Marion Frank on Freedomworks Event
The Palm Beach County Tea Party was in attendance at the FreedomWorks event on 9/12 in Orlando FL, along with over 2500 patriots from all around the country. FreedomWorks was founded to fight for liberty and has brought together some of the best and brightest minds of the liberty movement. They have expanded their ambitions from a free-market think tank to a service center for the grassroots freedom movement across the whole country, encompassing Tea Parties, 9-12 groups and Conservatives.
Their urgent mission right now is to grow the “Freedom Caucus” in the House of Representatives. In order to be a part of the “Freedom Caucus” members must show that they consistently uphold conservative values, such as defunding Obamacare, balancing the budget, securing our borders, ending taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, supporting the VA and most urgently trying to replace Speaker John Boehner with Mark Meadows. Some of the Freedom Caucus members were at FreedomWorks and spoke to the crowd. They included Ted Yoho, John Fleming, Ron DeSantis, Mark Meadows, Tom Massie and Tim Huelskamp. The frustration was palpable coming from the Congressmen about not being able to get done the things they campaigned for because the House and Senate leadership, namely John Boehner and Mitch McConnell have decided to cave on every important issue so they can appear to get along better with the Obama administration. After getting a huge majority in the House and a slim majority in the Senate, things are actually worse than when the Democrats ran the Senate. We have a Republican leadership problem and the only way to fix that is to change the leadership.
A straw poll was taken at the event. All ticket holders could vote for their first and second choice for President. Our very special guest speaker, Glenn Beck read the winners at the conclusion of his speech. At first Glenn said that Donald Trump had won the straw poll. After the audience booed, he said he was only kidding. Donald Trump came in third place with 8%, Dr. Ben Carson in second place with 12% and Ted Cruz was the run away winner with 41%. It it true that Glenn Beck’s audience, Tea Partiers and 9-12ers are more conservative than the average Republican voter, so it came as no surprise that Ted Cruz was the big winner.
We left the event pumped up with enthusiasm. The speakers gave us some hope that Boehner may be replaced within the next few weeks, as there may be enough votes in the House to turn it around. Not so much in the Senate. There are really only 2 definite votes in the Senate to remove McConnell, that being Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. We need better Senators in the next election.
Freedomworks 9/12 Summit Spotlights Freedom Caucus
Glenn Beck, who ended the 9/12 Freedomworks event in Orlando by announcing that Ted Cruz had won 41% in a straw poll of the thousands of attendees, at first joked that Donald Trump had won. (Trump actually came in third with 8%, and Ben Carson was second with 12%). The groans in the audience indicated that many prefer the steadfast conservatism of Cruz over the Trump phenomenon.
I mention this first, as it is indicative of the difficult year that is to come.
Glenn Beck also believes it will be a difficult year, even comparing it to 1968. In a reference to the Chicago riots of that year surrounding the Democratic convention, where the forces of Gene McCarthy battled it out with the Humphrey “establishment”, Beck suggested that the circus to surround the 2016 Philadelphia convention may “burn that city to the ground”.
Freedomworks was the key organizer of the 2009 “March on Washington”, in which many of us participated. With 1-2 million people in front of the Capitol (estimates vary), those were heady times filled with a combination of outrage over Obama’s actions and optimism that with enough of us working together, we could take our country back.
Today’s reality is different from what was imagined six years ago. A conservative uprising took back the House in 2010, along with many state legislatures and governors mansions, and then the Senate in 2014. But our presidential standard bearer Mitt Romney failed to take the fight to Obama in 2012 and little has actually changed. The Obama agenda marches on, with many victories and few defeats. There is a general feeling that the Republican leadership in both houses are either not up to the task of effective resistance, or worse, in thrall to the special interests that like the status quo just fine.
The conference highlighted members of the “Freedom Caucus” – a group of legislators who seek a change to the status quo. One of their members, Mark Meadows, is leading the fight to replace Speaker John Boehner. A number of other members spoke of the difficulty of the fight, of how they were ostracized by the insiders, losing key committee assignments and worse, as the Republican elites circled the wagon to protect their interests.
Currently, the Freedom Caucus consists of about 42 members – less than 10% of the 425 seats in the House of Representatives. Their mission is to give a voice to the countless Americans who feel that Washington does not represent them. Given recent polls, that group would be a large majority of the country. At the conference we heard from Caucus members Ted Yoho (FL3), Mark Meadows (NC11), Ron DeSantis (FL6), John Fleming (LA4), Tom Massey (KY4) and Tim Huelskamp (KS1). All are committed to finding a way to resist the Obama juggernaut, and the current focus of the fight is to replace John Boehner. Freedomworks CEO Adam Brandon thinks they may succeed and Boehner may not last out the year.
Currently there is no Freedom Caucus in the Senate, unless you count Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. Most will say that although Mitch McConnell has to go, there is no clear path to make that happen.
If there was a theme to this conference, it was that we should not lose hope, that there are legislators in Washington ready to fight the good fight on our behalf, and they deserve our support and protection. That support is the number one priority of Freedomworks, followed by fighting the regulatory state and promoting pro-growth economics.
The conference though, was originally promoted as a venue for the Presidential candidates. I suspect many signed up originally for this reason (at least I did). Yes, it is important to support the good work of the Freedom Caucus, but given the realities of the Congress and their inability to counter the President, it is the 2016 Presidential campaign that should be the primary focus of every conservative activist everywhere.
Which brings us back to Donald Trump, and why he is leading in the polls. On the one hand, Trump has not presented enough policy detail to determine if he is “conservative enough” to do the right things if he becomes President, and it is difficult to support him until his plan for the country becomes clear. What he does represent though is a “disruptive force” – a rolling cannonball who will go to Washington and roll over the kind of obstacles that tie the hands of even reform-minded leaders. Many pundits have concluded that Trump is leading in the polls because voters are rejecting “insiders”. Another explanation could be that they are rejecting those candidates who “talk the talk” but like so many who were sent to Congress in 2010 and 2012, do not have the courage or the ability to create the change that is needed.
To right the ship of state will take some well-placed disruptions that re-order the status quo. Trump seems like a candidate who could do that, being at the same time self-funded and untethered by conventional wisdom. If the other candidates, who we know to be true conservatives, would adopt the Trump world view that “creative destruction” can be applied to government as well as business, they would make themselves into much more electable candidates in the current political climate of anger and desperation.
Next weekend, Heritage Action will be hosting 12 of the presidential candidates at their grassroots event in Greenville, SC. I look forward to that meeting to see if there is a different message than Freedomworks presented, and will report on it next week.
Palm Beach County Tea Party leaders were volunteers at the Freedomworks event, including Mel and Barbara Grossman, Terry Gallagher and Marion Frank.
For Marion’s take on the event see: Freedomworks Event
Public Hearing on the County Budget – What to expect
Candidate Night October 5
All candidates for Florida CD 18 (Patrick Murphy’s seat) have been invited.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Abacoa Golf Club
Program 6:30pm, Buffet Starts at 5:30pm
Buffet $20.00, No Charge for Meeting
Moderator: Michael Williams
8-time Emmy Award winner, co-anchors NewsChannel 5 at 5:30, 6 and 11 pm.
Don’t miss this opportunity to get to know YOUR Candidates!
Thus far we have had confirmations of at least 7 candidates with more coming in.
We plan on giving YOU an opportunity to ask questions.
Please RSVP below.
Tell a friend!
Massey Campos at Boca Raton on September 8
Boca Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Tuesday September 8, 2015
Vice PresidentInstitute on the Constitution
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Massey Campos is the current Vice-President of the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) and President of the American Club outreach, an educational outreach to school campuses that presents the founders’ “American View” of law and government. As a multicultural American of Hispanic descent Massey is an IOTC speakers’ bureau member, ordained Minister, and professional musician that has spoken to audiences across America including high school and college campuses. Massey has been seen on AP, NBC, Yahoo News, The Weekly Standard, and The Blaze. Contact Massey at: Email: Twitter: @selfevidentmc3 Facebook:
Massey Campos at Wellington on September 9
Wellington Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Wednesday September 9
Vice President
Institute on the Constitution
Program 6:30pm
Hurricane Grill and Wings
Marketplace at Wycliffe (Lake Worth Rd. & 441)
4075 State Road 7
Wellington, FL 33449
Please click on the RSVP button above so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Massey Campos is the current Vice-President of the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) and President of the American Club outreach, an educational outreach to school campuses that presents the founders’ “American View” of law and government. As a multicultural American of Hispanic descent Massey is an IOTC speakers’ bureau member, ordained Minister, and professional musician that has spoken to audiences across America including high school and college campuses. Massey has been seen on AP, NBC, Yahoo News, The Weekly Standard, and The Blaze. Contact Massey at: Email: Twitter: @selfevidentmc3 Facebook:
Brian Mast at Abacoa on September 14
Jupiter Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Monday September 14, 2015
Program 6:30pm, Buffet Starts at 5:30pm
Abacoa Golf Club
Buffet $17, No Charge for Meeting
Take Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left
Please click on the RSVP button above so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Brian’s Bio
Brian Mast served the United States of America from 2000-2012 as a soldier in the U.S. Army. He has held the Military Occupational Specialties of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Airborne Infantry, and Combat Engineer.
In 2012 Brian retired from the U.S. Army’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) following a catastrophic injury incurred while serving in Afghanistan. His service and many lifesaving actions on the battlefield have been recognized by multiple awards for Valor, Merit, Sacrifice, Conduct, Achievement, and Excellence. Brian has also been recognized by the President of the United States, and been made an Honorary Member of the 75th Ranger Regiment for his contributions to the War on Terror.
Though Brian’s service with our nation’s most elite Special Operations Forces resulted in the bilateral amputation of both legs, neither his pace of life nor his work ethic have slowed. Since injury Brian has continued his work in Global Security Operations. He has provided analysis and training as a member of the National Nuclear Security Administrations (NNSA) Office of Emergency Operations in accordance with U.S. policy objectives. Brian has also provided explosive and tactical training to all federal agencies with first responder capabilities as an instructor of Home Made Explosives for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Today Brian operates as an Explosive Specialist with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (TSA). His work is to defend the multimodal transportation systems from explosive threat and advise local law enforcement and federal agencies to include U.S. Secret Service, FBI, U.S. Marshals, ATF, and U.S. Department of State on explosive threats, possible effects, trends, and solutions.
When Brian is not working he is utilizing his GI Bill as a full time student of Harvard University, is a constant advocate for countless non-profit organizations, and a contributor to veterans and veteran supporting foundations.
Honor Flight – One Last Mission
Honor Flight at Wellington Chapter on 8/5
Wellington Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Wednesday August 5
We will also have an open discussion on the topic of Sanctuary Cities.
Program 6:30pm
Hurricane Grill and Wings
Marketplace at Wycliffe (Lake Worth Rd. & 441)
4075 State Road 7
Wellington, FL 33449
Please click on the RSVP button above so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Southeast Florida Honor Flight, as well as the 133 other hubs in the nationwide Honor Flight Network, is dedicated to flying American’s veterans to their respective memorials in Washington, DC, free of charge to the veteran. Each flight typically takes 85 WWII veterans and their guardians on a one day trip of a lifetime, taking off from Palm Beach International Airport at 6:30am with stops at the U.S. Marine Memorial (Iwo Jima), Arlington National Cemetery and the World War II Memorial, returning that evening at 8:30pm. Costs include chartering the American Airlines 757, motor coach transportation with police escort in Washington, three meals and Honor Flight hats and t-shirts for the day. America’s WWII veterans are now in their later years, predominantly in the 90’s age range, so Honor Flight is truly in a race against time to honor these veterans by bringing them to see their memorials, especially the WWII memorial, which was not completed until 2004.
Southeast Florida Honor Flight, based out of Stuart, Florida, is a 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) organization serving Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Okeechobee and Palm Beach Counties. All funds raised make sure every veteran flies absolutely free. For more information, to get involved, donate or shop the Honor Flight store, please visit:, or or call 1-855-359-2838.
Honor Flight at Boca Chapter on 8/4
Boca Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Tuesday August 4, 2015
We will also have an open discussion on the topic of Sanctuary Cities.
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Southeast Florida Honor Flight, as well as the 133 other hubs in the nationwide Honor Flight Network, is dedicated to flying American’s veterans to their respective memorials in Washington, DC, free of charge to the veteran. Each flight typically takes 85 WWII veterans and their guardians on a one day trip of a lifetime, taking off from Palm Beach International Airport at 6:30am with stops at the U.S. Marine Memorial (Iwo Jima), Arlington National Cemetery and the World War II Memorial, returning that evening at 8:30pm. Costs include chartering the American Airlines 757, motor coach transportation with police escort in Washington, three meals and Honor Flight hats and t-shirts for the day. America’s WWII veterans are now in their later years, predominantly in the 90’s age range, so Honor Flight is truly in a race against time to honor these veterans by bringing them to see their memorials, especially the WWII memorial, which was not completed until 2004.
Southeast Florida Honor Flight, based out of Stuart, Florida, is a 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) organization serving Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Okeechobee and Palm Beach Counties. All funds raised make sure every veteran flies absolutely free. For more information, to get involved, donate or shop the Honor Flight store, please visit:, or or call 1-855-359-2838.