Boca Chapter and SF 912 Present: The Pre-Primary Candidate Forum Roundup!

The Boca Raton Chapter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, in conjunction with the SF912, present the “Pre-Primary Candidate Forum“,  for Tuesday, August 7th at 7:00pm.  NOTE:  Due to the high number of candidates who wish to speak to our audience, we will likely begin EARLIER than 7:00!!!  It will be held at the Boca Greens Country Club (Map HERE), and the doors will be open at 5:30pm for a cash bar, and dinner will follow from 6pm to 7pm (as usual, the cost is $15, which includes tax and gratuity). We will have this event in lieu of our normal “Dinner/Speaker” meeting, which we normally have on first Tuesday of the month.  Our leadership has concluded that we would like to provide this type of event as a service to both the candidates, as well as the citizens in our county who wish to be better prepared when it comes time to vote- whatever their party of political “stripe”.  This is a great opportunity for everyone involved to get to understand more of what the candidates stand for before their big Primary Election vote on August 14th.

The format will be simple:  Each candidate will be allowed 5 minutes at the podium and microphone after he/she is introduced.  We want each candidate to address the top two or three issues that they want to meet head-on if elected, an how they would be accountable to one or more of the Tea Party’s 3 tenets: Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, or Limited Government, and how they will be manifested in your approach towards the office.  We ask that each candidate be very specific towards that, so that it’s not just some generic “stump speech”.    We will have a volunteer timer, who will hold up cards letting each candidate know when they have 1:00 and :30 seconds remaining.  A bell will ring to stop anyone who goes over time allotted.

As of August 6th, the officially confirmed candidate speakers will be: Joe Talley, Cleamond Walker, Susan Bucher, Fran Hancock, Jody Lane, Mike Lameyer, Cindy Tindell, Margherita Downey, Melanie Peterson, Gary Nikolits, Lisa Epstein, Timothy McCarthy, Sharon Bock, James Martz, Tom Thayer, Peter Evans, Peter Feaman, and Robert Weinroth.

This event  will be provided in a safe and fair environment which our leadership ensure will be the model of civility.  It is not a “Debate”– it is a “Forum”.  There will be no mud-slinging, and the candidates are asked to confine their time at the podium to address what their platform is, NOT to attack their opponents.

Due to the number of candidates who wish to address our group, it is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that there will be time left for a Q&A with the candidates.  Assuming there is, the microphone will be tightly  controlled by our leadership to avoid any questions designed with nothing more than malicious intent towards any of the candidates, determined at the sole discretion of SF 912/PBCTP personnel.

Come on out and get involved in how the government process works in YOUR neighborhood and community!  Please RSVP on the button provided:

Gov. Scott attacks The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) “Obamacare”!

An article appeared in the National Review (online) on July 4, 2012. I will summarize the article:

The media has given little to no attention to the Supreme Court’s second ruling regarding the ACA, so-called “Obamacare” in a 7-2 decision striking down a massive and very costly expansion of Medicaid (which is administered by the states). Barely a day after the decision our governor Rick Scott announced that Florida will not expand Medicaid eligibility to 133% of the federal poverty level (as set forth in the ACA). Earlier, Gov. Scott had declined to establish state insurance exchanges, as allowed for (but not required) in the ACA. The left is going absolutely apoplectic over this one two punch to the ACA in Florida, as I will explain.

The savings on the Medicaid side over about ten years to Florida taxpayers who will not have to foot the bill for the Medicaid expansion after 2017 (when the federal government begins the phase down of the additional funds provided from 2014-2017) will be approximately twenty billion dollars. The ACA provides that most of those who would have been eligible for Medicaid will become eligible for subsidies through the ACA exchanges paid in full by the federal government. But, as Rod Serling stated so uniquely in an episode of The Twilight Zone that you might recall; “Ahhh, there’s the rub!”. If Florida refuses to set up the insurance exchange (which Gov. Scott has done) the ACA gives the federal government the authority to step in and set up the exchange itself. Congress has not appropriated any funds for this purpose and, in this political climate, seems very unlikely to do so any time soon!

Now to “the rub”. Those subsidies under the ACA cannot be offered by the federal government, only by the state run exchanges! In my view, the ACA is not only bad law (with a few good provisions which can be resurrected after the current law is repealed) and terrible public policy for the middle class and small businesses but is so poorly drafted as to contain a huge loophole that may render the law unworkable. We can only hope! Here’s an example of how this loophole could work. The subsidy triggers the penalty (tax?) under the ACA for employers with fifty or more employees who fail to provide workers with insurance but only if at least one employee qualifies for subsidies under the exchange. Therefore, if subsidies can only be provided through state authorized exchanges a state could defeat the employer mandate just by refusing to establish an exchange! Apparently, the towering intellects who drafted this legislation missed this! In any case, the Obama administration and our friends at the IRS claim they have the unilateral right to rewrite the ACA to close this loophole (and others). I don’t claim to be a legal genius like the Obama team but I do have a law degree and practiced law for many years. This claim of a unilateral rewrite is certainly open to legal challenge. Maybe the Supreme Court will get it right this time!

The bottom line is that while the media and the political class pontificate and spin the Court’s decision about whether or not the individual mandate is a tax, etc. the real action (as has been the trend for a very long time) is taking place with governors and state legislators in the fight for fiscal sanity against the ACA, better known as “Obamacare”.

All Politics are Local

Tea Party Activists have at various times affected change on the national and state level, and more recently have become involved in county and city level issues. Case in point:

Last month, the Palm Beach Gardens City Council passed on first reading a charter amendment to go on the November ballot. The original proposal would have “repealed and replaced” the entire charter, and introduced substantive changes in the way elections were conducted, the relationship between the Council and City Manager, and other changes. The rationale was that some “cleanup” was necessary to bring the charter into compliance with state law.

This did not sit right with a number of Gardens residents, including some members of the Palm Beach County Tea Party. A loose coalition was formed, meetings were held, a line-by-line analysis of the charter and proposed changes was performed, and (at the request of the coalition) an informational session was provided by City Attorney Max Lohman who had developed the new charter language. A website was created (, letters were sent to the council, word was spread by social media and other means, and many turned out at last night’s Council meeting to speak against the changes or support those who did.

The net result was a change in plans. The most troubling part of the amendment (Proposition Two), which would have eliminated runoff elections in favor of a “plurality” system that gives an advantage to the incumbent, was rejected by the council. The rest of the proposal (Proposition One) was approved, but not without a lot of discussion by the council, who took our concerns seriously by the end of the debate.

It has been my experience working at the county and local level, that most elected officials care what their citizens think about their actions, and in most cases will not plow ahead with something that is wildly disliked by people concerned enough to come to their meetings (there are exceptions of course – see “Obamacare”). The Gardens Council, to their credit, did listen to their constituents on this matter.

Thank you to all the Tea Party members who spoke at the meeting, including Mel Grossman, Terry Brady, Sally Schmiedl, Francisco Rodriguez, Fred Scheibl and Iris Scheibl.

For more information about these issues, please see:

“The best government is the one whose actions are constantly observed.” – anon.

July 4th Mall “Meet-ups”, in Boca, Wellington, and Palm Beach Gardens!

Video from
Memorial Day Rally

This past Memorial Day, Monday, May 28th, nearly 30 patriots from the Boca Chapter met up at Town Center Mall in Boca Raton.  Dressed in full Patriotic regalia, our group met to honor those who served this great country in our armed services.  We met quite early, before there were a lot of people there at the mall, but we definitely left an impression on those who were there.

The purpose of meeting up was to take a stand for our country in a very public way, to simply express our love for our country.  Clearly, we had gathered intentionally—dressed patriotically, holding flags, and enjoying fellowship with one another.  We gathered in a very open and conspicuous area, which was in the foyer area from the main entrance to the mall on the north side.  Loosely organized, there was no official “format” or “program” that we followed.  We recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the National Anthem, and Al Raden read a list of names- the names of every soldier from Florida who was killed in action since the previous Memorial Day.  Ron Gaynor read an excellent short speech from Abraham Lincoln.  We closed by singing God Bless America.

As we disbanded, a number of people inquired about our group, and we were equipped with Palm Beach County Tea Party business cards, as well as flyers for our upcoming meeting with Slade O’Brien that we just had in June.  In all, we were at the mall for just about an hour.

We greatly encourage everyone who can, to JOIN US to do the very same thing on July 4th!  Our respective chapter groups will gather at 10:30 am at Town Center Mall in Boca Raton, The Mall at Wellington Green in Wellington, and Gardens Mall in Palm Beach Gardens.  Pick the one closest to you, and let your voice be heard!  Let us demonstrate solidarity for the future of this country—that there are people who still care—and that the Tea Party is alive and well, and present and accounted for in our communities!!!

This is Your Wake Up Call!

Today is a very sad day.  I am sitting here in Washington, DC with about 50 fellow patriots.  All of us were checked out of our hotel room by 6 am this morning and standing on the steps of the Supreme Court by 6:30am.  We said the pledge of allegiance, sang patriotic songs, chanted things like “See that flag a flying hi makes me proud as I pass by  “, and silently prayed that the announcement that the Supreme Court would declare the Affordable Care Act (ACA) unconstitutional.  As you know, that did not happen and the worst case scenario unfolded.  The Supreme Court upheld  ACA or “ObamaCare” as it is affectionately called by both sides.

Somber moments for tea partiers!

Should we, the tea party, consider this a win for the opposition and a loss for us.  Yes, it was a win for them but we should also consider this a wakeup call for America and especially for the tea party!  We have an opportunity now to energize the masses.  The Supreme Court declared ObamaCare a tax — a tax for all people, poor, middle income, and rich alike!  The administration orchestrated a President Franklin D. Roosevelt-like bait and switch.  President Roosevelt first sold social security to the masses as benefit, not a tax; then when challenged by the Supreme Court, he declared it a tax . . . and won!  This is exactly what happened today!

Everyone is asking what does this mean?  The news reporters asked where is the tea party going from here?  Does this signal an end to the tea party?  Very quickly the leftists surrounded us and declared that the tea party “does not care about people needing health care.”  This could not be further than the truth!

Tea partiers from across the US
after the Health Care decision

Tea party groups across the country are focused on quality health care for any person, irrespective of their income situation and if they want it.  Tea partiers believe that we must repeal the ACA in full and replace it with effective free-market based solutions.

Simply stated, the tea party stances are reflective of the majority of the American people.  Per a June poll by NYT/CBS, 68% of the American voters want all or part of ObamaCare repealed.  Per a YG Network June poll, 92% say they are already satisfied with their healthcare (pre ObamaCare) and 90% say that their health care costs have gone up or stayed the same since ObamaCare passed.  Per a June 13th Rasmussen poll, those who strongly favor repeal is almost double those that strongly oppose repeal.

So what does this mean for the tea party?  It means that we energize America against this very pervasive tax that will effect everyone.  We fight to repeal ACA with a newly minted handle:  “Repeal the ObamaCare Tax!”

We need to focus on the costs, on its impact on our economy, the inevitable reduction in the quality of health care in this country, the rationing power of Medicare imbedded in the law, the Medicare payment cuts imbedded int he law, and the overall higher health care costs for every person and every company that must now provide healthcare benefits for their employees.  We cannot give up!  America’s future depends on our effort!

We are on the steep, slippery slope to socialized medicine!  We need to make today a turning point — the first day of our renewed effort to repeal the ObamaCare tax!

County Commission Forum – District 1 Primary Candidates

The Palm Beach County Tea Party, a TAB coalition partner, was a co-sponsor of this event.

President Unconstitutionally Usurping Congress’ Powers

President Obama, faced with an inability to get the legislation he desires from Congress, has said “we can’t wait” and is proceeding to do things of questionable constitutional and legal authority.

This “can’t wait” activity violates the “separation of powers” by which the Constitution makes the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government independent and secure from encroachment by another branch of government.

The Constitution provides (Article II Section 2) the President “shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall appoint … other offices of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for.

The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions, which shall expire at the end of their next session.”

The President made Unconstitutional “recess” appointments when the Senate was not in recess.

The President took the oath prescribed in the Constitution (Article II Section 1):
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States; and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the United States.”

Do his “recess” appointments in violation of the Constitution justify impeachment?

PB County Proposes $100M Tax Increase

Wellington Chapter: Affordable Care Act-Fact v. Fiction

Marion Frank

Join us for a riveting discussion led by our own member Marion Frank,  the National Alliance Coordinator for a non-political grass roots organization of doctors who are seeking to preserve the doctor-patient relationship in health care,

Marion has a wealth of knowledge honed by her own research on how we will be paying for this act.  The purpose of her presentation is to arm us with the facts as they relate to the future of health care come June when the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling will be revealed.  Knowledge is Power and WE MEAN TO BE A POWERFUL FORCE IN THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY!  Be there.

DATE Monday, May 14th, 2012
TIME Doors open 5:30pm. Buffet at 6pm. Meeting starts at 7pm, $15 per person (tax and gratuity included)
PLACE Binks Forest Country Club
CLICK HERE for directions.
RSVP Call 561-302-1479 or click on the “RSVP” button below.

Jupiter/PBG Chapter Meeting Welcomes Author and Former Prosecutor KrisAnne Hall

Constitutional expert, KrisAnne Hall, will address the Jupiter/Palm Beach Gardens Chapter on May 7th. KrisAnne is an attorney and former prosecutor.  Fired after teaching the Constitution to Tea Party groups, she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents.

The title of KrisAnne’s talk is “Roots of Liberty”, speaking to the roots and genealogy of the Constitution.

KrisAnne does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today. She will connect the dots for you like no one else can! Bring your family and friends for the most compelling and easily understood summary of our Constitution and what is happening in our country today.

KrisAnne is the author of Not a Living Breathing Document: Reclaiming Our Constitution, and the DVD series The Roots of Liberty: The Historic Foundations of The Bill of Rights and Bedtime Stories for Budding Patriots and Essential Stories for Junior Patriots. Two books that inspired KrisAnne’s love for our history were Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis and 1776 by David McCollough.

Awarded the Freedom Fighter award by Americans for Prosperity, the Certificate of Achievement from the Sons of the Revolution for her defense of Liberty, and Congressman James Blair Award for Defending the Constitution.

KrisAnne is an incredibly passionate speaker – a true Patrick Henry of our time. She speaks to audiences all across the country on Constitutional History, American Exceptionalism, and the Fight for Liberty. Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious and she is able to inspire any group. A steadfast warrior in the Tea Party battle.

DATE: Monday, May 7th 2012
TIME: Doors open 5:30pm. Buffet at 6pm. Meeting starts at 7pm, $15 per person (tax and gratuity included)
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Dr, Jupiter, FL 33458. Click here for Map

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