Common Core Discussion Coming to Jupiter


PROGRAM: An In Depth Discussion on Common Core and its adverse effects on our children and grandchildren

SPEAKER: Janet Campbell – Florida Stop Common Core Coalition

DATE: Monday, November 4, 2013

TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches $13, tax and gratuity included, Cash Bar)
6:30 PM Meeting (no charge)

PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458

DIRECTIONS: Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.

Please RSVP so we we are prepared to accommodate you.


Boca Chapter to Discuss Affordable Care Act



Come join us in a lively debate about ObamaCare.

Pro: Rabbi Barry M.Silver, public interest and personal injury attorney.

Con: Marion Frank, Practice Manager for private anesthesia group and National Co-Chair for the Docs 4 Patient Care Alliance

DATE: Wednesday, November 6, 2013
TIME: 7:00 PM.

Doors open at 6:30 PM

PLACE: Palm Beach County Library, West Boca Branch,
18685 State Rd. 7, Boca Raton, FL 33498. Phone: 561-470-1600

DIRECTIONS:  I-95 to Exit 48 (Yamato Rd.). West on Yamato Rd. to State Road 7.  Right onto State Road 7. Library is the first left.
Florida Turnpike to exit 81 (FL 806, W. Atlantic Ave.). At the end of the exit ramp turn right (westbound). Drive west to State Road 7. Left onto State Road 7. Library is approximately 4 miles on the west (right side) between Clint Moore and Yamato Roads.


The Republican Party, Embracing the “extremists” or heading towards Manor Care…… Take your pick…

Yesterday I posted a poem entitled “The Bad Old Days” , for those people NOT enamoured with poetry it represented a puzzle of sorts —- and then the illustration included was a bit puzzling. The woman depicted is wearing the “female body armor” for the 1950’s. The tight “hourglass girdle”, garters (often made of steel) that no doubt dug into the tender flesh and the pointy brassiere. I remember that I had an aunt who wore this concoction. As a five year old, my curiosity got the best of me and I poked the tip of one of her massive horizontal pyramids, hard, and was promptly removed to the “corner” —- we did not have “time out”.

But no, the good days were not always so good. I recently read an article by David Frum entitled “A tea party exit would be a blessing for GOP”. For those of you who don’t know, David Frum was a special assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2002. Hmmmm……

Lets take a look at that. What would the Republican Party look like without the so called “extremists”? Well I have one idea…… maybe an all white supper gathering at a Manor Care Assisted Living Facility for sure. (Not to put down Manor Care, they provided me with one of my first jobs in college and paid me very well —- I happen to like older people, they tend to have insight — good and bad as well as interesting stories, but I digress. )

Where would the energy come from with these “middle of the roaders”? Probably from the Democrat truck running it down in the middle of the road.

I went to one such luncheon last week (I normally choose a table in the back so I can slip out, but unfortunately I am usually the only 5’11” Black woman in stilettos under a certain age at these gatherings so they often catch me and return me to my seat). The guys at the table next to me were entering that comatose level of sleep. The woman across from me was enjoying a nap and the kids that came with their high school teacher were looking as though they would have rather taken a whipping. The subject of this meeting? Who knows…… the speaker was monotone. He warned against “extremism” and argued for “conservative pragmatism”. He told the crowd, now half asleep, that Chris Christie would be the next president….. to which one of the boys at the high school table “whispered” “Oh, the guy who looks like he swallowed a space ship”? They started laughing. Ah, the youth, they are so …. youthful. They don’t have a clue how this will be “rammed through”.

One could argue that George Washington was the original “insurgent extremist”, he fought against a tyrannical “mother” government (England) -and then he had the audacity to lead that “rogue government” (America). Then you have the “fringe” of colonial days —- the colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule for example…

But the most extreme of all extremists are: John Adams, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin. Those “bad boyz” , what did they do?

>John Adams assisted Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776, among other “extremist” activities, this could either be considered the cornerstone of the formation of our country or a “treasonous document” of extremism. Take your pick.

>James Madison is hailed as the “Father of the Constitution” for being instrumental in the drafting of the United States Constitution and as the key champion and author of the United States Bill of Rights. Those “meanie nasty NRA loving old Bill of Rights”, that make it possible to practice what is left of our free speech, the right to own a gun, and other “extreme stuff” such as the right to a speedy trial …… This could be considered a protection of our rights as a citizens, or rampant obstructionism. Take your pick.

>Benjamin Franklin Franklin earned the title of “The First American” for his early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity; as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to France, he exemplified the emerging American nation.Franklin was foundational in defining the American ethos as a marriage of the practical values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment.Wiki

Franklin would have been the “big dog” so to speak of the “home-grown” terrorists. He would have been called the “extremist’s” extremist. He was a flinty obstructionist. A non-conformist. Or maybe a brilliant statesman, take your pick.

>Not mentioned is the “Head Extremist in Charge” good old Abraham Lincoln. Who, along with his “fringe boy” cohorts found a way to kill the practice of slavery while uniting the country. His Gettysburg Address of 1863 became the most quoted speech in American history. It was an iconic statement of America’s dedication to the principles of nationalism, republicanism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy. Another “extreme document” or an important document for our Republic. Take your pick.

These people would have been purged from the rungs of this hypothetical new party suggested by Frum, the new quiet party, who are “fiscally conservative but socially liberal” — “all about money and nothing else party”. One of the things that you realize when letting people talk or write, they reveal themselves loud and clear. Frum posits: “Some yearn for a third party representing the Michael Bloomberg center: fiscally conservative and socially liberal like the New York City mayor.”

I have never heard ANYONE “wax poetic” about having David Bloomberg as a president. But then I am not allowed in the circles that Frum travels……..

So, for those people who view disagreement as “extremism”, and wish to return to the good old “checkered pants” Republican days, remember, the world is passing you by. When you listen to the Democrat party tell you what you need to do as a Republican, that is like listening to the opposite team in a football game tell you how to score the winning touchdown.

And by the way, the advice they give is the reason why there are virtually no people of color/non-majority ethnicity representing the Republican party on the state or federal level. And virtually no women. Everytime I mention this, I get the tired old mantra “We look at the content of their character, not the color of their skin or gender”. Does this mean Blacks/Hispanics/Asians and women have no character? Its is all a matter of perspective…. isn’t it?

One man’s extremism is another’s way to the future. Where would we have been without it. Certainly not in the USA.

Debt Limit 101

Talk of a Constitutional Convention at Wellington

We had another packed house for the Wellington Chapter meeting on Oct. 14th. We welcomed several first timers to our Tea Party, as well as about a dozen veterans. As you are aware, the Tea Party has a special place in our hearts for veterans of all wars. The concern for the future of our country is at a fever pitch, so we gave all our participants a chance to voice their opinions.

Our Chapter Leader, Marion Frank, began the meeting with a Cliff Notes version of Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. Mark contends that Article 5 of the Constitution states that an alternate way of amending the Constitution is to convene a Convention of States to propose amendments, thus circumventing Congress. Mark proposes 11 amendments, including term limits for Congress and Supreme Court Justices, limiting federal spending and taxes, limit federal bureaucracy, promote free enterprise, to protect the vote and Mark’s favorite to grant the States authority to directly amend the Constitution.

While Marion was speaking, many in the audience were wondering how we could possibly get 34 states to convene a convention. That brought us to our guest speaker, former chairwoman for the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Pam Wohlschlegel. Pam recently joined a new organization called Citizens for Self-Governance. This organization was started by Mark Meckler, one of the co-founders of Tea Party Patriots. Mark Meckler began working on a project called Convention of States at the same time he found out that Mark Levin was working on his book. It appears the ideas of the two “Marks” are coming together in perfect harmony. Meckler’s organization is actually putting together the people and resources to get the conventions going in 40 states. It was so exciting to hear Pam talk about the details of this genius plan.

The final portion of the meeting was dedicated to whatever our audience wanted to talk about. Two of the topics we talked about the most were how can the Tea Party reach out to more veterans and how can we reach young voters, mainly college students. One of our first timers, Christopher Ryan, an entrepreneur of 27 years old, shared his thoughts about why we are having such problems getting to the youth of this country. We are committed to finding new ways to reach out to veterans and young voters. We are going to target our future meetings to achieve those objectives.

Overall, it was an extremely informative and enlightening meeting. Our next Wellington Chapter will meet on November 14th at 7:00 PM at Total Wine.

  • Marion Frank Marion Frank
  • Wellington Chapter Wellington Chapter
  • CD 18 candidate Ilyla Katz with Mel Grossman CD 18 candidate Ilyla Katz with Mel Grossman
  • Carlos Muhletaler of Americans for Prosperity Carlos Muhletaler of Americans for Prosperity


The Sequester, the Budget Process, and OMNIBUS Legislation

It is a shock to see both the SENATE and the PRESIDENT recommend Bill of Attainder to do away with the HOUSE of Representatives constitutionally mandated process.

The US constitutional Budget Process MUST originate in and by the will of the people, as represented in the House of Representatives.

The Budget Process was never an all or none process until the lazy SENATE imposed its will over the HOUSE back in the 1960’s for the entire Government Budget to be presented at one time so they all could go home early.

Over time, the OMNIBUS legislation process has corrupted the entire congress beyond recognition as Congress critters in both the House and the Senate routinely add not related projects and huge PORK spending to a Federal Budget Bill and that now has institutionalized government funding PORK without representation.

Since the 17th Amendment, the Senate has had too much opportunity to corrupt the Congressional processes and this has come to pass.

The HOUSE is charged with representing the People and the people do not want OBAMACARE. The People want equal protection under the Constitution and the sitting president is the most seditious in history, against constitutional process.
When OMNIBUS legislation process initially became popular, the call for a Presidential line item veto was heard but never answered.


The SENATE has all but forgotten its Constitutional charge to act in the best interests of their respective states, after all, 36 STATES HAVE ELECTED NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN OBAMACARE.

A Bill of Attainder is unconstitutionally directed by the President and the Senate at the HOUSE, without the will of the People. Sovereignty is the casualty.

In Jupiter, Seven50 Presentation Becomes Town Hall

Last evening, the Jupiter chapter hosted a presentation by Phyliss Frey of the American Coalition 4 Property Rights, on the regional planning protocol known as “Seven50”.

Background: The title stands for “Seven Counties, 50 Years”, and is a work product in the area of “Regional Plans for Sustainable Development”, funded by a $4.6M HUD grant in 2010. A consortium, the developers of Seven50 formed the “South Florida Regional Partnership” to help create, support and implement the plan. Participants include local governments and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) through membership in the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) and the South Florida RPC. The plan attempts to address how to manage an expected 50% growth in population (from 6M to 9M) in the seven target counties of Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe. They have analyzed housing density, mass transit, diversity, planning and zoning and other regional attributes. The underlying assumption is a future of global climate change and rising sea levels, scarcity of energy and water, and challenges to “food security” among other things. The group’s proposals are considered advisory by many of the city and county jurisdictions that indirectly support it. Their work product can be viewed at

Our guest speaker is a leader in the movement to challenge this planning protocol, and along with others associated with the American Coalition 4 Property Rights and many tea party activists, sees regional planning consortiums (they are all over the country, spurred on by HUD grants) as a threat to our way of life.

In her presentation, Ms. Frey used several very professional videos to make the case that the Seven50 plan would move us toward “stack ’em and pack ’em” high rise dwellings, the end of the suburbs, clusters of development along rail routes and elimination of local and county planning and zoning authority in favor of super-regional control.

Going back to the origins of “Sustainable Development” starting with the UN “Agenda 21”, she profiled the federal government’s role in implementation, starting with an executive order by George H. W. Bush, and expansion through every administration since. The Obama team has ratcheted it up a notch, using the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and HUD (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) to promulgate a set of rules that require “neighborhood diversity” defined racially rather than economically, limits on resource use, and strings attached to federal grants flowing to local communities.

A test case and clear warning bell is provided by Westchester County, NY. A video of County Executive Rob Astorino, describing the federal lawsuits that county is struggling with, and his vow to fight back against federal overreach was a most compelling argument.

Invited to the meeting to hear the “other” side of the issue were our district 1 county commissioner Hal Valeche, Mayor Bert Premuroso and Councilman Joe Russo of Palm Beach Gardens. After the speaker made the point several times that MOUs (“Memorandums Of Understanding”) executed by local commissions and councils have limited their defense against the attacks on the local planning and zoning autonomy, Commissioner Valeche thought he needed to set the record straight. Taking the microphone to explain that the PBC commission is not constrained by Seven50 or the TCRPC, but look to groups like that as consultants and advisors. Some issues really need a regional perspective he said – like inter-county rail projects or large developments near county borders. He used the example of Avenir – the proposed development for the Vavrus Ranch in Palm Beach Gardens, as an example where TCRPC is being asked to help by collecting input from the region’s residents about such a large development in the western county.

Gardens councilman Joe Russo expanded on that, and explained that regional planning really did have a hand in developments like Abacoa, but state law has changed and it is now local rules that prevail. The Avenir development will be a decision for the Gardens Council, not the TCRPC.

Both Valeche and Russo left us with the impression that these kind of radical proposals as discussed by the speaker can happen, but only if we (and our local elected officials) let it.

At this point the meeting had become a “Town Hall” with both Hal and Phyliss taking questions from the audience.

Many were not buying that Seven50 was not a major threat though, and several called for Hal to get the PBC commission to “opt out” of Seven50, much the way that Indian River County and the city of Vero Beach have. Hal declined, saying such a motion would not pass in the current commission, and although this may be an issue in the future, currently he does not see it as an immediate issue in Palm Beach County. At one point it got raucus enough that Joel Channing, a PBCTP member who is close to the Gardens Council and is a leader in the PGA Corridor Association, made the point that “these guys are really heros” (the commissioner and councilmen) and were being unfairly criticized.

Also present at the meeting were candidates for CD18 Ellen Andel and Ilya Katz, CD21 candidate (against Ted Deutch) Henry Colon, and Senate 32 candidate Brandon Cannon (a Republican challenging Joe Negron).

  • Phyliss Frey Phyliss Frey Amercian Coalition 4 Property Rights
  • Mark Gotz Mark Gotz American Coalition 4 Property Rights
  • Terry Gallagher, Mel Grossman, Jim Hunter, Laureen Hunter Terry Gallagher, Mel Grossman, Jim Hunter, Laureen Hunter
  • Bill Robinson Bill Robinson
  • Virginia and John Brooks Virginia and John Brooks
  • Phyliss Frey and Commissioner Hal Valeche Phyliss Frey and Commissioner Hal Valeche
  • Phyliss Frey, Commissioner Hal Valeche, Janet Campbell Phyliss Frey, Commissioner Hal Valeche, Janet Campbell


What not to give out a Republican Convention

Good Monday Evening!

5; 32; 23.5; 44. Numbers to Remind the Republican Party to “Keep it Classy”……

I occasionally stop at at the local establishment called Joseph’s Market on the way home. There are so many aromas, so many sumptuous foods. Actually, when I see so many types of good looking foods, I really get confused and end up buying a couple of tomatoes and some cheese. Or one slice of pizza, or both. But one thing I notice actually FLIES off of the shelves……. The rice cakes. They must be “delish” but I think I will pass. I hardly ever see men purchasing this “treat” — it is invariably a woman.

It is as important for a woman to look good to herself as well as to men. From an early age, it is hammered into a woman’s head the importance of her pulchritude. A recent study in Great Britain involving 500 girls between the ages of 11 and 17 found that the widespread lack of physical confidence has led to girls spending an average of 42 minutes a day working on their appearance, choosing outfits and applying make-up – almost as much time as they spend doing homework.More than half of the girls studied said they would be happier if they were more physically attractive.

Remember the commercial “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful”? Could you imagine a man cozying up to the camera with his lips puckered saying “Don’t hate me because I’m cute” ….. Nope.

Which brings me to another area, it is important for a woman to stay YOUNG. Especially for a woman! When a woman is asked about getting older the response will likely be “Oh, no, I don’t want to get old. No, thanks, I’d rather be dead.” The almost unanimous verdict? Some women would rather die early than get old enough so they weren’t beautiful any more. Its a pretty sensitive topic, if you ask me.

So….. no need to beleaguer this point anymore…..Women have always payed a great deal of attention to their looks. In fact a woman’s appearance can, from an early age, influence the type of day she has; the type of life she achieves.

So lets go back to the numbers: 5; 32; 23.5; 44

>Only 5 percent of the women in America are Blonde. Yet most advertisements feature blondes.

>Only 32 percent of the women in America do not qualify in the “overweight or above” category. Yet the standard for the media makes this group appear to be in the majority.

>Only 23.5 percent of women in America are between 18 and 35. You would never know this fact since this statistical group appears EVERYWHERE.

>Only 44 percent of women voted Republican in the last election.

So………. What DON’T you do when you are losing the female vote? Well …….. hmmmmmmm………. I think you don’t make folly of her “thick” thighs, her small breasts, and her lack of definition in her arms. You might risk offending MOST of the women by that little blunder. It might be the equivalent of a white person showing up in “Black Face” to a Black History gala – a little uncomfortable feeling might come over you. Among other things.

Making “hay “out of the looks of 75% of women can NOT be a winning strategy. And that bit of advice is free.. and valuable…


A Thought Before Turning In:

This morning we woke up to the fact that the shut-down is still going on. It will end when it is supposed to. A man immolates himself in the near the capital as pictures show joggers frantically trying to put out the flames. The man lighted himself on fire just a few blocks from where federal agents killed Miriam Carey after a car chase from the White House to the Capitol. And Washington Navy Yard, where Aaron Alexis shot and killed 12 people last month, is just over two miles away. Chaos.

Within this chaos, we have a president and minority leader of the House vilifying members of an opposition party (Republicans) by building violent images such as “guns to the head” while referring to them as anarchists, terrorists, jihadists, extremists and insurgents. All the while denying access to elderly veterans wanting to visit the monuments that their valor, large or small helped to create.

We have a health care act that only a minority of the people wanted but still passed by one party. We have exemptions for the friends of the”Ruler” of the country, while others are made to pay. We have members of the Republican Party so afraid that people will hate them, that they are willing to admit they had no convictions to begin with. they just wanted the “big job”. And they don’t understand that hating is one thing but the same people will now loathe them because they will throw in the towel and throw their fellow Republicans under the bus.
History never loved cowards and neither do the people.

As we ponder “outreach” to “minorities”, fight one another and “try to be good”, time marches on. And it is not on our side.

I read the biography of the DeBlasio family, soon to be mayor of New York, unless something changes. You have a far left politician, married to a black woman. The wife is out and honest about it,she is a lesbian/bisexual several years his senior. Pictures showing them shaking their boootay’s in the West Indian Day Parade, celebrating and celebrated with/by members of their party form a stark contrast to the vile excoriation my husband and I (as well as other conservative Blacks) are subjected to by both the some on the right and most on the left.

As we ponder who is next in line and we fool ourselves into believing the hype, the polls, and the glossolalia telling us that we are “winning”, time marches on. The sea of change starkly represented by two races, one in New York and the other in New Jersey should become the sign post up ahead.

Time marches on. The train has left the station and we did not get on board. We must strike a balance, take a stand, practice loyalty, find a unifying set of ideals and stand together or the party will disappear and eventually so will the Republic.

“You are fortunate to have your misfortunes.”

“You are fortunate to have your misfortunes.”

I had a discussion with a co-worker this morning who spoke about his daughter’s friends and how one of them received a BMW 7 series for his 16th birthday. My eldest daughter attended an exclusive private school also, her friends drove Mercedes, Hummers, and BMW’s — all tricked out. Her best friend at the time received a Mercedes 450 SL two seater sports car along with her PERMIT in the 10th grade. I got a lot of blow-back because I told my daughter that I don’t know the Jones family so I have no desire to keep up with them. (smile) I have another story to tell…..about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a young person “not lucky” to have any of these luxury cars but instead is making her own “luck”. And for that, she might be the luckiest of all:

A wise man visited Portland Oregon last month. His name is Justice Clarence Thomas.

“You are fortunate to have your misfortunes.” These were the words that he told to a young woman by the name of Dakota Garza. And no, she is not a Republican, she is a registered Democrat.

Life is never as cut and dry as party lines appear to be, sometimes we forget this fact when the words of violence and vilification tend to be the norm in our political arena. But I digress. They both, Thomas and Garza grew up in hard times. Thomas, who has written about his early life, was abandoned by his father and grew up in a life of poverty in Pin Point Georgia.

Garza’s father died of a drug overdose when she was 2. She and her mother were homeless by the time she was 8. Garza does not have a relationship with her mother.

By her senior year of high school, Garza lived alone in an apartment and worked at Old Navy to support herself. She earned a 3.5 grade point average and could not afford college until she won a $20,000 Horatio Alger Association scholarship and a trip to the organization’s 2011 conference in Washington D.C.

That is where she met her guardian angel in the form of one Clarence Thomas. She invited him to eat at her table, he first declined but changed his mind. She told him about representing herself in court at the age of 16 to emancipate herself from her errant mother – she could not afford a lawyer but knew she had to save herself. She wanted a chance for herself and sometimes we have to let go of toxic relationships in order to move on to better things.

After lunch, Thomas gave Garza his phone number and email address. He told her to contact him if she ever needed anything.

She emailed him after the luncheon, thanking him and writing of her intention to attend the University of Portland. She told him that she wanted to attend Portland because it had the area’s best nursing school. Garza wants to help people and as a result of her tough times growing up, she wanted to make sure that she had a career in which she would have a good chance of steady employment. For those who grow up insecure in their means, security is a must.

Calls were made by Justice Thomas, himself, to make sure that between his association, scholarships and the like, Garza was able to make up whatever shortfall she might have financially. They worked out a deal to cover Garza’s tuition for all four years. Thomas also introduced Garza to a family for whom she nannies to pay for other expenses.

Justice Thomas, a humble man who gained a reputation among legal scholars as perhaps the most conservative justice of the last century: He once wrote that the Constitution gives states a right to establish an official religion, and that teenagers have no right to free speech. He’s compared affirmative action to slavery and segregation, and he is right.

Justice Thomas, who has been excoriated by misguided and uninformed Blacks and Whites alike as an “Uncle Tom”,(as well as other ugly things) has been the one to reach across the aisle to give a “hand up” rather than and “hand out” to a younger generational soulmate who was “fortunate to have her misfortunes.”

Fly high Dakota Garza.

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