports and he encouraged the audience to check out his website and purchase his materials if they’d like more details. There is also a free 4-page summary of the climate assessment report available for download.
Wellington Features IG John Carey in September
PROGRAM: County Inspector General John Carey
DATE: Monday, September 8, 2014
TIME: 6:30 – 8:30 PM
PLACE: Wellington Public Library, 1951 Royal Fern Blvd, Wellington, FL 561.790.6070
I-95 to Exit 66, Forest Hill Blvd. West on Forest Hill Blvd. 1.5 miles past The Mall at Wellington Green to Royal Fern Dr. Right on Royal Fern Dr. and then turn left into the library parking lot.
Or: Florida Turnpike to Exit 97, Southern Blvd. West on Southern Blvd 2 mi. to US-441 SR-7 Bear right onto the ramp to US-441 SR-7 N. Turn left (south) onto State Road 7/US-441. Go 2 miles to Forest Hill Blvd. Turn right on Forest Hill Blvd. 1.5 miles to Royal Fern Dr. Right on Royal Fern Dr. and then turn left into the library parking lot.
Our featured speaker is new IG John Carey. Replacing Sheryl Steckler, who chose not to renew her 4 year contract, John comes to Palm Beach County with extensive background as an IG in the federal government, most recently as Deputy IG overseeing all the intelligence agencies. His resume runs the gamut, from a decade as a police officer in Indiana to serving in the Marine Corps and retiring as a colonel. He was trained at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va., and spent five years as a deputy inspector general in the Marine Corps. In 2003, he served in Kuwait and Iraq.
Please RSVP so we are prepared to accommodate you.
There will be no food and there is no charge to attend.
Dennis Michael Lynch Video
Dennis Michael Lynch Returns to Abacoa

Returning to Jupiter almost exactly a year from his last appearance, author, videographer, frequent guest on the Blaze and Fox News, and possible presidential candidate Dennis Michael Lynch brought an enthusiastic crowd up to date on his last year’s activities.
After a brief update on the southern border, accompanied by a video clip and a description of his role (as documented on Fox) in the Clive Bundy affair, Dennis joined PBCTP President Mel Grossman and Wellington Chapter Leader Marion Frank on the stage for a Q&A.
The questions ran from the light and fluffy (“What is Megyn Kelly really like”), to the substantive (“How long can unchecked immigration continue before all hell breaks loose?”).
The solution to the immigration crisis he said, is to eliminate the incentives to come here. Employers of illegals should be fined, and “real” deportations should occur. The current administration practice of counting “turnbacks” – people who are captured at the border and immediately returned, as deportations has inflated their record and more in-country deportations should occur to send the right message.
If continued unchecked, he believes the current influx will permanently depress the job opportunities of all Americans. Once legalized, the farm worker will move up to sheet rock installer, the construction laborer to driving the UPS truck. La Raza will demand equal opportunity, and sue to insure that all jobs are open to the newly legalized. If President Obama proceeds with the executive amnesty he has threatened, the chaos that ensues will be his real legacy.
Tentatively suggesting his interest in running for President in 2016, while a picture of his photogenic family posed among the sand dunes was displayed on the screen, Mr. Lynch gave his view of the current crop of candidates. Marco Rubio “will not be re-elected to the Senate”, let alone the Presidency. Chris Christie “is not an effective leader” if he didn’t know about the bridge lane closures, Ted Cruz “will be completely destroyed by the mainstream media who despise him”, Rand Paul has been pandering and opposes voter ID laws, and Ben Carson “does not want the job”, as well as being in favor of full legalization. On the mention of Jeb Bush, his comment was drowned out by the laughter in the room, most of whom oppose our former governor’s views on common core and immigration reform. Regarding the Presidency, unlike Dr. Carson, Dennis does “want the job”.
A good number of candidates were in attendance, including Calvin Turnquest, Alan Schlesinger, Brian Lara and Beverly Hires for CD18, Paul Spain in CD22, Senator Joe Negron for SS32, CC6 candidate Andy Schaller, and Kesnel Theus for Port of Palm Beach. County GOP Chair Anita Mitchell was also in the audience, along with St. Lucie County Chair Bill Patterson.
Jupiter Chapter – John L. Casey
PROGRAM: Man made Global Warming: The Greatest Scientific Fraud in History – What to do about It!
SPEAKER: John L. Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida.
DATE: Monday, September 1, 2014
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar)
6:30 PM Meeting
COST: Dinner: $13 (tax & tip included).
Meeting only: No charge.
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Boca Chapter – John L. Casey
PROGRAM: Man made Global Warming: The Greatest Scientific Fraud in History – What to do about It!
SPEAKER: John L. Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida.
DATE: Tuesday, September 2, 2014
TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM
No Charge
PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807.
so we are prepared to accommodate you
Wellington Forum Brings a Mix of Candidates
Forums are never predictable. You issue invitations to the candidates that will be on the ballot in the local area (in this case for both the August and November elections), and see who responds and/or turns up.
In Wellington, the candidates for School Board district 6 were in attendance (incumbent Marsha Andrews and challengers Joseph Moore and Carla Donaldson), joined by one candidate from district 3 (John Hartman, who also attended the Boca event). Having the four of them allowed moderator Steven Rosenblum to solicit contrasting answers on key topics like Common Core, teacher tenure, and the roll of parents in influencing district policy and curriculum.
Clockwise from the top left: John Hartman, Joseph Moore, Carla Donaldson, Marica Andrews, moderator Steve Rosenblum, Stuart Mears, Andrew Schaller, Emmanuel Morel.
There were single candidates for other races as well, which allowed some discussion that spanned local, state and federal levels, but no way to contrast answers in a particular race. Democrat Emmanuel Morel, who is challenging Ted Deutch in the Congressional district 21 race participated, as did Republican candidate Andy Schaller for the open seat in county commission district 6 and Stuart Mears, the Republican challenger to Democrat Mark Pafford in State House district 86.
The district 6 school board race is interesting in that Marcia Andrews, herself a very capable and influential board member, has drawn two formidable challengers. Joseph Moore is a recently retired school district employee who served as both Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operation Officer, providing an insiders knowledge of business and finance functions. Carla Donaldson, is an “activist mom” who has been an advocate for various school issues since 2001. Incumbent Andrews, like Moore, is a long-term district insider, with 35 years experience as a principal and as a teacher in a variety of district schools.
On many issues the three are mostly in agreement (unhappy with common core, problems with teacher tenure, and the importance of parents in affecting policy). On the latter, Andrews said it best: “Parents are powerful”, and can exert control. They should take a stand. One area where they differ is on the quality of the schools. A question from the audience – “why are the schools so bad”, drew defensive answers from insiders Moore and Andrews, and a critique by outsider Donaldson who said the system should focus on the needs of the children, not what the adults want.
Asked what they would change about the system, Andrews would emphasize the basics – reading and math, and do less testing. Moore would formalize mentoring so institutional knowledge could be retained when good teachers and administrators leave. Donaldson would stop promotions before students are ready and bring in more specialized reading programs.
The candidates in the other races gave their views on All Aboard Florida (Morel: we should do “big things”, Schaller: the junk bond status of their loan tells you all you need to know), climate change (Morel: it is real, Schaller: don’t believe it, Mears: no shovel ready jobs in green energy), medical marijuana (all support the ballot issue as configured), and offshore drilling (Morel: “oil is not the answer”, Schaller: oppose, Mears: we can do it and make it safe with technology).
The elections are August 26 (primary, school board and Judicial), and November 4. For more information about the candidates, see the Palm Beach County 2014 Voters Guide.
Boca Candidate Forum Features Congressional, State Senate, County Commission and School Board
At a table that spanned the width of the West Boca branch library meeting room, a good mix of candidates showed up to answer questions posed by moderator David DiCrescenzo. The candidates were sent a questionaire in advance of the event, and those and additional questions were posed appropriate to the type of seat sought. (See Candidate’s Position on Issues for the written responsess that were returned).
Congressional candidates participating were David Wagie and Paul Spain who will face each other and Andrea McGee in the August 26 CD22 Republican Primary for the seat currently held by Democrat Lois Frankel. For the county commission we had Democrat Paulette Burdick (who has won her district 2 seat by default but chose to participate for the constituent feedback), and Republican Steven Abrams who will face Democrat Andrew O’Brien in November. School board district 3 incumbent Karen Brill and challengers David Mech and John Hartman filled out the table, and we were joined briefly by Senate 34 incumbent Maria Sachs who in November will face the winner of the Republican primary between Ellyn Bogdanoff and Joseph Bensmihen (neither of who showed up).
Clockwise from top left: Paul Spain, David Wagie, Steven Abrams, Paulette Burdick, Maria Sachs, Karen Brill, John Hartman, David Mech, moderator David DiCrescenzo.
Starting the questions with immigration, both Spain and Wagie gave the expected response for tough enforcement of the border. Senator Sachs on the other hand, who pointed out that we are both a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, stressed assimilation – that new immigrants should learn the language, learn civics, and forge cultural homogeniety. This was a popular answer for the mostly conservative crowd, and Democrat Sachs may have won some votes with this appearance. Before stepping out to another engagement, she invited all to visit her Boca office. “I am a STATE senator, she said, and when someone calls they get a hearing, regardless of what district they are in or to which party they belong.”
In other areas, the congressional pair had some interesting answers. Paul Spain is in favor of a federal budget freeze, combined with a 10% reduction in federal employees and a 5% pay cut. Favoring the posibility of a flat or fair tax, David Wagie would do away with the IRS, while Paul Spain would only cut it in half.
At the county commission level, Paulette Burdick went against the grain a little, speaking in support of Seven/50 – the sustainable development plan that many in PBCTP have argued against at commission meetings. It is a body of research that is a resource on which to draw – why should we reject available data? Both Burdick and Abrams told of their actions to hold down county spending, with Paulette pointing to her opposition to the out of control Sheriff’s budget and Steven listing the sales tax proposals he has opposed.
The School board candidates were a study in contrasts. Although these races are non-partisan, Republican Hartman makes no secret of his conservatism, and David Mech trumpets his in-your-face libertarianism. Mech, a small business owner whose background in the adult film industry is an interesting beginning on which to launch a school board bid, begged off on some of the questions, admitting he has not had time to research them. Hartman, whose major policy position is based on opposition to common core, saw many issues as black and white. Brill, with the advantage of 4 years in the job, had an understandably nuanced view. On Common Core, she said “that train has left the station” (referring to the standards themselves) as it has been in the implementation stage for several years. But we now have the ability to influence the assessment and the curriculum, she said, and that should be where the focus is. Hartman wants to roll back the program, as if the school board had that power. Mech said he supports Common Core.
On School choice, Brill supports the “full choice” proposal also supported by district 1 member Mike Murgio, which would let any student in the district choose the school they want to attend (subject to available space). Hartman supports choice outside of the district schools (ie. charters), but would look carefully at them for educational values beyond their business basis. Mech opposes school choice, believing it should be “all or nothing” – if we are going to have public schools, then money should not go to alternatives.
The district 4 candidates (who would represent parts of the south county area) did not participate.