Sheriff Candidate Alex Freeman at Boca

Please Join us on

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at Boca Raton


Alex Freeman

Alex Freeman recently retired from the Riviera Beach Police, and is making another attempt at unseating the county’s long-serving Sheriff Ric Bradshaw who is running for another term next year. Join us to hear Major Freeman’s plans for PBSO if elected.

Tuesday, September 3 2019, 6:30PM
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Please RSVP:

Alexander D. Freeman’s law enforcement career spans over 20 years, including Major of Police for the Riviera Beach Police Department since 1993 before retiring earlier this year. Those who know Major Freeman understand why police work is such a natural life calling for him. He is passionate about helping others and believes that because he has been richly blessed, he should give back to the community. His community involvement includes work with local, regional and national organizations.

Major Freeman’s leadership style and commitment to serve the citizens of Riviera Beach led him to serving in every major section there is in the police department, just to name a few:

· Lieutenant of Professional Standards
· Lieutenant of the Investigation Section
· Staff Inspection Commander
· Public Information Officer (PIO)
· Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police
· Commander of Police
· Major of Police

Major Freeman is currently a member of the Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police, Florida Chiefs of Police and National Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Organization of Black Law enforcement Executive (NOBLE), Member of the Democratic Party, Member of the North side Kiwanis Club and Youth Recreation Association.

In 2002, Major Freeman was named Officer of the Year by Victim Services of Palm Beach County for his dedicated service to the Citizens of Palm Beach County.

Major Freeman is a graduate of Barry University where he earned a B.S. degree in Public Administration; Mr. Freeman is a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Mr. Freeman took his career ambitions to yet another level in 2008, when he graduated from the University of Louisville, College of Art and Science, Department of Justice Administration with a certification in upper level Command Officer Development Course SPI.

Alex and his lovely wife, Tocia, have been married for more than 20 years, and together they have two beautiful children.

Let us Help You Pack!

Stop Socialism Choose Freedom March on DC

NOTE: The PBCTP is considering organizing a bus trip to DC for this event. If you would like to participate, CLICK HERE to get on the list.

In honor of the tea party’s 10 years of action, we are headed back to Washington, DC on September 19, 2019, to send a loud message on behalf of the American people that America will never be a socialist country!
The tea party movement burst into the national scene in 2009 when we opposed President Obama’s stimulus bill, and we are still fighting against overspending, big government, and socialist policies in 2019. Socialism as an ideology will always exist, but it’s up to us to make sure it stays on the fringe and doesn’t gain any more clout than it has right now.
America doesn’t want Obamacare expansion, “Medicare for All,” or any kind of single-payer system. America doesn’t want the government to pay for college tuition or pay off student loans with taxpayer money. And we sure as heck don’t want the government raising taxes to pay for it all.
With the left embracing all of socialism with open arms, there is no time to lose. Please RSVP today and join us in DC this fall to make a statement that the media and Congress cannot ignore.
RSVP to the rally and be the first to find out about other forthcoming events surrounding the rally in Washington, DC. See below for more details about the event and Rally T-Shirts!
Rally Details
  • Senator Ted Cruz (TX)
  • Senator Mike Lee (UT)
  • Congressman Jim Jordan (OH-04)
  • Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05)
  • Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04)
  • Jenny Beth Martin (Tea Party Patriots)
  • Seton Motley (Less Government)
  • And more…!
Join us in wearing President Trump’s declaration that, “America will NEVER be a socialist country!” Order your shirt today, wear it leading up to the rally, and recruit more to attend. Then wear it on the day of the rally!

''America will NEVER be a socialist country'' Tshirts

Don’t forget to RSVP and book your travel and accommodation as soon as you can for the best rates! I can’t wait to see you in September!!
Your fellow patriot,
Jenny Beth Martin

Candidates Night and Brightline Update at Abacoa

Please Join us on

Monday, August 5, 2019 at Abacoa

Christian Acosta
Candidate for CD21

Matthew Lane (I)
Candidate for PBG City Council

And to discuss the status of the Brightline Train segment to Orlando:

Donald R. Ferraro
CEO, RiM Analytics

Monday, August 5, 2019, 6:30PM
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

Christian Acosta is a Nuclear Engineer who received his B.S. and M.S. from the University of Florida. His father is a U.S. Airforce veteran from Puerto Rico and his mother is a small business owner from Argentina. Christian and his family have a strong connection to Palm Beach County, having lived in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach. He is currently a professor at Palm Beach State College teaching electric power technology.

“I believe that leading is really about helping people get where they want to go. People already have dreams, what they need from their leaders are plans to achieve those dreams. I know my practical background will help me create those detailed plans. I will work tirelessly to protect the country, strengthen the economy, and enhance our education system. We can achieve our dreams and we can do it without sacrificing the rule of law or our incredible Constitution.”

Incumbent PBG Councilman Matthew Lane graduated from Emory University and the Northwestern University School of Law. Following law school, he served as law clerk to the Chief Judge of the US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. He is admitted to practice in both Florida and Ohio. With his own practice, Matthew Lane & Associates, P.A., he practices family law in Palm Beach County. Active in the community, prior to his election in 2017, he was a board member of the NCNC, a member of the board of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of PBC, and was General Counsel of Hospice of PBC. He was active with the North Palm Chamber and served the city of Palm Beach Gardens on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Matthew lives in Mirabella (Precinct 1186).

Don Ferraro is the President and CEO of MySQL Media and Political Consulting / RiM Analytics. Established in 2008 RiM Analytics, works with political candidates, elected officials, and political advocacy groups throughout the Eastern United States to promote “brand” awareness, educate constituencies, and craft strategic and tactical messages to win elections and impact legislation. RiM Analytics primary focus is in “Direct to Consumer” Public Relations via 100+ social media publications, targeting consumers / constituencies with individually crafted messages to win support. In addition to Public Relations and Marketing, RiM Analytics specializes in date-related market research and is a full-service Advertising Agency.

Project Veritas Exposes Google – “Preventing the next Trump Situation”

Project Veritas once again brings us video evidence of the anti-conservative conspiracy within “Big Tech”, where “1984” is a blueprint for elimination of ideas they despise.

NOTE: Youtube (owned by Google) has taken down this video exposing them for what they are. Big surprise. Luckily, it is still available on the Project Veritas Site. See:

Google Censors Video Exposing Google

Trump Supporters Rally on President’s Birthday

Once again, Trump supporters rally on the corner of PGA and Military to celebrate Flag Day, which is also the birthday of Donald J. Trump.

Florida is TRUMP COUNTRY!.

Happy Birthday Mr. President.

John Napolitano at Abacoa in July

Please Join us on

Monday, July 1, 2019 at Abacoa

John Napolitano
John Napolitano is the father of John P. Napolitano, one of the firefighters with FDNY Rescue 2, who lost his life rescuing people in the north tower after the 9/11 World Trade Center attack in NYC. A former NYPD officer, he searched for his son every day for the first two weeks after the attacks. He scrawled a message in the ash “Rescue 2 John Napolitano. I’m here and I love you. Dad.” He didn’t stop looking for another six months.

and candidates

Lauro Diaz for PBC Sheriff


John Snyder for FH82
(seat currently held by term-limited Mary Lynn Magar)

Monday, July 1 2019, 6:30PM
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

Lauro Diaz is a military veteran with 34 years law enforcement experience, 27 of them with PBSO. He was a captain in the Organized Crime, training, law enforcement , criminal investigations and operations divisions at various times. He has a masters degee in homeland security and emergency management.

John Snyder grew up in Stuart and graduated from Hobe Sound Christian Academy. In 2007, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served honorably for five years, including a deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. John returned to the Treasure Coast after his service in the Marine Corps where he worked full time while completing his degree.

Today, John owns a national recruiting and staffing company that he built from the ground up. John and his wife Brittany have been married for over ten years and live in Palm City where they are raising their eight-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. John’s mother, Keren, is a small business owner and his father, William Snyder, is the Sheriff of Martin County. John’s siblings, David and Laura, work in law enforcement and education.

International Pricing Index – FreedomWorks Description

Meeting with Jim Jordan during FreedomWorks Fly-In

Barbara and I met with Jim Jordan in Washington on Tuesday May 21. We thanked him for his defense of our country and our President by his appearances on all public media. I offered our help to support Freedom Caucus members throughout the country with the support of many of our Tea Party leaders in each state.

FreedomWorks Spring Fly-In

Between May 19th and May 23rd hundreds of grassroots activists from across the country flew to Washington DC to participate in FreedomWorks two-part Spring Fly-In. I was among four of the PBC Tea Party members who had the honor of attending. What I learned was invaluable and I can’t wait to share it with all of you!

I attended the second group with a kick off Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening at the new FreedomWorks headquarters. I saw old friends for the Fly-In I attended in 2018 and made new friends as I meandered around the room. I ran into Roman Buhler, Director of the Madison Coalition and recent speaker at our May Tea Party meeting who was encouraging other activists to get involved in the grass roots movement of the Freedom Regulation Amendment.

Following breakfast at 7:30 am the following morning it was straight to work. Bottom line we were educated on the International Pricing Index (IPI) an anything but free market pricing solution proposed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar, in preparation for our big trip to the Hill to lobby our Representatives and Senators. In a nutshell, the IPI would tie drug prices in the U.S. to drug prices in foreign countries. Under such a policy, U.S. policy makers would unilaterally adjust American drug prices to match a composite of drug prices in countries such as Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In a word, we would be operating under the same socialist, single-payer systems those countries outlined above and be subject to the same consequences of health care rationing. The Department of HHS is proposing implementing IPI on a trial basis for 50% of Medicare Part B recipients. As FreedomWorks points out there is no way to ensure this “trial” will not impact the private market not to mention that such a rule making is outside HHS’s statutory authority.

So after becoming armed with the facts and a lesson on how to lobby we headed up to the Hill in solidarity in our FreedomWorks shirt. Upon arrival we broke up into nine groups and with our group leader walked from office to office to meet with the healthcare policy staffers of our state representatives and senators. My group consisted of Florida and Georgia. While we only secured an appointment with Senator Rick Scott’s staffer, we were able to meet with staffers from Senator Marco Rubio’s office, Representative Vern Buchanan’s (R-GA) office and believe it or not, Mike Lee’s office (that was my idea). Representative Mast’s staffer was not available however we left a left a one-page handout for follow up by FreedomWorks.

We were encouraged to learn that all the staffers we met shared our concerns about the proposed IPI and non-free market legislation being put forth by the House and the Senate. Rich Scott’s staff was somewhat of an exception given Senator Rick Scott has co-sponsored S977 which would apply the IPI to the entire healthcare market for a period of five years. I suppose it’s somewhat better than Senator Sanders and Representative Elijah Cummings legislation to introduce the same proposal indefinitely; consequences be dammed!

By 5:30 pm my feet were killing me and I was ready to head out. We piled back on the buses for a barbecue dinner at the Hill Country Barbecue. This was followed by a keynote speech from Steven Moore, FreedomWorks Senior Economic Contributor, former economic advisor to the President and nominee to hold a seat on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Moore has also been a guest at the PBC Tea Party and a personal friend of the Tea Party. As always Moore gave an invigorating speech that ended with a standing round of applause.

The next day we were back at it at 7:30 am starting with our good friend Reverend CL Bryant. This was followed by a discussion on criminal justice reform from FreedomWorks VP of Legislative Affairs, Jason Pye and FreedomWorks Federal Affairs Manager, Sarah Anderson. Next, we had a Q&A on immigration with Representative John Hostettler (R-IN), Robert Henneke, General Counsel and Director for the Center for The America Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and Joshua Trevino.

Finally, Daniel Ashworth, counsel from the office of Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) taught us everything we need to know about rebate reform and the pharmaceutical companies Pharmacy Rebate Manager (PRM) program. For those of you like me who are unfamiliar with this program allow me to explain. A PRM is a third-party administrator of prescription drug programs for commercial health plans, self-insured employer plans, Medicare Part D plans, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and state government employee plans. In short, PBM companies negotiate with drug manufacturers on behalf of government health plans and private and employer-based insurance plans on prices. Ultimately, the deals they strike determine the availability and prices of prescription drugs for more than 266 million Americans. PRMs are exempt from anti-trust legislation in the form of a rebates at every step in bringing drugs to the market and ultimately to the consumer. The intent of the program is to lower prices for the consumer. Notably, PRM operations are hidden from public view and the legislators. No surprise PRMS have been accused of pocketing most of the money from the rebates (or should I say kickbacks) rather than passing the savings on to the consumer. It’s no surprise that the PRM program coupled with the reduced drug prices for foreign countries U.S. consumers pay high prices for their drugs.

If you like you can replicate our lobbying efforts, I encourage you to phone or email our congressmen’s healthcare policy staffers and politely tell them that you oppose Secretary of HHS Alex Azar’s International Price Index proposal as well as any legislation introduced to reduce drug prices that is not based on the principles of a free market.

Health Care Policy Staffer DC Phone Email Address
Sarah Miller for Rep Brian Mast 202.225.3026
Ansley Rhyne for Sen Marco Rubio 202.224.3041
Jon Foltz for Sen Rick Scott 202.224.5274

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