Ron Berman Meet and Greets
Show your support for Ron by attending this upcoming Meet & Greet. RSVP to Tom Plante, 561-236-8891.
Trevor Louden at Boca Raton
Special Event:
Please join us as we hold hands, hear the real truth, comfort each other and prepare to fight back.
Jupiter, Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Trevor Louden will be there
in person to introduce his new film:
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Karen Schoen at Wellington
Karen Schoen, originally from New York, currently resides in the Florida panhandle. I am a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and now devotes my time speaking, blogging and writing. Karen travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
NOTE – VENUE CHANGE. Meeting will be held at Marion’s. See email for directions.
Program 6:00pm
No Charge for Meeting
Karen Schoen in Jupiter
Karen Schoen, originally from New York, currently resides in the Florida panhandle. I am a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and now devotes my time speaking, blogging and writing. Karen travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $17.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
Please RSVP below.
Concerned Veterans Phone Bank
We and the Concerned Veterans of America are sponsoring a phone banking project. Help us by helping our veterans to be heard from coast to coast.
CVA will supply tablets and scripts.
Please bring your I Phones/Laptops, I Pads & Enthusiasm, love and determination.
The first 50 volunteers receive a complimentary Buffet!!!
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
Dinner – $17.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar),
Please RSVP below.
Patriot Ride for Trump – sign wave
The Trump campaign is in need of sign wavers for the Jupiter location at the corner of Indiantown Road and Jupiter Farms Rd. (Publix shopping ctr.) on Oct. 8th for only about an hour or so starting at 10:30am. These folks would be our greeters and cheerers. As the Patriot Veterans and Bikers arrive we would like to show them support for the support they are riding for Mr. Trump and the Connected Warriors.
Mast – Perkins CD18 Debate
Brian Mast Rally This Saturday
Trevor Louden on 9/26 at Abacoa
Special Event:
Please join us as we hold hands, hear the real truth, comfort each other and prepare to fight back.
Jupiter, Monday, September 26, 2016
Trevor Louden will be there
in person to introduce his new film:
The presidential debate starts at 9:00pm. Rest assured we will have you home in plenty of time to get ready and fired up with your thinking caps on for this debate.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 4:30 PM Buffet
Dinner – $17.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar),
5:30 PM Movie.
Please RSVP below.
Steven Steinlight on Immigration Policy
A self described “deplorable”, immigration think-tank researcher Dr. Steven Steinlight, a policy analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, gave us an insightful tour around US immigration policy past and present.
Concentrating on the “Cleveland Plank” – the immigration section of the Republican Party Platform, he cautioned that platforms are not binding on candidates or officials. The platform does contain much of what Donald Trump has been proposing, including opposing amnesty, using e-Verify, building the wall, increasing internal enforcement and ending sanctuary cities, and it is certainly good as far as it goes.
Dr. Steinlight does note some significant omissions though, including shifting legal immigration to merit rather than family (86% are now admitted because of family ties), dealing with Muslim immigration and using ideological vetting (accept our culture or don’t come), and dealing with the deportation of resident illegals.
Calling the various attempts at “Comprehensive” immigration reform as an elitist juggernaut, he recalled how a grassroots uprising was able to shut it down on multiple occasions. Saying he does not consider himself a “citizen of the world” – the claim of the globalist elite and much of the left, he claims that much of the elite establishment loathing of Donald Trump is rooted in a desire for open borders and uncontrolled immigration.
Discarding the conventional wisdom that Romney lost because of the opposition of Hispanics (who don’t really vote in large numbers), he cited the large number of white working-class voters who sat out the 2012 election but are now returning to the game behind the Trump banner.
He ended with a list of his three most important immigration policy imperatives: Building the wall, adopting e-Verify widely, and ending family-based immigration criteria in favor of skill and ability.
Also at the meeting were candidates Rick Roth (Florida House 85), Bruce Nathan (NPA for US Senate), and a surrogate for Sonny Maken (Port of Palm Beach Commissioner).
Rick Roth
Bruce Nathan