Tax Day Rally on PGA and Military
Arranged to coincide with other Tea Party Patriot’s rallies across the country, our local troops gathered on “Trump Corner” on Tax Day (April 15) to show our opposition to Socialism and the Democrats that are trying to introduce such failed policies in our country.
Click on the picture for a larger view.
Remarks made to the PBC School Board on Tax Increase Proposal
OPENING: Good evening. My name is Teri Hughes. I am a PBC tax payer and my 16-year-old daughter attends a PBC high school.
At the last PBC School Board meeting we heard from the Board members discuss placing the proposed tax hike on the ballet in November to cover the cost of the mandatory hiring of Resource Officers, as well as mental health resources in order to fulfill the mandates set forth in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. The proposal would add $1 to every $1000.00 in taxable dollars if it’s placed on the November ballot and approved by the voters.
It is critical that every tax payer in this room familiarizes themselves with the data before any votes are cast. Hat tip to WJNO’s Brian Mudd’s Cheat Sheet and Jane Justice, one of our leaders.
- Broward County: Received $74 million over last year and $152 million over two years.
- Miami-Dade County: $87 million over last year and $144 million over two years.
- Palm Beach County: $477 million over last year and $629 million over two years. This money represents 50% of the entire budget of PGC.
- Broward County: $8,928.00/student
- Miami-Dade: $9,116.00/student
- Palm Beach County: $15,420/student
- Average state spending per student in PBC is $8,920
Average per Student for the 2017-2018 School Year
- Broward County: +$9 or .001% higher
- Miami-Dade County: +$196 or +2.2% higher
- Palm Beach County: +$6,500 or 72.9% higher
Now Let’s take a look at Administrator’s Base Salaries which come from tax payer dollars
- Superintendent Avosa was hired at: $325,000/yr
- Avosa’s two friends were hired at $202,000/yr and $190,962 respectively.
- MB $185,657/yr
- DF $185,400/yr
- GL $175,100/yr
- LC $169,332
- WP $161,600/yr
- ST $157,996.65/yr
- TOTAL: $1,567,390
- During the 2015-2017 school calendar year, salaries over $120,000 doubled from 37 staff to 74. That’s 120,000 x 74 = $8,800,000
These salaries in my opinion are outrageous and what is even more outrageous is the CHUTZPAH of the School Board asking taxpayers in PBCC for more money.
Palm Beach County has seen a windfall from the 16.7% sales tax increase in PBC, which the PBC school district nets half of. I would argue this places Palm Beach County in a financial position that should enable it to meet all its needs, challenges, and cost increases without even blinking an eye – let alone suggesting other tax increases are necessary.
So I have just one question for each of you; where is the $629 million being allocated to if not the retention of good teachers and safe schools.
I say NO to property tax increases in PBC. Maybe you need to manage your money better.
Public Hearing on the County Budget – What to expect
$725M County Budget Proposal Largest in History
K. Carl Smith Brings Outreach Method to the PBCTP Chapters
“I am a Frederick Douglass Republican” – thus begins K. Carl Smith’s method for penetrating the walls that separate conservatives from minority voters.
On the premise that many minority families hold conservative values (eg. school choice, life, self reliance) and have much in common with us, yet are conditioned by upbringing and / or liberal propaganda to reject conservative thought, Mr. Smith explained how for many, “Republican”, or “Conservative” means “Racist”. Starting from that perspective, it is no wonder that “outreach” efforts are difficult.

In order to “retake control of the narrative” with Black and Hispanic constituencies from the liberal media and the Democrat party, we must expose their ongoing practice of rewriting history and routine accusations of racism against any who oppose them. Example: Lincoln (a Republican) ended slavery, and was opposed by the Democrats who were invested in it, yet the DNC website claims that “Democrats have been the champion of civil rights for 200 years!”
Frederick Douglass, a Black contemporary of Lincoln, has said “The best representation of slavery in politics is the Democrat Party”. He was a strong supporter of the Constitution, life, the limited power of government, and personal responsibility. By identifying with Douglass, in K. Carl Smith’s view, we can begin to explain that conservative principles are color blind, and knock down the wall that limits dialogue.
Mr. Smith holds seminars on his methods, and has helped local GOP groups do effective outreach, and his lectures at the three PBCTP chapters this month were well received. For more information, check out his book: “Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty”
The FairTax Act
The current tax code has been grossly manipulated to reward elite interests. Compliance has become increasingly difficult and expensive. The federal income tax is extremely unfair to wage earning Americans and the average citizen of your district. Your leadership is imperative and is respectfully requested on this important issue.
The Fair Tax is fair to all Americans, and simple to understand. The Fair Tax bill represents an idea whose time has come. National polls show that more than two-thirds of Americans want fundamental tax reform. I am one of those Americans. I live, work, and vote in your district. I am personally requesting your support for the Fair Tax.
I ask you seriously to consider the Fair Tax for the following reasons:
The Fair Tax Act offers long-needed tax relief to all Americans; allows us to keep 100 percent of our paycheck; allows families to save more for home ownership, education, and retirement; protects and ensures funding of Social Security and Medicare; empowers the low-income earners; puts choice and control back in the hands of every American; stimulates economic growth; removes hidden taxes; eliminates the Internal Revenue Service; and stimulates job creation and taxes ALL Americans fairly.
I urge you to become fully informed about the Fair Tax bill through Americans for Fair Taxation ( They can be reached at 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829).
County Tax Trends – Some Perspective
The public hearings on the county budget are Monday 9/9/13 and 9/23/13 at 6:00 PM.
Reasons for Optimism – The “Defending the American Dream” Summit
This past weekend in Orlando, Americans for Prosperity Foundation hosted a conference for grassroots activists from around the nation.
With informative breakout sessions in the mornings to highlight successes on the state and local levels, and “big tent” events in the afternoon with national conservative leaders, there was something for everyone, including ample free time to “network”.
The “malaise” that affected many of us locally after the bitter results of the 2012 Presidential election has been pretty widespread, and organizers from many locations reported falling attendance at many of their events. Hopefully, that is now starting to change. Although we are still licking our wounds, conferences like this one demonstrate that there is still life in the conservative grassroots, we have leaders in the movement that “get it” and have the fortitude to take it to the President – to lead the fight against the train wreck that is Obamacare, the endless debt and deficits, the administration that cares little for the rule of law, the separation of powers, or the role of the states in our constitutional republic.

Bobby Jindal
“It’s amazing what is possible in America“, said Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, when people are free – free to make their own choices, free from the suffocating regulations of intrusive government. He talked about education as the key for the jobs of tomorrow, and the success they have had in his state in shutting down failing schools and greatly expanding the charter school system which has done a lot to improve the lot of minority children. Last week, unfortunately, Obama’s Justice Department has decided to sue Louisiana to roll back these reforms and return students to their failing schools. Judging by his fiery critique of the President and his policies, it is clear he will stand up against our rogue Attorney General and fight to retain the success they achieved.

Marco Rubio
Our own Senator Marco Rubio declared “There is nothing wrong with America – but there is something wrong with this President“. The good news, he said, is that “we still have time to save the American Dream“, by reforming the tax code and eliminating regulations. “We don’t need Common Core”, he said, and he will not vote for any budget that funds Obamacare or to increase the debt ceiling without a balanced budget amendment and specific cuts.
Unfortunately for Senator Rubio, there is still a lot of anger in the movement about his role in passing the “gang of eight” Senate immigration bill. In the hall were members of Flimen with pink shirts that said “Pink Slip Rubio”, and throughout his speech you could hear sporadic calls for “No Amnesty”. Although he avoided this issue in the speech, he did address it in a smaller group that met with him prior to the session. In a hotel suite with about 40 supporters, after answering some questions about Syria, Obamacare and other issues for which he was among friends, someone in the back asked “what about immigration”. A hush fell across the room at this point and he had no choice but to address it with a somewhat lengthy justification that amounted to “the status quo is unacceptable so we have to do something“. To me it sounded like doubling down. Not good.

Arthur Brooks
Then Arthur Brooks, President of American Enterprise Institute, succinctly summed up the Obama message: “Rich people have your stuff and I’m going to get it back for you.” This shouldn’t have worked as envy is not American, but unfortunately all our side had to say to his supporters was “You’re a moocher” – no wonder we lost. The words “fairness” and “compassion” have been kidnapped by the left and we should take them back and own them, because progressive ideology is neither fair nor compassionate. As a humorous and memorable side comment illustrating our difference in values, he recalled a bumper sticker seen in San Francisco – “Your body may be a temple but mine is an amusement park”.

Rick Scott
Next up was Governor Rick Scott, gearing up his re-election bid with a positive jobs message. Recalling his 2010 pledge to create “700,000 jobs in 7 years”, he reported us as on-track, with the likelihood of 900,000 jobs created by 2018. Scott is still popular with the Florida grassroots, although his support for Medicaid expansion had a lot of heads scratching. We do still remember that he declined to create a state Obamacare exchange, though. A few hecklers in the audience periodically shouted “No Common Core”, reflecting dissatisfaction with the direction that our education system has taken over the last few years. Scott talked about his activities as a booster of the state’s business climate and his good-natured rivalry with Texas and Governor Rick Perry who was the last major speaker of the day.

Rick Perry
A 2012 Presidential candidate until his campaign faltered early in the primary process, he is possibly gearing up for another run in 2016. Well known as a jobs governor, the record of the Texas economy on his watch has been very impressive. As he makes the rounds of the states selling the Texas miracle, he has gained the ire of many blue state governors who do not appreciate his pointing out the shortcomings of their performance or the failings of the Progressive economics.
On another theme, “All roads lead back to the states“, said Perry. One size fits all federal programs (like Obamacare) are anathema to the founding principles of this country. A favorite target of the Obama administration, whose ideology sees the power in the states to be a roadblock to their big government agenda, Texas is now being sued by Eric Holder and the Justice Department as they try to end-run the Supreme Court and re-impose Voting Rights Act restrictions that require federal permission for such things as Voter ID laws.

Ted Cruz
On the final day of the conference, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, another possible 2016 presidential candidate and clearly the favorite of the gathering gave us reasons for optimism. With the success of Rand Paul’s filibuster on drones, and the failure of gun control initiatives after Sandy Hook, the President was forced to “listen to the people”, he said. On Syria, with Obama now going to Congress for authorization, on immigration, on common core, – the people are making their voices heard and throwing a wrench into the Obama agenda. His job as a Senator, he says, is to restore economic growth as the lack of growth is related to all of our other problems. Tax Reform (“Abolish the IRS“), and regulatory reform (“Repeal Obamacare – every single word“) are the key. He sees Obamacare as the greatest job killer of all time and sees de-funding it in the upcoming budget process as the key. In answer to skeptics that see that tactic as a political liability for Republicans, he says “You lose 100% of the fights you surrender at the outset.” Standing ovations were frequent for this speech.
All in all, the speakers reminded us that conservatism is not “in trouble” as the mainstream media may have you believe, but resurgent and full of fire. With his agenda in tatters, the Obama team sees winning back the House and holding the Senate next year as their only chance to have a legacy of anything but failure. Any thought of compromise or even dealing with a Republican House is not is the President’s wheelhouse. Although 2014 will be a harder slog than 2010 when we took them by surprise, at the end of this conference it was clear that we have depth, we have tools and we have a maturity that comes from adversity and learning from the losses of 2012. Thanks to AFP and organizations like them, the conservative grassroots will have help and structure that will amplify our effectiveness going forward.
County Proposes $25.3M tax increase
After leveling off last year following 4 years of decline, property values seem to have turned a corner and have ticked up 3.7% this year, easing pressure on county and municipal budgets. As the county has cranked up the millage rate as the valuations fell, will they now start to decrease them? Apparently not.
Wellington PRO-AMERICA Rally, April 14th, 2013
Please join us as we concentrate our focus for April on our major Annual Event, which we have renamed United Stand for America, at the Wellington Amphitheater!!!
NOTE: The Boca Raton Chapter Meeting, normally the first Tuesday of each month (or, April 2nd) is cancelled, as is the Wellington Chapter Meeting, normally the second Monday of each month (or, April 8th). Bring your patriotic spirit to Wellington on April 14th, and join us for a fun-filled day with a great line-up of speakers and activities!!!! Stay tuned to our web site and FaceBook page for more details!