The FairTax Act

The current tax code has been grossly manipulated to reward elite interests. Compliance has become increasingly difficult and expensive. The federal income tax is extremely unfair to wage earning Americans and the average citizen of your district. Your leadership is imperative and is respectfully requested on this important issue.

The Fair Tax is fair to all Americans, and simple to understand. The Fair Tax bill represents an idea whose time has come. National polls show that more than two-thirds of Americans want fundamental tax reform. I am one of those Americans. I live, work, and vote in your district. I am personally requesting your support for the Fair Tax.

I ask you seriously to consider the Fair Tax for the following reasons:  

The Fair Tax Act offers long-needed tax relief to all Americans; allows us to keep 100 percent of our paycheck; allows families to save more for home ownership, education, and retirement; protects and ensures funding of Social Security and Medicare; empowers the low-income earners; puts choice and control back in the hands of every American; stimulates economic growth; removes hidden taxes; eliminates the Internal Revenue Service; and stimulates job creation and taxes ALL Americans fairly.

I urge you to become fully informed about the Fair Tax bill through Americans for Fair Taxation ( They can be reached at 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829).

January Wellington Chapter: Seven/50

PROGRAM: An In Depth Discussion on Seven/50 (Agenda 21) and its adverse effects on our property rights and way-of-life.
Speaker: Janet Campbell, Seven/50 activist and Tea Party member.

DATE: Monday, January 13, 2014

TIME:  7:00 PM.

Doors open at 6:30 PM

PLACE: Total Wine & More, Shoppes at Isla Verde, 960 S State Road 7, Wellington, FL ‎33414, (561) 795-9229 Total Wine & More

DIRECTIONS: Take FL-80 W/US-98/Southern Blvd/State Road 80 W to US-441 S/FL-7 N.

Bear right onto the ramp to US-441 S/FL-7 N.

Turn left (south) onto State Road 7/US-441

Go 0.6 miles to signal light at entrance of Shoppes at Isla Verde.

Turn left at signal light into shopping center.


Please RSVP with the button below:

so we are prepared to accommodate you.






                Call: 561.921.5298

Vero Beach Mayor Fletcher on Seven50

Tea Party vs. Regional Planning

School Board Member Marcia Andrews and Common Core

It was a packed room to hear District 6 School Board Member Marcia Andrews at Wellington’s Total Wine & More on Monday.

The Common Core Standards are an attempt to unify K-12 education across the nation around a set of grade-specific core skills, ostensibly aimed at raising the worldwide competitiveness of American students. Unfortunately, the devil is in the details, and much anecdotal evidence has surfaced that when the standards are translated into curricula, they represent a “fundamental transformation” that many would argue is not needed or wanted.

Implementation of the standards in Florida was mandated by then Governor Charlie Crist in 2010 and has been rolled out in kindergarten and first grade, with movement to the higher grades about to begin. As they roll out, opposition has been growing across the state, prompting Governor Scott to reject the assessment part of the program called PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers), leaving open the question of how assessment in the state will proceed. This, and the move to slow things down while the debate continues, shared by Ms. Andrews and others on the School Board and in the state-wide Florida School Board Association, has the possibility to create chaos in K-12 education as teachers are trained, materials are adopted and the rollout continues in the face of a groundswell of opposition.

Ms. Andrews and District Director of Secondary Education Diana Feldman gave the group an overview of history and plans for Common Core in Florida, and fielded many questions from the floor regarding required reading lists, data collection on students, the autonomy of local teachers to shape the curriculum in their classroom, and other hot-button issues.

Although few who have formed positions regarding Common Core would have been swayed by the session, it was informative and gave us the impression that the School Board is listening.

Veteran’s Day Parade on Clematis

The Palm Beach County Tea Party participated in the 2013 annual Veteran’s Day Parade in West Palm Beach.

Some pictures from Ed and Julie:


Tea Party Leader’s Meeting




Dear Fellow Tea Party Members:

You are invited to attend the next Tea Party Leaders’ Meeting.

PROGRAM: There is no speaker. The “Leaders’ Meeting” provides all interested members an opportunity to participate in the discussion of future Tea Party objectives, long and short range goals and activities (and anything else on their mind).

DATE: Tuesday, December 10, 2013

TIME: 6:00 PM

PLACE: Okeechobee Boulevard Branch Library
5689 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL. (561) 233-1880

DIRECTIONS: I-95 to Exit 70 (Okeechobee Blvd.). West on Okeechobee Blvd. 3.5 miles, past Haverhill Road. Library will be on your right, next to Dunkin Donuts.

Or Florida’s Turnpike to Exit 99 (Okeechobee Blvd.). East on Okeechobee Blvd.  0.25 miles to library on Left next to Dunkin Donuts.


We recommend you RSVP and arrive early since seating is limited.

We hope to see you there.

If this email went to someone else and you want your own copy, go to REGISTER

The Truth on Page 34552

“The Devil is in the Details or Simply Buried on Page 34552 Federal Register/ Vol. 75, No. 116 / Thursday, June 17, 2010 / Rules and Regulations.”

Section 1251 of the Affordable Care Act contains what’s called a “grandfather” provision that, in theory, allows people to keep their existing plans if they like them. But subsequent regulations from the Obama administration interpreted that provision so narrowly as to prevent most plans from gaining this protection.Forbes

I had to verify this as a fact and it will be re-printed for your reading pleasure. So it is a fact, we have been snookered, “sham-wowed” or however you might describe this latest deception. They knew all along that this rubbish or twaddle of a “health care” act was never designed to function in the manner that it was sold. I don’t want to paraphrase or leave out any of the telling facts so I will print the words of this deception verbatim from page Page 34552 Federal Register:

“These estimates are extended through 2013 by assuming that the identical percentage of plan sponsors will relinquish
grandfathering in each year. Again, to the extent that the 2008–2009 data reflect plans that are more likely to
make frequent changes in cost sharing, this assumption will overestimate the number of plans relinquishing grandfather status in 2012 and 2013. Under this assumption, the
Departments’ mid-range estimate is that 66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will
relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013. The low-end estimates are for 49 percent and 34 percent of
small and large employer plans, respectively, to have relinquished grandfather status, and the high-end estimates are 80 percent and 64 percent, respectively.”

So……… on June 17, 2010 they knew that on the high side 80 percent of small business and 64 percent of large employers would relinquish their plans thus separating the American worker from his/her health care plan in the implementation year of 2013 or as we call it in “everyday language” —— NOW.

So much for “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan”.

The the Rose Garden Presidential infomercial is reminiscent of “There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase often credited to P. T. Barnum. And the sucker would be those who believed, against their own common sense, the American who allowed themselves to believe….

In this age of Amazon, Apple and other well working, slick and efficient computer info systems, the administration developed the technological version of the Edsel. For those “car buffs”, Ford Motor Company decided it needed another car line to compete against General Motors and in the spring of 1957, they began what was thought to be a highly successful ad campaign, “The Edsel is Coming”. But nobody could see this mystery car, just a glimpse of a hood ornament. Anyone involved with the Edsel was sworn to secrecy not to leak a word about what was being claimed to be a radically new and innovative motor car. For those who did buy an Edsel found that the car was plagued with shoddy workmanship. Many of the vehicles that showed up at the dealer showroom had notes attached to the steering wheel listing the parts not installed. It failed.

So in the end, what was done in the dark is exposed when the light is shined. The lies are being exposed but unfortunately most of this is either going to be buried by the next scandalous episode or simply ignored by those who believe the perfect smile with the beautiful dentures.

Still God is in charge:

Luke 8:17
New International Version

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”

Have a wonderful day.

America the Peaceful…. for How Long? Not Long.

America the Peaceful…. for How Long? Not Long.

While we live in relative peace , much of the world does not. In many places of America, violence abounds, with much of the violence exacerbated by the media. But as we take our morning walk, it is unlikely that we will live in fear of either being assaulted physically, verbally or touched by war of any kind.

“Peace lies at the center of being able to manage the transition, simply because peace creates the optimum environment in which the other activities that contribute to human growth can take place. In this sense, peace is a facilitator making it easier for workers to produce businesses to sell, entrepreneurs and scientists to innovate and governments to regulate.” Time

Yes, as long as people feel free to reasonably exercise their individual rights as citizens and as adults, chances of peace will be higher. People who feel coerced, lied to, used and powerless create inner conflict, not compliance —- therefore leading to violence either physically or emotionally —- in other words “lack of peace”.

So what causes this potential “lack of peace”?

Is peace also dictated by socio-economic circumstances? Most definitely. If you think of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, at the base, the most fundamental four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called “deficiency needs” or “d-needs”: esteem, friendship and love, security, and physical needs. If these “deficiency needs” are not met – with the exception of the most fundamental (physiological) need – there may not be a physical indication, but the individual will feel “anxious, angry, powerless and tense.” Maslow’s theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs.

OK so what does this mean? Simply much of the conflict that we experience will arise from man’s perceived inability to provide for the basic functions of life —- either for himself or his family. (When I say His —- I can mean male or female — whichever would be the “head” of such household).

If these lower needs are not met, we recon in the “anti-social” behavior presented in those films I posted yesterday. The “irresponsible, hyper-sexual” male (of any race) dropping his seed in any “baby-momma” and proudly proclaiming “I got 5 kids by 4 baby mommas”; the wretched women proclaiming that “someone needs to take responsibility for” the multitude of children they have produced from their wombs.

The powerlessness is also illustrated by the lines to get vouchers for “Section 8” housing. I was ashamed for them as they raced like animals to the door as it opened early for only 100 homes. I owned a real estate search service in New York. Simple thing. I was in graduate school, had a computer, got access to the internet and had a separate phone line. Investment: $250.00 First month’s profit? $8750.00. Most of it was from Section 8 searches. I am a pretty “dry eyed and unsentimental ” businesswoman, but it occurred to me that most of them paid me more to find a compatible place than I paid to start the business which paid for my college loans in a matter of two years. Thier poverty extended to the poverty of spirit and imagination so they became permanent “takers” who never learned to become “makers”. The infantilization and dependency of entire generations.

So what, Angela, they are just lazy, stupid. Somewhat, but as humans we tend to perform tasks that at pleasurable and positively enforced. For example: Almost 6 million young people are neither in school nor working, according to a study released Monday.

That’s almost 15 percent of those aged 16 to 24 who have neither desk nor job, according to The Opportunity Nation coalition, which wrote the report.

Other studies have shown that idle young adults are missing out on a window to build skills they will need later in life or use the knowledge they acquired in college. Without those experiences, they are less likely to command higher salaries and more likely to be an economic drain on their communities.

So what? They can’t find a job and “Our Prez” said they can be dependent until they are 26! Yep, they can stay on your health care until the age of 26. Why 26? Simply because that is roughly 5 years or one-half a decade! after finishing college for most people. The dependency habit will be enforced by then. And believe me, this is only a one or two generational thing because this dependency generation might never have insurance for THEIR OWN children to use until the advanced age of 26.

I always tell my kids that I am not raising children. I am raising future adults. I am tough, perhaps hardened by experience — in fact some people actually realize that Allen is the real “softie” in our family. But we stand firm on one thing.

Proverbs 22:6
King James Version (KJV)
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

We are not perfect, the kids are not perfect. But no man, woman, boy or girl of any race/color or creed ever felt good about a “hand-out” instead of a “hand-up”.



Welcome home our Greatest Generation from a day visiting the WWII Memorial in Washington DC. Bring your smiles, wear your patriotic colors, bring signs, balloons. To see the smiles on our heroes faces when we greet them is simply priceless. Flight lands approximately 8:20pm but please be at the airport no later than 8:00pm.


Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 2:00pm Please join us as we line the streets for the Annual Veterans Day Parade. The Parade begins promptly at 2:00 pm Clematis Street and ends at Centennial Square West Palm Beach. If your organization or group would like to be part of the parade, please contact Andrea Plescia, who will provide an application.


Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 10:00am We will be placing wreaths at each grave site at the South Florida National Cemetery. Volunteers needed for placement of wreaths (12/14). To donate please go online at $15 will buy one wreath for a grave. $30 will buy 3 wreaths for 3 graves.

For additional information about any of the events listed, please contact Andrea Plescia

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