Colonel Arthur DeRuve and PBCGOP Chair Michael Barnett at Abacoa
Jupiter Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Monday February 2
Program 6:30pm, Buffet Starts at 5:30pm
Abacoa Golf Club
Buffet $17, No Charge for Meeting
Take Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left
Please click on the RSVP button above so we are prepared to accommodate you.

Colonel Arthur DeRuve was commissioned a second lieutenant through the college ROTC program. After serving two years with the 2nd Armored Division as a cold war soldier in Germany, he remained 28 additional years in the Army’s active reserve, including 11 years as a military liaison officer for West Point. He is a graduate of the Army’s Artillery& Guided Missile School, the Command General Staff College, and the Army War College.
In civilian life Colonel DeRuve served as the regional management officer fo the “Office of Hearings & Appeals”, the judicial arm of the Social Security Administration, for the states of New York and New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He holds a BS degree in Political Science from Fordham University and a MS in Public Administration from New York University.
Colonel DeRuve and his wife, the former Dorothy Foxe have been married 63 years. They have three daughters, eight grandchildren and two great

Mike Barnett was born in Queens, New York but has lived in Boca Raton since 1987. He graduated from Boca Raton High School in 1995, the University of South Florida in 2004 with a BA in Political Science, and the University of Miami School of Law in 2007 with a JD degree. Mike has been practicing law since 2007.
Mike has been a life long conservative Republican, active in the grassroots since 1994. He was previously involved with the College Republicans, Young Republicans, and became an REC committeeman in August, 2010. He was elected REC Secretary in December, 2010, Vice Chairman in December, 2012, and Chairman in December, 2014.
As Secretary and Vice Chairman, Mike helped start the Party’s black and minority outreach program, with a heavy focus on the large local Haitian community. The Party’s activities and successes in Palm Beach County have made news across the state.
Mike’s been grassroots-oriented but has been able to unite the local Party and earned unanimous support of Republicans across the entire spectrum. “Our job is to get Republicans elected but we must never ever sacrifice principles or values. I am a pro-life, pro-traditional marriage social and fiscal conservative who believes the Party must stick to its principles while expanding our circles and welcoming other groups who share our conservative values.”
Mike is an active parishioner at Ascension Catholic Church in Boca Raton, the Knights of Columbus, and has been on political and missions trips to Haiti.
K. Carl Smith Brings Outreach Method to the PBCTP Chapters
“I am a Frederick Douglass Republican” – thus begins K. Carl Smith’s method for penetrating the walls that separate conservatives from minority voters.
On the premise that many minority families hold conservative values (eg. school choice, life, self reliance) and have much in common with us, yet are conditioned by upbringing and / or liberal propaganda to reject conservative thought, Mr. Smith explained how for many, “Republican”, or “Conservative” means “Racist”. Starting from that perspective, it is no wonder that “outreach” efforts are difficult.

In order to “retake control of the narrative” with Black and Hispanic constituencies from the liberal media and the Democrat party, we must expose their ongoing practice of rewriting history and routine accusations of racism against any who oppose them. Example: Lincoln (a Republican) ended slavery, and was opposed by the Democrats who were invested in it, yet the DNC website claims that “Democrats have been the champion of civil rights for 200 years!”
Frederick Douglass, a Black contemporary of Lincoln, has said “The best representation of slavery in politics is the Democrat Party”. He was a strong supporter of the Constitution, life, the limited power of government, and personal responsibility. By identifying with Douglass, in K. Carl Smith’s view, we can begin to explain that conservative principles are color blind, and knock down the wall that limits dialogue.
Mr. Smith holds seminars on his methods, and has helped local GOP groups do effective outreach, and his lectures at the three PBCTP chapters this month were well received. For more information, check out his book: “Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty”
K. Carl Smith at Wellington on January 7
PROGRAM: Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training
SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.
See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details.
DATE: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
TIME: 6:30 PM Meeting.
PLACE: Wellington Branch, County Library – Directions
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
K. Carl Smith at Boca on January 6
PROGRAM:Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training
SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.
See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details.
DATE: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM
Refreshments will be served. No Charge.
PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807.
I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right.
Florida Turnpike to Exit 75, Glades Rd.. East on Glades Rd. to I-95. South on I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right
K. Carl Smith at Jupiter on January 5
PROGRAM:Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training
SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.
See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details.
DATE: Monday, January 5, 2015
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (full buffet, dessert and coffee, cash bar), 6:30 PM Meeting.COST: Dinner: $17 (tax & tip included). (We regret that rising food costs require us to increase the cost of the buffet).
Meeting only: No charge
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes

Please join us in January as all three PBCTP chapters will host K. Carl Smith, President and Founder of the Frederick Douglass Republicans, as he explains his program of “Turning Values into Votes” – Outreach Minority Training.
Author of the bestselling book “Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty“, Mr. Smith will discuss the number one challenge facing the conservative movement and the Republican Party – diversity inclusion.
A truth-teller, K. Carl’s Frederick Douglass Republican message resonates with those who hold liberty in high esteem. It was KCarl’s FDR message which inspired Louisiana state Senator Elbert Guillory’s party switch to the Republican Party and conservative movement. KCarl is an unyielding defender of the constitution and liberty, inspired by the guiding principles of the Founding Fathers and he holds fast to the oath taken during his service to our country.
The meeting schedule follows (Note the earlier date for Wellington). Click on the meeting for directions and to RSVP.
Jupiter | Abacoa Golf Club | Monday, January 5, 2015 |
Boca | Boca Community Center | Tuesday, January 6, 2015 |
Wellington | Wellington Branch Library | Wednesday, January 7, 2015 |
Biography of K. Carl Smith
According to RedState, “KCarl Smith is one of the most influential people in America you have never heard of. Most certainly, KCarl is one of the most important people grassroots conservatives and Republicans Party leaders should be listening to right now.”
A former U.S. Army officer, KCarl is the President and Founder of Frederick Douglass Republicans and author of the best-selling book entitled, Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty.
In 2011, an upper level executive of the NAACP, who wishes to remain nameless, read KCarl’s book and commented, “If the message in KCarl’s book gets on a national level, the Democrat Party would be toast and President Obama would be history.”
It was KCarl’s Frederick Douglass Republican message that inspired Louisiana State Senate Elbert Guillory’s party switch from Democrat to Republican. Here’s what Senator Guillory says about KCarl, “A year ago, after months of soul searching and extreme discomfort with Democrat Party’s stances on marriage, abortion, guns and work, KCarl helped me find comfort in the GOP’s values. Then he helped me articulate my need to change. As I write these words, I recall my turmoil and pain and I thank God for sending KCarl to my rescue.”
You may have seen KCarl on the 700 Club, The BlazeTV and FoxNEWS’ Huckabee Show. He is featured in Rev. C.L. Bryant’s Runaway Slave Documentary.
Boca Chapter featuring Jake MacAulay

SPEAKER: Jake MacAulay., on understanding the Biblical principles on which America’s founding documents are based.
DATE: Tuesday, December 2, 2014
TIME: 6:30 PM Meeting. No Charge
PLACE: Coconut Cove Water Park and Recreation Center, 11200 Park Access Road, Boca Raton, FL 33498
DIRECTIONS: located in Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park
20130 Regional Park Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33498 (561) 629-8840
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Jake MacAulay is the current director of national outreach and Speakers Bureau member of the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC), an educational outreach that presents the founders’ “American View” of law and government. IOTC has produced thousands of graduates in all 50 states with a full understanding of the Biblical principles on which America’s founding documents are based.
The former co-host of the syndicated talk show, The Sons of Liberty, he is an ordained minister and has spoken to audiences nation-wide, including college and high school campuses.
Jake has been seen on Yahoo News, Fox News, The Blaze, AP, CBS, NBC, The Weekly Standard, and more…
Twitter: @constitutionjm
Jupiter Chapter featuring Jake MacAulay

SPEAKER: Jake MacAulay., on understanding the Biblical principles on which America’s founding documents are based.
DATE: Monday, December 1, 2014
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar), 6:30 PM Meeting.
COST: Dinner: $17 (tax & tip included). (We regret that rising food costs require us to increase the cost of the buffet).
Meeting only: No charge
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Jake MacAulay is the current director of national outreach and Speakers Bureau member of the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC), an educational outreach that presents the founders’ “American View” of law and government. IOTC has produced thousands of graduates in all 50 states with a full understanding of the Biblical principles on which America’s founding documents are based.
The former co-host of the syndicated talk show, The Sons of Liberty, he is an ordained minister and has spoken to audiences nation-wide, including college and high school campuses.
Jake has been seen on Yahoo News, Fox News, The Blaze, AP, CBS, NBC, The Weekly Standard, and more…
Twitter: @constitutionjm
Tom Trento on the War in Gaza
The United West founder Tom Trento, began his talk by asking Mel to walk to the western door of the meeting room, “you know what to do” he said. Holding the microphone near a speaker playing an air raid siren, 15 seconds went by before he declared “you’re dead”.
Thus he began an exposition of life in Israel under the constant threat of Hamas rockets coming from Gaza. Fifteen seconds is all the time you have to seek shelter when the rockets are incoming and the slow can pay a price.
With charts and maps, he described the types of rockets, the tunnel systems, and the over 70% of Israel which is threatened. Pictures of the multi-millionaire Hamas leaders who live in luxury in Egypt or elsewhere while the war rages Gaza, and excerpts from the Hamas founding principles that proclaim the end of Israel put it all in perspective.
Broadening his discussion beyond Israel, he made a compelling case that the most critical threat to western civilization is not a rising China or re-emergent Russia, but Global Islamic Jihad. Until the leaders of the west realize that we are in a war for which there is no negotiated settlement, the outlook is grim. Current Obama half measures against ISIL and his weak support for Israel are the wrong path, and the next election (2016) may be our last chance to meet the threat.
Also speaking was House district 82 candidate and incumbent MaryLynn Magar. Running in 2012, she found the most pressing issue in the district was jobs – and that has not changed two years later. Holding 2 or three part time jobs and desparately seeking health care for their families, people are struggling, however the administration paints the “progress” of the recovery. In favor of “all of the above” on energy, she supports drilling off the Florida coast, as long as it is far enough off shore to not be visible and interfere with tourism, opposed the medicaid expansion, and is against Common Core and All Aboard Florida.
Bill Skinner at Wellington, 10/13
PROGRAM: Voter fraud research and his election law handbook.
SPEAKER: William J. “Bill” Skinner is the author of South Florida Election Law Handbook: How Voters Can Prevent Election Fraud And Make Elections Fair Bill Skinner is a retired pharmacist/attorney who has lived in Florida since 2003. In Florida he has been a Precinct Advisor in all elections from 2004 through 2012. He was the Voter Fraud Chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee from 2007 through 2010
after filing 66 complaints of Election Fraud with the Florida Secretary of State. He is a former trial attorney, lobbyist, and civic activist in Maryland and DC for 32 years.
DATE: Monday, October 13, 2014
TIME:6:30 – 8:30 PM
PLACE: Back by popular demand:
Total Wine & More.
Shoppes at Isla Verde, 960 S State Road 7, Wellington, FL 33414, (561) 795-9229
DIRECTIONS:MAP Take FL-80 W/US-98/Southern Blvd/State Road 80 W to US-441 S/FL-7 N. Bear right onto the ramp to US-441 S/FL-7 N. Turn left (south) onto State Road 7/US-441. Go 0.6 miles to signal light at entrance of Shoppes at Isla Verde. Turn left at signal light into shopping center.