Joyce Kaufman on September 7
Please RSVP:
Joyce Kaufman is South Florida’s leading conservative voice. Kaufman was born in New York City to parents of Jewish and Puerto Rican descent. She now has a show at 850 WFTL, based inSouth Florida. Kaufman studied at CUNY and SUNY, later moving to Hunter and New School. She was a teacher of autistic and disabled children and worked with schizophrenic adults. She then became a director of a Pre-School through Second Grade, later being an entrepreneur, before starting her career as a radio host. The Palm Beach County Tea Party thanks Joyce for being our conservative voice and always putting America first.
Nigel Farage and CL Bryant on 5/8
for a Meet and Greet with Nigel Farage and Rev. CL Bryant.
1:30 – 3:00 PM

FreedomWorks, in partnership with the Palm Beach County Tea Party for this stop, is proud to launch “America’s Comeback” tour featuring Brexit leader Nigel Farage! Now more than ever, Grassroots has the chance to take back America for working class people! Join us to hear how Grassroots activists like yourself played an integral part in the Brexit movement, which led to Britain’s independence from the centralized power hungry European Union!
Stadium Grill
1203 Town Center Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 1:30 PM – Order off the Open Menu
No Charge for Meeting
Please RSVP below.
About Nigel Farage:
A veteran grassroots campaigner, Nigel Farage was first elected to the European Parliament in 1999, and fought an inspirational battle for decades to take Britain out of the European Union. His staunch nationalism and unapologetic populism made him a darling of the working classes, and a formidable opponent to the comfortably corrupt cronyism of the European Union in Brussels.
His appeal to the forgotten men and women of Britain was instrumental in forcing the Brexit vote in 2016, a vote which saw national pride and the average people triumph over London elitism and globalist fear-mongering. Nigel remained active in British politics to ensure that Brexit means Brexit, which was eventually achieved in January 2020. As America stands facing her own crisis of leadership, Nigel is headed to the heartland of the USA, with a message of hope and courage for these tumultuous times.
About Rev. CL Bryant:
Reverend C.L. Bryant is a dynamic and highly sought after motivator, activist, Gospel preacher, and film producer. He has been a minister for nearly four decades and spent time as a missionary in the Amazon. He has also worked in the financial sector for twenty-five years and is the former NAACP President for the Garland, TX unit. C.L. currently hosts his own radio show and frequently works on other multimedia projects, including FreedomWorks’ video series Real Talk.
Regular Monthly Meetings to be Suspended
Dear Palm Beach County Tea Party Patriots:
Palm Beach County Tea Party has been a leading conservative force in the area since 2011, and prior to that so was the South Florida Tea Party formed in 2009. Leadership has changed over time, but original members remain active in many ways in the community. I have been President since 2011.
Barbara and I have contemplated slowing down for some time, and trying to get our younger members to increase their visibility, but with very few exceptions this effort has not been successful. Much of our focus in 2020 was on the November election, hindered a great deal by Covid.
We will continue to have meetings as needed, but not regularly scheduled monthly meetings. We have contacted many of our current officials and invited them to join us in person or where possible by Zoom.
We will always continue to support our conservative candidates.
We will always support Donald Trump and the Constitution.
We will always honor G-D and our Flag.
Palm Beach County Tea Party has had many successful years and hopefully with your continued support, activism and Patriotism we will have better years to come.
Thanks to all of you Palm Beach County Tea Party Patriots!
Mel and Barbara Grossman
A Message to our Members
To our members:
As you know, the Palm Beach County Tea Party has not had a meeting since Dennis Michael Lynch in March. The impact of the Corona Virus was being felt in Palm Beach County in mid March, and even though there were no official shutdowns at that time, we thought it best to postpone our April 6th Gene Ho meeting until later in the year, and the May meeting with K. Carl Smith. As it looks now, we will not have meetings in June or July, but hope to start back up in August with John DiLemme, followed by Gene Ho in September.
There is reason for some optimism however. Our county, along with most of the state is now in the “Phase 1” recovery category as set by the Federal Government and instituted by Governor DeSantis. Restaurants have reopened for inside dining with reduced capacity, as have retail stores and salons, and most of the county and state parks. Today the beaches are opening and restaurants can operate at 50% capacity.
The practice of “social distancing” by most residents, restrictions on access to assisted living centers and nursing homes, and the practice of common sense mitigation methods has made Florida an example of what a well run state can accomplish. While the virus continues to claim victims, rates of both hospitalization and death in PBC have been declining for some time and it now stands at 4524 cases and 275 deaths. For the state as a whole, the virus is only claiming about 10% of the available hospital beds and it is clear that we have “flattened the curve”.
During this difficult time, we hope you and yours are staying safe, keeping your distance, and managing to live life as near normal as is possible. It is not likely that we will be free of these challenges for some time to come, but with proper precautions and common sense, life goes on.
If there is anything we can do to assist you in any way during this period, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Stay safe!
The Palm Beach County Tea Party.
Sheriff Candidate Alex Freeman at Wellington
Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at Wellington

Alex Freeman
Alex Freeman recently retired from the Riviera Beach Police, and is making another attempt at unseating the county’s long-serving Sheriff Ric Bradshaw who is running for another term next year. Join us to hear Major Freeman’s plans for PBSO if elected.
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Wellington Chapter RSVP:
Alexander D. Freeman’s law enforcement career spans over 20 years, including Major of Police for the Riviera Beach Police Department since 1993 before retiring earlier this year. Those who know Major Freeman understand why police work is such a natural life calling for him. He is passionate about helping others and believes that because he has been richly blessed, he should give back to the community. His community involvement includes work with local, regional and national organizations.
Major Freeman’s leadership style and commitment to serve the citizens of Riviera Beach led him to serving in every major section there is in the police department, just to name a few:
· Lieutenant of Professional Standards
· Lieutenant of the Investigation Section
· Staff Inspection Commander
· Public Information Officer (PIO)
· Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police
· Commander of Police
· Major of Police
Major Freeman is currently a member of the Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police, Florida Chiefs of Police and National Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Organization of Black Law enforcement Executive (NOBLE), Member of the Democratic Party, Member of the North side Kiwanis Club and Youth Recreation Association.
In 2002, Major Freeman was named Officer of the Year by Victim Services of Palm Beach County for his dedicated service to the Citizens of Palm Beach County.
Major Freeman is a graduate of Barry University where he earned a B.S. degree in Public Administration; Mr. Freeman is a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Mr. Freeman took his career ambitions to yet another level in 2008, when he graduated from the University of Louisville, College of Art and Science, Department of Justice Administration with a certification in upper level Command Officer Development Course SPI.
Alex and his lovely wife, Tocia, have been married for more than 20 years, and together they have two beautiful children.
Freedomworks at Wellington in June
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at Wellington

Alan Page, Southeast Regional Director

Kathy Hartkopf, Grassroots Coordinator
For over a quarter century, FreedomWorks has identified, educated, and actuated citizens who are enthused about showing up to support free enterprise and constitutionally limited government.
They are not primarily a “think-tank,” content to study the issues and publish papers and reports. FreedomWorks breaks down the barriers between the beltway insiders and grassroots America.
FreedomWorks members know that government goes to those who show up. That’s why they give them the tools to break through the media noise and provide the same access to Washington as the big-moneyed lobbyists.
Preserving liberty depends on all Americans having access to their elected officials—not just special interests. FreedomWorks holds Washington accountable to the citizens that put them in office.
FreedomWorks was originally founded as Citizens for a Sound Economy in 1984. Founded to fight for liberty, they brought together some of the best and brightest minds of the liberty movement. Since then, they’ve expanded their ambitions from a free-market think tank to a service center for the grassroots freedom movement across the whole country.
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Wellington Chapter RSVP:
Allen Page is the Southeast Director for FreedomWorks. He has been With FreedomWorks for 16 years. Allen works closely with the conservative and liberty minded groups in the southeast. Before joining FreedomWorks, Allen worked in grassroot campaigns for former Rep. Coble, former Senator John East, former Senator Jesse Helms, former Senator Duncan Faircloth and former senator Steve Symms.
Education: B.A,. Elon College
Kathy Hartkopf is a grassroots coordinator for FreedomWorks. She works directly with FreedomWorks activists, educating and empowering them to stand together for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom. Kathy joined FreedomWorks (then Citizens for a Sound Economy), as a grassroots activist in 2000, when CSE formed in her county to help citizens fight an egregious bond referendum.
Education: A.A., Peace College; Graduated Fellow of the Institute of Political Leadership, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and East Carolina University.
Loren Spivak at all 3 Chapters in April
Join us in April as all three chapters host “Free Market Warrior” Loren Spivack, the popular author, economist, political activist, and highly sought after speaker on economics and small government.

Loren Spivack
AND, at the Abacoa meeting, please welcome our new Supervisor of elections:

Wendy Sartory Link
To RSVP, click on the links below:
Jupiter | Monday April 1, 6:30pm, buffet at 5:30pm | Abacoa Golf Club | ![]() |
Boca | Tuesday April 2, 6:30pm | Boca Community Center | ![]() |
Wellington | Wednesday April 3, 6:30pm | Wellington Community Center | ![]() |
Loren Spivack “The Free Market Warrior” was born and raised in Massachusetts and spent most of his adult life in New York City. Before becoming active in politics, Spivack worked for several non-profits and as a management consultant for both profit and non-profit companies.
Spivack founded “Free Market Warrior” in 2009 in an effort to make a positive difference in American politics and economics.
His “Free Market Warrior” store was expelled from Concord Mills Mall in North Carolina in July of 2009 for selling material critical of the Obama Administration. (Mall owners, Simon Property Group, are major Democratic donors.) Since then Loren has devoted his time to teaching conservative groups about free market economics. He conducts “Economic Literacy” seminars across the United States. So far, Spivack has delivered his famous seminar on “Economic Literacy” to over 300 groups in 25 states.
Spivack is also the author of “The New Democrat” a parody history of the Obama administration, based on a famous children’s book. With pitch-perfect rhyme and clever illustrations, “The New Democrat” transforms the political personalities of our times into cartoon characters in a conservative morality play.
Spivack’s second book “The Gorax” is an anti-environmentalism/pro-capitalism parody starring Al Gore and presenting his movement as a threat to American freedom and standard of living. Once again, Spivack is both funny and poignant as he makes the case that capitalism (represented by the “Onepercentler”) is the real victim of environmental extremists who destroy prosperity without achieving even their own goals. Along the way, Spivack takes well aimed shots at everything from “The Fed” to the teachers unions. “The Gorax” came out on July 1, 2013.
Spivack’s latest book, The Wizard of Iz, is a masterpiece of conservative humor and inspiration. When a tornado blows Dorothy from her constitutionally governed America (circa 1900) into the 2016 election she must rescue the “Free-Lunchkins” from the slavery of welfare dependence, save the brainless scarecrow from the mindless indoctrinations of graduate school and help the cowardly RINO find some courage. Our heroes must ford “The Main Stream”, under the medias threatening glare, stop “The Wicked Witch of Chappaqua” and, ultimately learn the secret to restoring America, from a most unlikely source!
Loren Spivak at Wellington
Wellington | Wednesday April 3, 6:30pm | Wellington Community Center | ![]() |
Alan Huber at Wellington on 3/6

Alan Huber
Alan Huber is a Certified Financial Planner™ with more than 3 decades in insurance and financial services. He believes his most important skill is his history of training salespeople and telemarketers. He will explain why.He has an unusual range of expertise, varying from trade show producer to healthcare facility administrator.During the 2009 Obamacare negotiations, he predicted the future results of Obamacare with amazing accuracy. In 2016 his political predictions were incredibly accurate, including writing an article predicting the Trump landslide the Saturday night before the election. This is when everyone had Hillary winning big.In 2018 he started “Freedom from Obamacare,” to explain all the positive changes that Trump made to healthcare, which benefited millions of Americans.He has been teaching conservatives how to argue without lecturing. and most important, how to make them to surrender.Bring your best liberal arguments about: illegals, the wall, high taxes, pre-existing conditions, capitalism is bad and anything else you can think of as we role-play “Keeping Our Arguments SIMPLE & PERSONAL”
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Wellington Chapter RSVP:
Jonathan Hanen at Wellington on 2/6

Jonathan Hanen
Jonathan Hanen from the Federation for American Immigration Reform will meet with the Palm Beach County Tea Party to discuss the national crisis of illegal immigration, the current status of Congressional legislation on illegal immigration, President Trump’s executive orders on sanctuary cities and border security, and the administration’s publicly stated framework for negotiating immigration reform. He will review the federal crime statistics for illegal immigrants, the nationwide crisis of sanctuary cities, and the fiscal costs of illegal immigration and refugee resettlement in Florida. He will also discuss grassroots strategy for advancing Florida’s new E-Verify bill and possible legislation to support co-operation between federal immigration authorities and local law enforcement in the Sunshine State.
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Wellington Chapter RSVP:
Jonathan Hanen is a regional field representative for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)3 located in Washington, DC. He joined FAIR in 2016 with prior experience in political consulting on local and congressional races, as well as nonprofit issue advocacy and freelance journalism. He develops grassroots activist support and educates the media and the public on immigration issues.